When he's ready перевод на французский
251 параллельный перевод
Now, understand, I don't wanna make them a group of quick-trigger men but I do want the underworld to know that when a federal agent draws his gun he's ready and equipped to shoot to kill with the least possible waste of bullets.
Ces hommes n'auront pas pour autant la gâchette facile, mais la pègre doit savoir que si ces agents sortent leurs armes, ceux-ci n'hésiteront pas à faire feu et feront mouche à tous les coups.
Tarzan makes contact himself when he's ready.
C'est Tarzan qui nous trouvera quand il voudra.
But stop being like a mule ready to kick himself when he's down and...
Mais arrête de faire la mule.
Now, when he's ready for you, I'll give you the signal.
Quand ce sera le moment, je te ferai signe.
I suppose there's a time when any man even a man like me, can find something bigger than himself for which he is ready to die.
Je pense qu'il y a, dans la vie de chacun, des moments, où même un homme tel que moi éprouve un sentiment pour lequel il est prêt à mourir sans discuter.
Let me know when he's ready.
Dites-moi quand il est prêt.
Just when he was ready to grab that lead.
Alors qu'il s'apprétait à prendre la téte.
- He's going when he's ready.
- Il ira quand il sera prét.
When he's ready, he'll reach out and take.
Quand il sera prêt, il passera à l'action.
When he's ready to jump us, we'll jump him. Not before.
Quand il sera prêt à nous descendre, on le maîtrise.
When he's ready, 16, open the gate.
16, ouvrez la porte.
Peter will reveal himself to you when he's ready. That I can promise you.
Pierre se montrera à toi quand il sera prêt, je peux te le certifier.
And when man's ready, mentally, physically, he'll get to outer space.
Et quand on sera prêt, physiquement et mentalement, on ira dans l'espace.
If a man ain't ready when he gets this far, a couple of holies said over his grave ain't gonna help him none.
S'il n'était pas prêt pour le Jugement, ce n'est pas ce qu'on récitera sur sa tombe qui le sauvera.
Well, why don't you just call me when he's ready. I'll be right here.
Appelez-moi ici, quand il sera libre.
When I've got four chapters ready, he wants to submit them to "the Saturday Evening Post" and to "Collier's". What do you think of that?
J'ai 4 chapitres prêts, il veut les présenter à un grand hebdo.
He'II bring it around when it's ready.
Il va l'amener dès que c'est prêt.
Anyway, he'll leave when he's ready!
De toute façon, il partira quand il le voudra.
He'll just scout us, knowing he can catch us easy enough when he's ready.
Il enverra des éclaireurs, car il pourra nous rattraper quand bon lui semblera.
It won't be so lovely if the Captain's report isn't ready when he asks for it... Oh. ... which shouldn't be long.
Ca le sera moins si le rapport n'est pas prêt quand le capitaine le demandera, ce qui ne saurait tarder.
He'll smash the lot of you when he's ready.
Il vous écrasera, le moment venu. Le gouverneur?
I will call down when he's ready to...
J'appellerai quand il sera prêt à...
But if they're giving him sanctuary, what happens when he's ready to leave?
Mais s'il lui donne l'asile, que se passera-t-il quand il partira?
But when he's ready, nothing happens until he gets his hands on my throat and squeezes.
Et quand il est prêt, il ne se passe rien... s'il ne fait pas semblant de m'étrangler.
When he's ready, you'll receive your orders and proceed on the mission with a crew of 20.
Quand il sera prêt, seuls 20 officiers réintégreront le vaisseau.
He will send for you, Sir Hilary, when he's ready.
Il vous enverra chercher, quand il sera prêt.
And when he's ready to go back into Havana, he will phone the residence for a car to come get him.
Quand il désirera rentrer, il demandera une voiture à la Résidence.
The culprit will reveal himself when he's good and ready, and not before.
Le coupable se révélera quand il sera prêt, pas avant.
Then there's the quarrelling word. When you're ready to bash a stranger but you want to make certain he's not one of us...
Avant de te battre avec un étranger, assure-toi qu'il n'est pas des nôtres.
