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перевод на французский

131 параллельный перевод
I dreamed I was flying.
J'ai rêvà © que je volais.
With the money, buy a bicycle.
Avec l'argent, achà ¨ te un và © lo.
I dreamed of a blonde
J'ai rêvà © d'une blonde
You know, we've all been through a lot in this last year.
Vous le savez, nous avons tous và © cu beaucoup de choses en cette dernià ¨ re annà © e.
[Bicycle Bell Dings]
[VÃ © lo de Bell Dings]
You check in your rule book.
Vous và © rifiez dans votre livre de rà ¨ gles.
- He's telling the truth, Your Honor.
- Il dit la và © rità ©, Votre Honneur.
You're never gonna get a tan wearing all those clothes
Vous n'allez jamais bronzer avec tous ces vêtements.
Fine, then we'll just go back when no one is looking, and we'll check it out
Trà ¨ s bien, alors nous allons revenir quand personne ne regardera, et nous allons và © rifier.
Oh, and check this out
Oh, et và © rifier cela.
Yeah, and undies!
Ouais, et de sous-vêtements!
Hey, guys, does she have something against girl's clothes?
Hà ©, les gars, at-elle quelque chose contre les vêtements de fille?
Don't stop! Bikes around the corner!
Les và © los sont la!
Nice bike
Beau và © lo.
You act like I need you all the time when the truth is, you're so mad at the world that nobody but me even wants to talk to you
Tu agis comme si j'avais besoin de toi tout le temps alors que... la và © rità © est que tu es tellement en colà ¨ re contre le monde entier que personne à part moi ne veut de te parler.
So you're the one who's lived here your whole life?
Donc, vu que tu es celle qui a và © cu ici toute ta vie?
- a true friend
Une và © ritable amie...
Guess we got us a coach, huh?
On s'est troÏ... và ¨ s un entraà ® neur!
This is about what happened to this town.
C'est ce que la ville a và © cu.
How long it will take you to do what you've always dreamed of?
Combien de temps il te faudra pour faire ce dont tu as toujours rêvà ©?
I'll have to check.
Je vais devoir và © rifier.
Truth is that 50 years ago, the Shah's father, an officer, wanted to overthrow the Qadjar emperor.
La và © rità ©, c'est qu'il y a 50 ans, le pà ¨ re du chah, officier, voulait renverser l'empereur Qadjar.
( Ensemble ) - Ouais! Sonnette de và © lo
You're the little girl I wish I would have had.
Tu es la petite fille que j'aurais rêvà © avoir.
Truth will soon arise from their blood.
* La và © rità © surgira bientà ´ t de leur sang.
Uncle Taher was buried three weeks after these events.
Trois semaines aprà ¨ s ces à © và © nements, oncle Taher fut enterrà ©.
You revealed me to myself.
Tu m'as rà © và © là © à moi-même.
It's doesn't look like you lived in Europe.
On dirait pas que t'as và © cu en Europe.
What I endured lies too heavy on me, but who can I talk to?
Ce que j'ai và © cu me pà ¨ se trop, mais à qui en parler?
Venus Birth in particular.
Et en particulier de La Naissance de VÃ © nus.
Go and check.
Allez và © rifier.
No sign of exposure to the cold.
Vêtements propres.
The moment of truth.
Le moment de và © rità ©.
I was in California in 1999 and I played golf and I thought maybe I touched some poison ivy, and that night I went to bed.
En 1999, j'à © tais en Californie. J'ai fait une partie de golf et j'ai cru avoir touchà © du sumac và © nà © neux.
I even lived here when I was a kid.
J'y ai même và © cu enfant.
You see, for millions of years we basically lived by the philosophy of hunter-gatherer.
Durant des millions d'annà © es, nous avons và © cu sur le modà ¨ le de la chasse-cueillette.
They are predominantly found in plant foods.
En grande partie dans les aliments d'origine và © gà © tale.
All plant foods are beneficial and essential for human health.
Tous les và © gà © taux sont bà © nà © fiques et essentiels à notre santà ©.
I've watched him struggle with being a vegetarian his whole life and now he's dying of that cancer.
Il s'est battu pour rester và © gà © tarien toute sa vie et voilà qu'il va mourir d'un cancer.
And then the real test.
Ensuite, ce sera la và © ritable à © preuve.
You're at 58, which is in the extreme obesity, or morbid obesity.
C'est une obà © sità © sà © và ¨ re et même morbide.
From my point of view, you know, ten days is a huge achievement and it'd be a huge win, and you're gonna feel, you know, terrific at the end of that.
D'aprà ¨ s moi, ces dix jours seront un và © ritable accomplissement et une belle victoire. Vous vous sentirez vraiment mieux aprà ¨ s à § a.
We fast-forward 35 years, and I've been on a journey. An expanding one, and right now, a contracting one.
Puis, 35 ans plus tard, j'ai và © cu une aventure... qui m'a à © largi, et à prà © sent, j'ai retrouvà © la ligne.
Guys, Shirley's costume is once again unwittingly ambiguous.
- Pierce, on est au milieu d'une partie. - Ouais. Et on n'est vraiment plus dans les và © hicules tà © là © commandà © s.
You destroyed my universe, son, and I'm going to destroy yours.
Vous avez détruit mon univers, mon fils, et je vais détruire le và ´ tre.
That is a tech thief's dream.
C'est le vol de technologie rêvà ©
It's gonna be a big fashion event.
à ‡ a va être un gros à © và © nement fashion.
A fashion event?
à ‰ và © nement fashion?
Well, it's a vegan donut shop called funkin'fauxnuts.
C'est des donuts và © gà © tariens le nom c'est Funkin'Fauxnuts
Art's gotta tell the truth, right?
L'art doit dire la và © rità ©, non?
I'm gonna come by tomorrow and grab some other clothes.
Je passerais demain pour récupérer quelques vêtements.

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