Simple enough перевод на французский
435 параллельный перевод
That's simple enough, isn't it?
C'est simple.
"ordinarily this would be simple enough, but when you add the difficulties of showing the unwrapping of an invisible head, you have some complicated problems to solve."
"Normalement, c'est assez simple à faire, mais quand en plus on montre l'homme invisible qui ôte ses bandes, il y a des problèmes complexes à résoudre."
That's simple enough. Oh, yes. Say there was a funeral, a big funeral, and lots of flowers, and all the prominent people came.
Ah oui... dites qu'il y a eu un enterrement avec plein de fleurs... et de gens importants.
There, it's simple enough.
C'est bien assez simple.
That's simple enough, isn't it?
C'est simple, non?
Oh, that's simple enough the words have been snipped from the London Times, that's evident from the typography.
C'est très simple. La typographie indique que les mots proviennent du Times.
Oh, well that's simple enough.
C'est simple.
Simple enough. We'll take up winter sports.
Eh bien, nous irons aux sports d'hiver.
It sounds simple enough.
Ça paraît simple.
It's simple enough when you reason it out, isn't it?
C'est simple, quand on y réfléchit.
- It's simple enough, if you can do it.
- C'est assez simple, si tu peux le faire.
That's simple enough.
C'est tout simple.
It's simple enough to prove who's right.
C'est très simple de prouver qui a raison.
It's a simple enough operation.
C'est une opération simple.
It'll be simple enough to prove you're not that Nazi. We'll just find someone who was in your class at college and he'll identify you, and that's all there'll be to it.
Ce sera simple de prouver que tu n'es pas ce nazi, on trouvera un ancien étudiant de ton université.
- Well, it sounds simple enough.
Dit comme ça, ça paraît innocent.
It's simple enough.
C'est assez simple.
Simple enough.
Ii est simple.
It was simple enough.
Ça a été plus simple.
That's simple enough.
C'est pas compliqué?
Well, I'd say the explanation was simple enough.
Je dirais que l'explication est assez simple.
That's a simple enough question.
La question est facile.
Well, that should be simple enough even for you to understand.
C'est assez simple à comprendre, même pour vous.
It would be simple enough.
Ça serait assez facile.
It'd be simple enough if it was me they caught.
Ce serait bien assez simple s'ils m'attrapaient.
Now, that sounds simple enough but you all know it'll mean more hours of waiting of uncertainty and of doubt.
Cela peut paraître simple... mais vous savez tous que cela signifie... des heures d'attente, d'incertitude... et de doute.
( Steed ) So far, it seems simple enough.
Ça a l'air assez simple.
To me, it's simple enough :
Pour moi la journée se présente ainsi :
Seems simple enough.
Ça paraît simple.
I'm good enough for Tony as a buck private.
Je suis assez bon pour Tony en tant que simple soldat.
Simple enough.
C'est simple.
In other words, you simple statement of fact is... we are lost in any case because we were generous enough to save your life.
Si je me tais, ils n'exécuteront que mon père!
You've dodged long enough. You can answer a simple question, and I demand that you do so!
J'exige que vous répondiez!
A simple sketch in harmony with her beauty would do be enough.
Evidemment. Même une simple esquisse, si elle s'accordait avec sa beauté. Mais ça, c'est impossible
We had enough simple facts to convince a jury.
Il y avait assez de faits simples pour convaincre un jury.
Yet it's simple enough.
- C'est simple.
Oh no, my fat-gutted friend, I'm not the little and simple-minded native you are fool enough to take me for.
Non, mon gros ami, je ne suis pas l'indigène naïf et illettré que vous croyez.
The scene where the man pretends he's innocent by the simple device of telling just enough of the truth.
L'homme avoue à sa femme une part de la vérité qui suffit à l'innocenter.
I've heard enough, damn it!
- C'est très simple.
Missión not important enough for you?
C'est trop simple pour vous?
That's simple enough. In my book, bravery rhymes with stupid.
Dans mon manuel, casse-cou rime avec fou.
One look shall be enough, Ladies and Gentleman, I'm totally natural.
Un simple coup d'œil suffit, Mesdames et Messieurs, pour être sûr, je suis 100 % nature.
A strong, simple woman, whose only problem up until this moment has been that of acquiring enough food to eat.
Une femme forte, une femme simple dont l'unique problème à ce jour... a consisté en l'acquisition suffisante de nourriture.
Now, according to the Act the mere fact of the blow would be enough to hang him be it fatal or no.
Suivant la loi, le simple fait de frapper un supérieur est puni de pendaison.
Basic enough for you?
C'est assez simple pour vous?
Gridley, I have held my position here in London for some years now. And I'm proud to say that during that time I have been able to build up enough influence, so that when the occasion arises, a few simple phone calls from me
Gridley, je suis en poste depuis des années, et je me targue d'avoir acquis une influence telle qu'en cas de besoin, quelques coups de fils
The bow would've been enough and if I know my etiquette you were entitled to a slight nod of the head from me.
Le salut était suffisant et en vertu de ma propre étiquette vous pouviez vous contenter d'un simple hochement du chef.
One mistake, one deviation in the aiming of your bomb, and enough magnetic energy will be released to destroy you.
Une simple erreur de trajectoire et votre bombe libèrera assez d'énergie magnétique pour vous détruire.
A simple accident, strangely enough, is costly, Mr. Wilson.
Bizarrement, un simple accident est coûteux.
A simple "l don't care for the idea" would have been enough.
Vous auriez pu dire simplement que vous n'aimez pas l'idée.
He has enough trouble being a single agent.
Il a assez de mal à être un agent simple.
enough 5528
enough is enough 234
enough for today 16
enough about me 63
enough of this 129
enough said 73
enough chitchat 25
enough talking 31
enough now 40
enough of this shit 25
enough is enough 234
enough for today 16
enough about me 63
enough of this 129
enough said 73
enough chitchat 25
enough talking 31
enough now 40
enough of this shit 25
enough games 17
enough's enough 35
enough already 193
enough of this nonsense 22
enough talk 56
enough with the 22
enough of that 96
simple 655
simply 76
simpler 17
enough's enough 35
enough already 193
enough of this nonsense 22
enough talk 56
enough with the 22
enough of that 96
simple 655
simply 76
simpler 17