Your excellency перевод на французский
1,381 параллельный перевод
- My apologies, Your Excellency.
- Pardon, Excellence.
- No trace, Your Excellency.
- Aucun signe, Votre Excellence.
Your Excellency, I trust you will not find it necessary to use that word again.
Votre Excellence, je crois que vous n'aurez plus besoin d'utiliser ce mot.
All left on board ship, your excellency.
Ils sont restés à bord, Votre Excellence.
Well, does it stand to reason, your excellency, we should come to this shore in a small boat if we'd not been shipwrecked.
Cela va sans dire, Votre Excellence. Aurions-nous accosté là, dans un si petit bateau si nous n'étions naufragés?
Surely, your excellency, in our case one look is sufficient to convince you of our innocence.
Bien sûr, Votre Excellence, mais dans notre cas, un regard suffit pour vous convaincre de notre innocence.
Take a seat, Your Excellency.
- Prenez place, Votre Excellence.
Thank you, Your Excellency.
- Merci, Votre Excellence.
Please, Your Excellency, let us not dwell on this unfortunate incident.
Excellence, oubliez ce fâcheux incident.
Is this an officer under your command, Your Excellency?
Cet officier sert sous vos ordres, Excellence?
- No, thank you, Your Excellency.
- Non, merci, Excellence.
Good night, Your Excellency.
Bonsoir, Excellence.
Your Excellency.
No, your excellency, only every night.
Non, Votre Excellence, seulement toutes les nuits.
Your excellency has the same view as the prince's, the river Nekar.
Votre Excellence a la même vue que le prince, la rivière Nekar.
Excuse me, your excellency.
Excusez-moi, Excellence.
The honour is mine, Your Excellency.
C'est un honneur pour moi, Votre Excellence.
- Gladly, Your Excellency.
- Avec joie, Votre Excellence.
Do you need this for the game, Your Excellency?
Avez-vous besoin de ceci pour jouer, Votre Excellence?
Your Excellency, I propose a wager with Nahreeb.
Votre Excellence, je propose un pari à Nahreeb.
"Oh, hello, your Excellency, always so young!"
"Bonjour, Excellence. Toujours aussi vert."
I don't know, your Excellency. She is maybe...
C'est peut-être Cendrillon. "
You might at least have told us you speak English, Your Excellency.
Vous auriez dû dire que vous parlez anglais.
- Your Excellency, all I want is a few minutes'audience with him.
Je ne lui prendrai que quelques minutes.
My spirit is just as bad, Your Excellency.
Je suis d'aussi mauvaise humeur que lui.
But he still has much to learn, Your Excellency.
Mais il a beaucoup à apprendre, Excellence.
Thank you, Your Excellency.
Merci, Excellence.
Your Excellency, the princess should be arriving at any moment.
La princesse va arriver d'un instant à l'autre.
A special courier, Your Excellency.
Un courrier spécial, Votre Excellence.
Hey, Your Excellency.
Bon Dieu, allons-y.
Off we go, Your Excellency.
Au boulot, samouraï!
For two weeks, Your Excellency.
Quinze jours, votre Excellence.
Permit me to drive you, Your Excellency, for old times'sake.
Votre noblesse, permettez que je prenne les rênes comme avant?
Good morning, Your Excellency!
Salut à vous, votre Excellence!
Are you aware, Your Excellency, of an agreement between our countries... which states, "A Consul shall reside in Shimoda... when either country shall so require"?
Vous êtes au courant de l ´ accord signé entre nos deux pays et qui prévoit que "Un Consul résidera à Shimoda " dès que l ´ un des pays le désirera ".
- Your Excellency.
- Votre Excellence.
Your Excellency, let's stop this nonsense about my official existence.
Ce refus absurde de me reconnaître officiellement a assez duré.
Your Excellency, your country stands at the crossroads of the world.
Votre pays est à la croisée des chemins du globe.
Your Excellency, there are fanatics in every country.
Il y a des fanatiques dans tous les pays Excellence.
I am grateful to Your Excellency for a most delightful party.
Je remercie Votre Excellence pour une soirée enchanteresse.
Your Excellency, if word does not come soon... I might be tempted to go to Edo to get it.
Si Edo ne répond pas bientôt je serai homme à y aller moi-même.
An honor, Your Excellency.
Quel honneur Votre Excellence.
Your Excellency.
Votre Excellence.
Do they still include Your Excellency?
Votre Excellence en fait partie?
The people elected me, your excellency.
C'est le peuple qui m'a élu.
Your excellency, of course, Does not favor elections.
Le scrutin universel, ça vous déplaît.
Excellency, Mr. Archipelagos would like To see your excellency.
Votre Excellence, M.Archipelagos désire vous voir.
- Thank you, Your Excellency.
Merci, Excellence.
- Excellency, your jacket, your glasses.
Votre veste, vos lunettes!
Your Majesty, this shall be His Excellency, Sir John Hay, most honorable representative of United Kingdom in Great Britain.
Majesté, voici Son Excellence, Sir John Hay... très honorable représentant de Royaume-Uni en Grande-Bretagne.
I'm sorry. His Excellency didn't request your presence.
Pardon, son Excellence n'a pas sollicité votre présence.
excellency 245
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your mum 57
your majesty 3240
your mother 885
your sister 409
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your dad 423
your mum 57
your majesty 3240
your mother 885
your sister 409
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your dad 423
your mind 60
your brother 593
your father called 16
your highness 1544
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your friend 527
your voice 78
your hand 189
your brother 593
your father called 16
your highness 1544
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your friend 527
your voice 78
your hand 189