Take care of me перевод на французский
4,215 параллельный перевод
Lucky was gonna get a job and take care of me and the baby.
Lucky allait trouver un job et prendre soin de moi et du bébé.
They used to all kind of take care of me.
Ils avaient l'habitude de tous prendre soin de moi.
That was a few years ago. He gave up his career to take care of me.
C'était il y a quelques années il a abandonné sa carrière pour prendre soin de moi.
Will you take care of me?
Prendras tu soin de moi?
Once upon a time ago, I was lucky enough to... have someone take care of me when I needed it.
J'ai été assez chanceux une fois... d'avoir quelqu'un qui s'occupait de moi quand j'en avais besoin.
You promised you'd take care of me.
T'as promis de t'occuper de moi.
Just like you promised Mama'n Deddy you'd always take care of me!
Comme celle où tu à promis à M'man et P'pa que tu t'occuperais de moi!
He'll take care of me.
Il prendra soin de moi.
You are going to take care of your damn house, you are going to take care of your kids, and you are going to take care of me.
Tu vas t'occuper de ta putain de maison, tu vas t'occuper de tes gamins et de moi.
If you die, who's going to take care of me?
Si tu meurs, qui va me garder?
Will you let me take care of this?
Vous allez me laisser faire, oui?
Allow me to take care of these traitors, Guardian.
Gardien, laissez-moi m'occuper de ces traitres.
Take care of O'Henry for me.
Prends soin de O'Henry pour moi.
One night, when I was as tired as now, she brought me a blanket, told me to sleep, she'd take care of things.
Une nuit, où j'étais épuisé, elle m'a apporté une couverture, m'a dit de dormir, elle ferait le reste.
Why don't you let me take care of where the gold goes, and you concentrate on the murder?
Pourquoi ne me laissez-vous pas m'occuper de où l'or ira pendant que vous, vous vous concentrez sur le meurtre?
About being home alone all day without me here to take care of you?
D'être tout seul à la maison toute la journée sans moi pour prendre soin de toi?
No, I went to sea. Marine, Paul's wife, offered me to take care of the baby.
- Non, je suis parti naviguer.
- Let me take care of Mina.
- Je vais m'en occuper. - Non.
Consider this- - you attack Walter and give me a chance to kill you- - a better idea would be to kill me first, then take care of Walter.
Réfléchissez, attaquer Walter me permet de vous tuer, mieux vaudrait me tuer d'abord et ensuite Walter.
Because our mother stood there by that door and told me to take good care of her little angel. Take care of Angelo.
Maman se tenait là, à la porte et m'a dit de m'occuper de son petit ange, d'Angelo.
Take good care of Bolin for me.
Prends bien soin de Bolin pour moi.
Listen, can you do me a favour and help Sandy keep people calm out there? I can't do anything from in here. OK, but can you please just take care of yourself?
Peux-tu me faire une faveur et aider Sandy à garder les gens au calme à l'exterieur?
I'll take care of Sam and Aidan.
Je me charge de Sam et Aidan
- I-I didn't. Look, I got in my head, Julia, I thought you sent me this cactus because you were trying to tell me that I can't take care of a normal plant.
Je me suis monté la tête, j'ai cru que le cactus voulait dire que je savais pas m'occuper d'une vraie plante.
Would you please take care of that for me?
Voudrais tu s'il te plais, t'occuper de ça pour moi?
Why don't you let me take care of you for once?
Pourquoi tu ne me laisses pas prendre soin de toi pour une fois?
Tell me where to find him, and I'll take care of it first thing in the morning.
Dis-moi où le trouver, et ça sera la première chose que je ferai demain matin.
I was hoping you could help me, too. I got somebody that can take care of this.
J'avais espéré que tu puisses m'aider, j'ai quelqu'un qui peut s'occuper de ça.
She can't find anyone to take care of her 4 year old, and I've got nothing holding me here.
Elle n'a trouvé personne pour s'occuper de sa petite de 4 ans, et je n'ai rien qui me retient ici.
I'll follow your suggestions to take care of this.
Je suivrai vos suggestions pour me charger de ceci.
That when they finally come to get me, that you will do whatever you can to rebuild the company and take care of your little sister.
