Set it down перевод на французский
405 параллельный перевод
Set it down anywhere and dust it off.
- Posez-la et époussetez-la. - Donne-moi ça.
And I do fear the unheeded consequence will be some danger, the which to prevent I have in quick determination thus set it down.
Un péril pour l'Etat, si l'on n'y veille. Voilà donc ma décision.
Set it down!
Set it down, you idiot!
Pose-le, idiot!
Down the bar near where I was sitting... Set it down in front of me.
Il s'est avancé vers le bar où j'étais assis, et a posé le gâteau devant moi
Set it down.
- Maman? - Pose-le.
Set it down.
Oh, set it down on the table.
Oh, pose ça sur la table.
Tell them to set it down anywhere.
N'importe, quelque part.
If anything happened, you could always set it down on the water.
En cas de problème, vous pourriez atterrir dans l'eau.
Yes, but the idea is not to set it down on the water.
Oui, mais il n'est pas question d'atterrir dans l'eau.
The idea is to set it down on Le Bourget Field in Paris.
Je veux atterrir sur la piste du Bourget, à Paris.
Just set it down here.
Posez-le par terre.
Set it down.
We can put a cable round it, and lift it up with a crane and set it down somewhere else.
- Vous! Pourquoi nous?
Why should I set it down? Does it bother you?
Ça t'ennuie si je le garde?
Set it down.
Nothing will ever make me set it down again.
Rien ne me la fera lâcher.
My head's too light to try to set it down
" Dormir! Quand tout en moi s'éveille
- Why did he not set it down?
Pourquoi ne te l'a-t-il pas transmis?
Set it down there.
Déposez ça là.
Oh, set it down,
Posez la table ainsi,
- No Set it down, would you?
Non. Repose-le.
Set it right down there.
- Mets tout là.
All right, set it down.
pose ça là.
I was just saying, if you'll just set down the tea, I'll try and drink it.
Je disais, posez le thé, je vais essayer de le boire.
It's wherever we set down this town.
- Ce sera là où on posera cette ville.
Get down there and set this fight with that Murdock crowd... and after you get it fixed, give me a call.
Organise un combat avec la bande à Murdock et appelle-moi quand c'est fait.
You know it struck me after I telephoned you. Rather cheek on my part asking... a busy architect like yourself to come down and spend the weekend with a set of complete strangers.
Je suis gêné de déranger un architecte occupé comme vous un week-end.
But it's set down in just about the most beautiful country I've ever seen.
Mais dans le plus beau paysage que j'aie vu.
All of which, sir, though I most powerfully believe, yet I hold it not honesty to have it thus set down, for you yourself, sir, shall be old as I am... if like a crab you could go backward.
C'est vrai mais ça ne doit pas s'imprimer. Vous auriez mon âge... si vous marchiez à reculons...
You could, for a need, study a speech of some dozen or sixteen lines... that I would set down and insert in it, could you not?
En ajoutant, au besoin, quelques vers.
It's all set down there. They're ready for you.
Tu vas pouvoir rattraper le temps perdu.
Now you're talkin'. Set it right down here.
Maintenant tu parles.
However, it's all set down in the books... and your men of science can read about it there.
Cependant, tout est décrit dans les livres et vos hommes de science peuvent y trouver des informations.
No one has yet turned up any bug-eyed monsters threatening Earth... and so it must be set down as another one of those fantastic hoaxes... this one by a young publicity-seeking astronomer.
Personne n'a encore trouvé de monstres menaçant La Terre. LLfraut donc conclure à un de ces frantastiques canuLars... imaginé dans ce cas par un jeune astronome en maLde publicité.
It's better that I be set down as a wicked, jealous, spiteful woman than that -
Mieux vaut qu'on me croit méchante, jalouse et haineuse plutôt que -
You will find it set down that I am his Legally adopted son.
J'ai été légalement adopté.
While it's coming down the lever will release a stone in the chamber beneath this one. That stone will set in motion all the forces for sealing the pyramid.
Sa fermeture actionnera un levier qui libérera la pierre inférieure, laquelle déclenchera le mécanisme général.
We'll take it with us for luck and set it sailing free down some river.
Nous Ia jetterons dans une rivière comme porte-bonheur.
You set down the beer and the tequila and I'll mix it myself!
Pose la bière et la tequila et je ferai le mélange moi-même!
It's not an opinion. It's a fact, which the bishop arrived at through computation of the ages of the prophets as set down in the Old Testament.
- Ce n'est pas une opinion, c'est un fait, résultant des recherches de l'évêque qui a soigneusement calculé les âges des prophètes mentionnés dans l'Ancien Testament.
Si tu veux dire le plateau, ils le démontent.
If you guys could burn down the Reichstag... you can set a match to one measly marriage certificate... and it has to be done tonight!
Vous avez bien brûlé le Reichstag, alors brûlez cet acte de mariage. Et ça devra être fait dans la nuit.
Set it right down, Vicente.
Pose-le là, Vicente.
It just strikes me as kind of a deadhead place to set down - on the floor of a canyon.
Un canyon!
And you can just set that down and nail it right up on the wall.
Et prenez bien note de ce que je viens de dire.
All which though I most potently believe, yet I hold it not honesty to have it thus set down.
Toutes choses que je crois, mais les publier me semble inconvenant.
You could, for a need, study a speech of some 12 or 16 lines which I would set down and insert in it, could you not?
Pourriez-vous au besoin étudier un passage de 12 à 15 vers que j'écrirais et y intercalerais?
- It's our set down there.
- C'est notre décor!
He cracks up like this so regular, you can set a calendar by it. About twice a year. He's done it twice down here.
Ses nerfs le lâchent, au moins deux fois par an.
set it up 93
set it free 18
down 3353
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
set it free 18
down 3353
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down the hall 119
down on your knees 79
down the stairs 50
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down on your knees 79
down the stairs 50
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down below 33
down you go 36
down here 450
down to business 31
down on the ground 130
down now 22
downing street 23
down in one 23
down to 41
down in front 26
down you go 36
down here 450
down to business 31
down on the ground 130
down now 22
downing street 23
down in one 23
down to 41
down in front 26