- When he came up, I was ready and fired.
- Quand il s'est relevé, j'ai tiré.
Cal - he's worried that you won't be ready when it's time.
Il a peur que tu ne sois pas prêt le moment venu.
Bring his Lordship to the dining room when he's ready.
Conduisez milord à la salle à manger dès qu'il sera prêt.
Well, just when I know he's about ready to pop the question, he disappears.
Et au moment de me faire sa demande, il disparaît.
after all the arguing WE'vE done about a nursery, when he's finally ready to leave here, WE'll have gotten our divorce.
Après toutes les discussions qu'on a eues sur sa chambre, quand il sera prêt à partir d'ici, on aura obtenu notre divorce.
Well, I don't know what the hell his problem is, but he'll tell us when he's ready.
Ouais, je sais pas quel est le problème de ce mec... mais il nous le dira quand il sera prêt.
He'll come when he's ready, not before.
Il viendra quand il sera prêt.
When he's ready, pal.
Quand il sera prêt, vieux.
He happens to be a good friend of mine. - He's gonna be very pleased with me when he finds you all tied up and ready for the police. - Otto!
C'est justement un bon ami à moi!
Ma, leave the boy alone. He'll find one when he's ready.
Il trouvera quand il sera prêt.
Alan will call when he's ready.
Alan appellera quand il sera prêt.
Well, guess he'll give it to us when he's ready.
Il nous le donnera quand il sera prêt.
When he's ready, we'll know.
Quand il sera prêt, nous le saurons.
Tell Ohashi I'll report to him when he's ready to report to me.
Dites à Ohashi que les tuyaux, c'est donnant, donnant.
See, he always orders a bottle of Dom Pérignon when he's ready to go.
Il commande toujours du Dom Pérignon avant de partir.
- Let me know when he's ready.
A tout à l'heure.
Honey, he'll come back when he's ready. Don't worry.
Il va revenir, t'en fais pas.
Morals are a choice and he'll decide when he's ready.
Il décidera de son sens moral en temps et lieu.
When the celebrated composer Johann Sebastian Mastropiero sat down at the piano ready to compose a song or ballast. a song or ballad, on the text of the poem "To the Beach with Wendy," he thought he saw the form of a strange animal swaying in the window of his study ; a bit frightened, he called his butler...
Quand le célèbre compositeur Johann Sebastian Mastropiero s'assit a son piano pour composer une chanson ovale.... ou ballade sur le poème "A la plage avec Mariana" ... il crut voir la silhouette d'un étrange animal s'agiter à la fenêtre de son studio ; un peu inquiet, il appela son majordome...
I will. When he's ready.
- Je le lui dirai en temps voulu.
Take a seat, I'll call you when he's ready.
Asseyez-vous. Je vous appellerai.
When he's ready and he's able, he'll tell us what happened. He will.
Quand il sera prêt, il nous dira ce qui s'est passé.
he's ready 111
he's ready for you 21
ready 6018
ready or not 106
ready when you are 132
ready as i'll ever be 16
ready and waiting 18
ready to order 18
ready to go home 19
ready to roll 40
he's ready for you 21
ready 6018
ready or not 106
ready when you are 132
ready as i'll ever be 16
ready and waiting 18
ready to order 18
ready to go home 19
ready to roll 40
ready to go 350
ready now 19
ready for lunch 19
ready for what 105
ready for this 33
ready to fire 23
when they 28
when we first met 137
when the saints go marching in 18
when you 160
ready now 19
ready for lunch 19
ready for what 105
ready for this 33
ready to fire 23
when they 28
when we first met 137
when the saints go marching in 18
when you 160
when were you born 26
when i was younger 134
when are you leaving 116
when i was a child 198
when you're gone 25
when it comes to you 25
when i'm gone 52
when will i see you again 43
when it rains 55
when i 169
when i was younger 134
when are you leaving 116
when i was a child 198
when you're gone 25
when it comes to you 25
when i'm gone 52
when will i see you again 43
when it rains 55
when i 169