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Try and understand перевод на французский

436 параллельный перевод
I want you to try and understand my feeling.
Pense à mes sentiments.
Won't you try and understand?
Ne veux-tu pas essayer de comprendre?
Now, you're going to try and understand me, aren't you?
Tu vas essayer de me comprendre, n'est-ce pas?
Please try and understand. It's a national emergency. - It can't wait.
Une urgence nationale, ça ne peut pas attendre.
Try and understand them.
Essayez de comprendre leurs motifs.
Please try and understand. Don't make me explain.
Je t'en prie, essaie de comprendre.
I wish you'd try and understand me as well.
Tu pourrais me comprendre aussi.
I want you to try and understand what she's been through.
Sache que cette histoire lui a fait beaucoup de mal.
Please try and understand.
Essaie de me comprendre.
Now look, Lina. Try and understand this.
Essayez de comprendre.
Don't try and understand that, Roper. That's a poem.
N'essayez pas de comprendre, c'est de la poésie.
Can't you try and understand?
Tâche de comprendre.
I'd like to try and understand it if I can.
J'aimerais essayer de comprendre si je peux.
Won't you even try and understand?
Ne veux-tu pas comprendre?
Please, try and understand.
Mais essayez de comprendre.
Now listen to me, Malita, and try to understand.
Écoutez-moi, Malita, et essayez de comprendre.
Listen, there's something you've got to understand and try and forgive.
Comprends-nous et pardonne-nous, Jane.
And try to understand.
Et essayez de comprendre.
The desks have already been moved and the name is painted on, as you said. So we'll try it for a very short time, at no advance in salary, you understand.
Les bureaux ont été déplacés et le nom est inscrit, comme vous l'avez bien fait remarquer, alors nous allons essayer pendant quelque temps, compris?
Try to understand me, my cousin travelled 2,000 km just to meet you and I....... how can I say it, your eyes go through me.
Comprenez-moi, mon cousin fait 2000 km pour faire votre connaissance et moi, je... comment dire, je vous dérobe sous ses yeux.
Try to understand that man needs pain, suffering and failures, to keep higher conscience alive in him.
L'homme a besoin de douleur, de souffrances et d'échecs pour garder la conscience suprême.
You'll never understand me, but I'll try once and then give it up.
Mais je vais t'expliquer...
If this letter is found on me, if this ever reaches you, I want you to believe every word of it and try to understand.
Si on trouve cette lettre sur moi, si elle parvient jusqu'à toi, tu dois croire ce qui y est écrit, et tu dois comprendre.
Please try and understand. It's not doing either of us any good going on arguing this way.
Ça ne nous avance à rien de nous disputer!
To try and understand that it's impossible for either of us to go on this way.
Il est impossible pour nous deux de continuer comme ça Allons, relève-toi
You must try and understand.
Je ne pouvais faire autrement.
Believe me, it's not easy But try to understand, and divorce me
Résigne-toi à l'inévitable, accepte notre séparation.
Try to understand what I want to tell you and do not be indignant of my speaking of such a matter at such a moment for you may have made some decision about your future before I had an opportunity to see you in Paris.
Comprenez bien ce que je veux vous dire. N'en soyez indignée à aucun moment et en aucune façon, afin que vous preniez la bonne décision avant que je vous revoie à Paris.
Go now, and try to understand.
Va et essaie de comprendre.
If you will hear him out, and if you would try to understand his side of it, Catherine.
Si tu l'écoutais? Si tu essayais de te mettre à sa place?
Try to tell them why they die and see if the babies understand you.
Essayer de leur expliquer pourquoi il leur faut mourir. Assurez-vous que les petits comprennent.
and try to understand.
Il faut se faire une raison.
Try to make a woman understand she's in the way and should go to the devil...
Faire comprendre à une femme qu'elle est de trop...
And try to understand her and be nice to her, honey.
Tâche de comprendre, d'être gentil avec elle.
- Try to understand... millions of dollars are involved and the other side doesn't want to lose.
La partie adverse se cramponne.
Listen, and try to understand. Try to see me as I really am. Not as you imagine me to be!
Écoute-moi et essaie de comprendre qui je suis vraiment, et non ce que tu t'imagines que je suis!
Maybe it's crazy to try and explain anything to you the way you are now, but, Tim, try to understand, to you, this is just another show.
Ce serait absurde de chercher à vous expliquer en ce moment. Mais essayez de comprendre. Pour vous c'est de la routine.
You might try to understand that and share it.
Essaie de comprendre cela.
Do as you're told and don't try to understand.
- Fais ce qu'on te demande.
But please don't punish those men, Major, and try to understand us.
Mais ne punissez pas ces hommes et essayez de nous comprendre.
First, I want to try and explain something... I don't really understand myself.
Avant, je voudrais essayer d'expliquer quelque chose que je ne comprends pas moi-même.
Now, listen to me and try to understand.
Essayez de piger :
I think that the theme would be the conflict between one superior man and all the petty angry forces that try to tug him down, drag him down, make him settle for less than the best, something they can understand.
La trame du roman... sera le conflit... entre un homme supérieur et les puissances mesquines et rageuses qui tentent de l'amener à transiger, à faire des concessions à du médiocre, compréhensible pour eux.
That's what you must try and make the other boys understand.
C'est ce que tu dois essayer de faire comprendre aux autres,
Forgive my earnestness, and try to understand, I am the one closest to your daughter.
Je suis l'homme le plus proche de votre fille.
Let's walk together quietly and I'll try and help you understand.
On va marcher un peu. Je vais essayer de te faire comprendre.
It is now desperately important that you should try to understand me and what I'm doing.
Il est maintenant d'une importance vitale que tu essaies de me comprendre. Et de comprendre ce que je fais.
Balam, I will try to make my people understand that they must change some of their ways and learn some of yours.
Balam! Je vais expliquer à mon peuple qu'ils doivent s'habituer à vos coutumes.
Kelp, try to understand that I understand that scientists and creators have their little eccentricities.
Comprenez bien que je comprends que les scientifiques et les créateurs ont leurs lubies.
You have to try and listen and understand.
Essaye d'écouter et de comprendre.
I believe one must always try to understand that there is always a real opportunity to understand things. And what you understand cannot shock you.
Il faut toujours chercher à comprendre, il y a toujours une possibilité réelle de comprendre les choses, ce que l'on comprend ne nous indigne pas.

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