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Ric перевод на французский

342 параллельный перевод
We were lucky. We just made it.
On a eu de la chance, c'était ric-rac.
- It's nip and tuck, sir.
- C'est ric-rac.
I am Malek Ric!
- Je suis Malek Ric!
You have no friends to protect you now, Malek Ric.
Tu n'as plus d'amis pour te protéger maintenant, Malek Ric.
Malek Ric.
Les Sarrasins. Malek Ric!
- Malek Ric.
Malek Ric.
( EL AKIR ) I have taken two prisoners - one of them, the king of the English, Malek Ric.
- J'ai capturé deux prisonniers. L'un d'eux est le roi d'Angleterre, Malek Ric.
Malek Ric? !
Malek Ric?
The sister of the Malek Ric, here for your command.
La soeur de Malek Ric. Ici pour vous obéir.
41st Colonial Infantry... the bar at Lyons...
Abel Maresco, 41e RIC. Le Cintra, Lyon!
You know, Ric, you are so remarkably gauche.
Rick, tu es d'une maladresse rare.
You're an adolescent imbecile, Ric.
Tu n'es qu'un imbécile immature.
I saw Mr. Ric's car outside.
J'ai vu la voiture, M. Rick est ici?
I can't wait to tell my brother, Ric.
Je meurs d'envie de le dire à Rick.
Karen, my sweet, as soon as we land, send a letter to my dear brother, Ric. He's on his way to the Casa Rojo in Acapulco.
Karen, mon chou, vous enverrez une lettre à mon cher frère Rick, à l'hôtel La Casa Rojo à Acapulco.
And Ric is not the type of person who would just turn up missing.
Rick n'a pas l'habitude de disparaître.
I'm sure something's happened to Ric.
Il est arrivé malheur à Rick.
And, evidently he expected Ric to be in Acapulco, too, because he sent this letter and a check for $ 5,000 as a wedding present.
Il le croyait aussi à Acapulco car il lui a envoyé une lettre et 5000 dollars.
Yeah, they weren't that close. Actually, Ric didn't even like him at all.
Ils n'étaient pas proches, Rick ne l'aimait pas.
See, Adrian ran it like a hobby, and Ric resented that.
Pour Adrian, c'était un passe-temps.
Ric wanted to sell the business so that we could get married.
Rick voulait vendre pour qu'on se marie.
It didn't make any difference to me, Lieutenant, because I'm very comfortable, but Ric felt...
Ça m'était égal, Lieutenant, parce que j'ai de l'argent. Mais Rick...
Mr. Ric is dead.
Monsieur Rick est mort.
" Ric, my brother, was a very special man.
"Mon frère était un homme d'exception"
That was, Ric would want you to work? Yeah.
Il voulait que le travail continue?
I'm good at that. I'm sorry about Mr. Ric, sir. We in the lab share your grief.
Vous avez les condoléances de tout le labo.
That's the way Ric would've wanted it.
- Rick l'aurait voulu.
Ric took too many chances.
Mais imprudent.
Uh, Karen, do you happen to recollect exactly which day, uh, Ric came to the office?
Vous rappelez-vous exactement le jour oû Rick est venu?
Unless he went into hiding for two days, and that certainly doesn't sound like Ric.
Sauf s'il s'est caché mais ce n'est pas son genre.
Yeah, let us for a moment hypothesize that Ric put the top up. But didn't fasten it because he was coming back to the car.
- Imaginons une minute qu'il ait relevé la capote sans la fixer, puisqu il allait revenir.
Was Ric any kind of a health fanatic? No.
Rick était-il fou de diététique?
Was Ric on any kind of a strange diet?
Suivait-il un régime?
Is there any reason why Ric wouldn't eat for days on end?
Faisait-il des jeûnes?
The medical examiner told me that Ric hadn't eaten anything for two days prior to his death.
Il n'avait rien pris depuis 2 jours avant sa mort.
Neither of us were here when Mr. Ric died.
Nous n'étions pas là ce jour-là.
Did you see Ric Carsini leave the winery on that Sunday?
Vous avez vu Rick quitter le domaine?
"'I saw Mr. Ric arrive at approximately 12 : 30, but I never saw him leave. "'
"M. Rick est arrivé à 12h30 mais je ne l'ai pas vu partir."
If you hadn't told me that you saw Ric leaving the winery that Sunday, quite frankly, I'd still have my suspicions.
Si vous n'aviez pas vu Rick partir dimanche, j'aurais encore des doutes.
You did have something to do with Mr. Ric's death, didn't you?
Vous êtes mêlé à la mort de M. Rick.
But there's a lot of money involved.
Mais il y a trop de f ric en jeu.
I don't care about the money.
Je me fiche du f ric.
He came to you, he took money and he left.
Il a pris ton f ric, et il est parti.
- My tailor is very "rich".
- My taylor is very "ric".
Cas- -
I don't care if you are short.
Je m'en fous que ce soit ric-rac.
Check this out. It ain't like I ain't got the money.
C'est pas comme si j'avais pas le f ric.
He put every dollar he had into that equipment. You just gonna fuck it up?
Il y a mis tout son f ric, et vous f outez tout en l'air?
making that long dough.
A voir un diplôme, f aire du f ric.
We operate on a shoestring for the first six months.
On fonctionne ric-rac pendant six mois. Ce sera super.

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