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So don't do it перевод на французский

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She says she can do it, so why don't we try believing Writer Lee?
pourquoi n'essayons-nous pas de faire confiance en la scénariste Lee?
The writer says she can do it, so why don't we trust her once?
donc pourquoi ne pas la croire pour une fois?
That's why I'm crying, so it has nothing to do with you, so don't mind it.
alors ne me dérangez pas.
So don't ask me to do it again!
Alors ne me re-demandez pas de le faire!
Money's coming in so fast I don't know what to do with it.
Je gagne tellement d'argent que je ne sais quoi en faire.
I don't think it's fair to ask me to do so now.
Ce n'est pas juste de me demander de faire ça.
Don't you see, alice, it seems so queer not to do something.
Tu ne trouverais pas étrange que l'on ne fasse rien?
If you don't like it, you know what you can do. So shut up!
Si ça ne te plaît pas, tu sais ce qu'il te reste à faire!
I'm old enough to know what to do So if you don't like it...
Je suis grand, pour savoir ce que j'ai à faire. Si t'es pas content, t'as qu'à rendre ton tablier.
They just do it quietly, so you don't see.
Tout le monde tue. Seulement, on tue en douceur, alors ça ne se voit pas.
If it's so bad he can't tell you, how do you think he feels? Why don't you think of his side of it?
Si c'était si grave que ça, comment crois-tu qu'il se sente?
"... it would be wasting precious moments... "... if we told each other the vulgar details... "... of how we earn our daily bread, so don't let's do it. "
Pourquoi perdre de precieux moments en parlant de details futiles et quotidiens. "
Do you know that if it hadn't been for that postal address you so thoughtfully wrote down... I don't know what I should have done.
Vous savez, sans cette adresse que vous avez gentiment écrite... je ne sais pas ce que j'aurais fait.
If you don't like each other, why in Sam Hill do you have to make so much noise about it?
Si vous vous détestez, pourquoi en faire autant?
It has nothing to do — So, you don't trust me anymore, hmm?
Alors quoi, on n'a pas confiance?
There are two kinds of people. Those who don't do what they want to do, so they write down in a diary about what they haven't done. And those who are too busy to write about it because they're out doing it.
ceux qui ne font pas ce qu'ils veulent et qui écrivent-ils dans un journal ce qu'ils n'ont pas fait, et ceux qui sont trop occupés pour écrire ce qu'ils le font.
I don't think so. You better do it.
Non, mais toi, essaie.
You're so clever, why don't you do it?
Pourquoi tu ne le fais pas?
If I only knew who was after me, it wouldn't be so bad. How do you fight if you don't know who you're fighting?
Si je savais qui est derrière tout ça, je pourrais peut-être me défendre.
If Klaas had killed you, it would have done these men... infinitely more harm than you could ever do alive. So don't thank me, Mr. Van Ryn.
Vous tuer leur ferait beaucoup plus de mal que de bien alors ne me remerciez pas.
I don't care whether they know, Nicholas! It's just that we do, and so does God.
Ce qui compte, c'est notre avis et celui de Dieu.
- If you know so much about it, why don't you do it? I dare you.
Osez donc!
So how do you know it don't make them bilious?
- Et ils ont mal au foie?
Don't be so serious about it. You know where I stand. - Oh, I do.
Ne sois pas si grave, tu connais mes idées.
If I weren't so sleepy... Don't do it.
" the sordid details of our daily lives, so don't let's do it.
" les détails sordides de notre quotidien, alors évitons ca.
So get him, honey. I don't care how you do it but get him in this room.
Débrouille-toi mais amène-le ici.
How do those babes do it in the movies? By now I oughta be married to the governor... and paying blackmail so he don't find out I once lived in Beaver Canal.
Au cinéma, je serais mariée au gouverneur et on me ferait chanter pour cacher d'où je sors.
So, you see, I don't think it was appeasement... that had anything to do with his giving you that book.
Il ne vous a pas donné ce livre par intérêt.
- So you don't think I could do it?
- Tu ne crois pas que j'y arriverais?
- Even so, I don't do it.
- Même si, je ne veux pas.
You have so much money and you don't know what to do with it
Tu as tellement d'argent et tu ne sais qu'en faire
Then do the match, but don't fight him. Just stay enough so it looks good.
Alors monte sur le ring mais n'essaie pas de te battre avec lui.
So I don't need it, do I?
Alors c'est bon?
Look, I do it enough on the outside, so don't expect me to do it in my own office.
Mais t'attends pas à ce que je sois gentil ici.
I don't know what it is I do that irritates him so much, but I do.
Je ne sais pas ce qui l'irrite tant en moi.
Wait, don't be so hotheaded kitten, that's how someone says they don't want to when they do, it's reverse psychology.
Attendez, ne soyez pas si impétueuse, c'est comme quand certains disent qu'ils ne veulent pas mais le font, c'est de la psychologie inverse.
If you're so convinced, then do it! You don't need his permission.
Allez-y seuls.
Fear has nothing to do with it, we just want a quick trial so things don't get complicated.
nous voulons liquider le procès avant qu'il prenne une tournure compliquée.
Why don't I just do 500 steaming words on how mankind is so full of wind - it's about to out-blow nature.
Pourquoi je te ferais pas 500 mots sur l'inconscience de l'humanité?
So why don't you do it?
Faites-le, vous!
I don't know, but it is a great honor for you, so do your work with extra care.
Je ne sais pas, mais c'est un grand honneur pour vous, alors faites votre travail soigneusement.
So, don't be sticking your neck out for us by taking the point. Let one of those other knotheads do it.
C'est pas à toi de prendre les risques.
It just so happens I don't, but many do.
Mais ce n'est pas mon avis.
I knew you'd come, Michele that you'd blame me but don't do it so cruelly!
Je savais que vous viendriez, Michèle, que vous me feriez des reproches. Mais je vous en prie, n'y mettez pas une forme terrible.
I think it would be best if you bring Tabby here, don't you think so? What do you say to that?
Le mieux serait que Mourek vienne ici, n'est pas?
Has it gotten so bad I don't know when I do or when I don't?
En suis-je au point où je ne sais plus si je le fais ou pas?
If they don't, they can work it out, so they do get along.
Eh bien, ils feront un effort et ils finiront par s'entendre.
If we don't do it, everything we've done so far will have been pointless.
Autrement, tout aura été inutile depuis le début.
Well, if you hate it so much, why don't you do something about it?
Si tu détestes cet endroit, pourquoi ne fais-tu pas quelque chose?
Don't let Sylvia out of your sight until I tell you it is safe to do so.
Ne quittez pas Sylvia des yeux jusqu'à nouvel ordre.

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