Start with him перевод на французский
323 параллельный перевод
I'll start with him first.
Je vais commencer par lui.
The next time you start with him, take him to the front if you can.
à la prochaine course, essaie de le placer en tête.
I told abercrombie that you can start with him next monday.
Vous commencez dès lundi.
Get me Snader, we'll start with him.
Amène Snader, on va commencer par lui.
Sure got off to a flying start with him.
S'il n'a pas bonne impression de moi. Après ça!
I start with him, it's the important node.
Je commence par lui, c'est le point important.
We'd like to start with him : The Hawk!
On voudrait commencer avec lui.
This Strider, he says be more careful, I say, let's start with him.
Grands-Pas a dit de redoubler de prudence. Commençons par lui!
Esposito, start with him first.
Esposito, commencez par lui.
I will start with him.
Je vais commencer par lui.
Now, let's see. We'll start with him.
Voyons par qui on pourrait commencer.
Don't start with him.
Ne commence pas avec lui.
Start with him.
Commence par lui.
We start with him.
Commençons par lui.
With neurology, I was trying to find a way to talk to him To tell him that if I couId start over
Avec la neurologie, je cherchais le moyen de lui parler, de lui dire que si je pouvais tout recommencer...
- You don't intend to start trouble with him.
Tu vas pas l'provoquer!
I don't think I'm gonna like ya. Like him or not, you start flying with him tomorrow morning.
Qu'il te plaise ou non, tu voleras avec lui demain matin.
He brought her back with him from New York and she's got enough clothes, furs and jewels to start a department store of her own.
Elle est venue de New York avec lui et elle a assez de bijoux et de fourrures pour ouvrir un magasin.
Sign this stuff and don't start up with him.
- Signe ça sans faire d'histoires.
There's one charge against him, to start with.
Ça fait déjà un chef d'inculpation contre lui.
If he touches your clothes you start shaking as if you wanted to die and go to Heaven to be with him forever.
S'il touche tes habits tu te mets à trembler et tu veux mourir et aller au Ciel pour être avec lui pour toujours.
I can start early and join up with him at the base of the mountain at Cusihuiriachic.
Je peux le rejoindre au pied de la montagne, à Cusiac.
He left Seibei to start a rival gang, taking half of Seibei's men with him.
Il a quitté Seibei pour monter une bande rivale avec la moitié des troupes de Seibei.
All right, bring him in. We'll start with that.
Bien, faites-le entrer.
The next day would start up again with the teasing of the guys, the impure torment of the relationship with his mother... still many years stood between him... and the liberating experience.
Le lendemain, commencerait à nouveau avec les taquineries des gars, l'impur tourments de la relation avec sa mère Il y avait encore de nombreuses années entre lui et l'expérience libératrice.
Call the coastguard and tell him to start circling the island with patrol boats.
Appelez les garde-côtes, qu'ils patrouillent autour de l'île.
Said you tried to start some trouble with him.
Tu lui cherches des noises?
No, we never could've gotten into a fixed fight with him because we couldn't stand each other from the start.
D'ailleurs on aurait jamais pu bluffer ensemble, parce qu'on ne se parlait pas, on pouvait pas se voir, dès le début.
and in the end, after lending him all this money, that guy doesn't win or lose any money, because the ones talking about boxing with him, start smoking cigars.
il ne gagne ni perd d'argent, parce que ceux qui parlent de boxe se mettent à fumer le cigare.
Ben! Now don't you start - it's bad enough with him!
Arrêtez de souffler là-dedans et parlez-nous!
You send out your horse and I will kill him to start with.
Si tu me l'envoies, je l'abats!
Not only will I avenge Shinkuro, I intend to start anew with him.
Non seulement je vengerai Shinkuro, mais je souhaite prendre un nouveau départ avec lui.
Start with a blackmailer and you never stop him.
Les maîitres chanteurs n'arrêtent jamais.
I convinced him that we should start with the encephalogram.
C'est moi qui l'ai incité à commencer avec l'encéphalogramme.
- [All Agreeing] - To keep the faith with our brother, to start him on the march down the road to glory for all of us, brothers and sisters, it's gonna take money.
Pour garder la foi avec notre frère, pour l'envoyer sur le chemin de la gloire pour nous tous, mes frères et mes sœurs, il faudra de l'argent.
It was a pretty queer experience to start making yet another movie... and end up making yet another... with a story line rotten with coincidence. For instance, that the author of Fake! a book about a faker... was himself a faker and the author of a fake to end all fakes - and that he must have been cooking it up when we were filming him.
Un bon sujet pour faire un autre film puis encore un autre... bourré de coïncidences : par exemple l'auteur de "Fake", un livre sur un faussaire, faussaire lui-même, est auteur d'un faux.
- Why move in with him to start with?
- Pourquoi vivez-vous avec lui?
He would start with this to test the bull's tendencies and then he would cut him short to break him down.
Il aurait commencé ainsi. Pour étudier ses réactions. Puis il l'aurait piqué pour le faire courber.
Youve given him a start with that.
Vous lui avez mis le pied à l'étrier.
( TV ) We talk to his comrades, the men who have fought with him since 12 men came to Cuba and took to the Sierra to start the fight
Nous avons parlé aux camarades qui ont combattu à ses côtés, douze de ses hommes étant arrivés à Cuba pour entamer la lutte.
Do whatever you have to do! Don't let him start up with any nonsense about the horse.
Empêchez-le de parler du cheval.
Lindsay, you're supposed to have a conversation with him Before you start taking your clothes off.
Avant de te déshabiller, tu devrais faire connaissnace
Honey, I just told him that in general... I think that it's better to start slowly with a relationship... to get to know somebody, to get a...
Chérie, je lui ai juste dit qu'en général il était préférable de commencer une relation doucement pour faire connaissance, pour avoir...
First, he's a geek. And then you start going out with him. And then he's a geek again.
D'abord c'est un zéro, puis tu te mets à sortir avec lui, puis il redevient un zéro.
He can start with the birds up on the stairs with him.
Il peut commencer par ces vautours autour de lui.
Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, I swear to God, don't start with me... or I will shoot him and I will dump him in a fuckin'swamp!
Ne commence pas ou je le flingue et je le jette dans un marais.
I had a casual, friendly conversation with him to start with... to try to size him up... to see what he liked and what he didn't like.
J'ai commencé par avoir une conversation amicale avec lui, pour essayer de me faire une opinion à son sujet, pour voir ce qu'il aimait et ce qui lui déplaisait.
Maybe she'll start going out with him instead of tagging along behind us.
Elle pourrait sortir avec lui au lieu de nous suivre tout le temps.
Start with him. ( prisoner laughs ) PRISONER :
Commencez avec lui. J'ai obtenu un droit de visite pour aller voir Johnny.
Well, that's a bit of a joke to start with. Mrs. Staplin, she was nuts about him.
C'était pour rire, Mme Staplin était folle de lui.
You could meet with him, get an MR and they could start fitting you for treatment as of tomorrow.
Prenez rendez-vous, pour une IRM, il organisera les séances dès demain.
start with 28
start without me 17
with him 285
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
start without me 17
with him 285
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
start 326
started 37
starting 51
starts 18
starter 51
start a new life 38
start over 169
start your engines 41
start now 30
start the car 139
started 37
starting 51
starts 18
starter 51
start a new life 38
start over 169
start your engines 41
start now 30
start the car 139