Quand ils vont finalement venir m'arrêter, je veux que tu fasses tout ce que tu peux pour reconstruire l'entreprise et que tu prennes soin de ta petite soeur.
He promised he'd take care of me!
Il a promis qu'il s'occuperait de moi!
I know this sounds stupid, but I just- - I just thought if maybe I got a baby it would somehow magically guarantee I'd be around to take care of it.
Je sais que ça paraît stupide, mais je... je pensais que si j'avais un bébé cela me garantirait comme par magie que je serais là pour m'en occuper.
You tell me where Duke is and I'll take care of the rest.
Tu me dis où Duke est et je m'occupe du reste.
Oh, Max, can you take care of that for me, please?
Oh, Max, peux-tu prendre soin de ça pour moi, s'il te plaît?
This car cost me a lot of money, so you have to take proper care of it.
Cette voiture m'a couté cher, donc tu dois en prendre soin
You worry about the kitchen, Chef. I'll take care of this out here.
Toi tu t'occupes de la cuisine, Chef et je me charge du reste.
Oh, you take such good care of me.
Oh, tu t'occupes tellement bien de moi.
Okay, so I will take care of Chris if you'll return the favor.
Okay, je vais donc m'occuper de Chris si tu me rends un service.
I don't like the FBI coming to me, so take care of it... fast.
Je n'aime pas voir le FBI venir à moi, alors occupez-vous-en... vite.
I mean, it would be a relief if it helps me take care of my family and my mortgage.
Ce serait un soulagement si ça m'aidait à m'occuper de ma famille et de mon hypothèque.
Every time I try to take care of here, she thinks I'm Paw Paw, and she tries to kiss me!
Elle me prend pour Paw Paw et essaie de m'embrasser.
But she's easier to take care of this way. She actually takes care of me.
Elle est plus facile à gérer et elle s'occupe de moi.
- I can take care of him.
- Je me charge de lui.
You hand the whole thing over to me and let me take care of it my way?
Tu me laisses le cas et tu me laisses en prendre soin à ma manière?
- I can take care of myself.
- Je peux me débrouiller toute seule.
Now you... you take care of your daddy for me, all right?
Occupe-toi de ton papa pour moi.
If you have seen me take care of my sports car, if you have seen me lint-brush my cashmere cardigan, then you have seen me care for beautiful things, and that baby is going to be my most beautiful thing...
Si tu m'a vu prendre soin de ma voiture de sport, Si tu m'as vu brossé mon cardigan en cachemire, alors tu m'as vu prendre soin de belles choses, et ce bébé sera la plus belle des choses que je possède...
Meyer and me, we'll take care of everything after that.
Après, on s'occupe de tout.
Could you take care of it for me?
Tu peux en prendre soin pour moi?
She knows you take good care of me. She also has her cat.
Elle sait que tu t'occupes de moi, et elle a son chat.
take care 2154
take care of yourself 629
take care of yourselves 28
take care of your sister 17
take care of each other 20
take care of you 28
take care now 43
take care of it 128
take care of this 28
take care of that 34
take care of yourself 629
take care of yourselves 28
take care of your sister 17
take care of each other 20
take care of you 28
take care now 43
take care of it 128
take care of this 28
take care of that 34
take care of him 153
take care of them 37
take care of her 153
of me 146
take me away 98
take it easy 3777
take your time 1039
take me 491
take me back 66
take it away 239
take care of them 37
take care of her 153
of me 146
take me away 98
take it easy 3777
take your time 1039
take me 491
take me back 66
take it away 239
take a nap 62
take me there 54
take that 698
take it 3226
take off your coat 49
take off your dress 19
take me out 21
take it slow 68
take a shower 102
take thee 47
take me there 54
take that 698
take it 3226
take off your coat 49
take off your dress 19
take me out 21
take it slow 68
take a shower 102
take thee 47
take them off 138
take a walk 160
take off the mask 22
take it down 128
take a seat 906
take your pick 204
take me with you 319
take a bite 43
take it up 36
take a bath 39
take a walk 160
take off the mask 22
take it down 128
take a seat 906
take your pick 204
take me with you 319
take a bite 43
take it up 36
take a bath 39