And george sr перевод на португальский
64 параллельный перевод
And George Sr. was about to be surprised by his son.
E o George Sr. estava prestes a ser surpreendido pelo filho.
And George Sr. makes good... on his promise to come clean on the international accounts.
E o George Sr. cumpre a promessa de confessar tudo... sobre as contas internacionais.
- Yeah. And George Sr. was working on a roadside beautification effort... brokered by Warden Stefan Gentles.
E o George Sr. trabalhava num esforço para embelezar o passeio, mediado pelo director da prisão, Stefan Gentles.
- Really? And George Sr. was about to get a surprise visitor.
E o George Sr. estava prestes a ter uma visita surpresa.
- Michael was also hurt. And George Sr. Was brutally hurt... when he was mistaken for his twin brother Oscar.
O Michael também ficou magoado... e o George Sr. ficou brutalmente magoado, quando foi confundido com o irmão gémeo, o Oscar.
And George Sr. Made his case to the Mexican police.
E o George Sr. levou o seu caso à polícia mexicana.
So he explained the project, and George Sr. Agreed on one condition.
Explicou o projecto e o George Sr. concordou, com uma condição.
And George Sr. Was only too happy to have something to read.
O George Sr. ficava contente por ter algo que ler.
And George Sr. Turns out to be right about the effects of stress.
E o George Sr. acaba por ter razão sobre os efeitos do stress. duas semanas depois...
"... I shot and killed Mr. George Grisby...
"... matei o Sr. George Grisby,
And, Mr. Qua, I've got to run down to the market while George is asleep.
Sr. Qua, tenho de ir num instante ao mercado enquanto o George dorme.
Mr. Balfour is a loyal subject of King George, and has Campbells for friends.
O Sr. Balfour é um leal subdito do rei George. E tem amigos entre os Campbell.
Besides attending the conference he has found time to meet political and religious leaders like Mr. Lloyd George the Archbishop of Canterbury, George Bernard Shaw and Charlie Chaplin.
Além de ter participado na Conferência,... encontrou-se também com líderes políticos e religiosos, tais como, o sr.Lloyd George o Arcebispo de Canterbury, o sr. George Bernard Shaw... e o sr. Charlie Chaplin.
Tell Mr. George that I'm safe... and I'm staying here in this coach until the rain stops.
Diz ao Sr. George que eu estou bem... e que fico aqui nesta carroça até a chuva parar.
Old Mr. Emerson's rheumatism is back, and George thinks it's too far.
O reumatismo do velho Sr. Emerson voltou, e George pensa que está demasiado longe.
Joanie, this is not at all like what happened between you and George.
Adeus, Sr. Tanner.
It seems to be, the bell rings, and I go to let someone in... Doesn't matter if it's Mr Harry or Mr George,... or Superintendent Sugden, even. But I'm saying to myself...
Quando tocam à campainha e eu vou abrir a porta a alguém, pode ser o Sr. Harry, o Sr. George, ou mesmo o Superintendente Sugden, digo para mim mesmo :
George, I'd like you to meet Mr. and Mrs. Habib. Hello.
George, quero apresentar-lhe o Sr. E a sra. Habib.
Mary Sue, Bud, George, and Betty... and oh, yes, Mr. Johnson at the soda shop.
Mary Sue, Bud, George e Betty e o Sr. Johnson da casa de merendas.
And on my left, Mr. George Stanete, waiter at the Karaoke Club. He's going to tell us what happened.
E à minha esquerda, encontra-se o Sr. George Stanete, empregado no "Karaoke Club", que nos vai contar o que se passou.
George Sr. would reveal the truth... and Michael would make sure Kitty didn't come out of the trailer.
O George Sr. revelaria a verdade... e o Michael certificar-se-ia de que a Kitty não saía da caravana.
And so, George Sr. made another call. Kitty's on the loose.
Então, o George Sr. fez outra chamada.
In fact, George Sr. Was in the church, where he was mourned... by his longtime assistant and accomplice to his escape, Kitty... as only a few days earlier, he'd been declared dead.
Na verdade, o George Sr. estava na igreja, a ser velado pela sua assistente de longa data... e cúmplice da sua fuga, a Kitty, visto que tinha sido declarado morto uns dias antes.
[Narrator] And George Sr. was led into the courtroom.
E o George Sr. foi levado para a sala de audiência.
Get off him! George! [Narrator] George Sr., having never heard his charges... listed consecutively in one sitting, panicked and ran with great intensity.
O George Sr., nunca tendo ouvido as suas acusações enumeradas consecutivamente, entrou em pânico e correu de forma intensa.
And so the family gathered to remember George Sr.
E a família reuniu-se então para recordar George Sr.
Michael Bluth and his family had gathered at the courthouse... to discuss George Sr.'s upcoming trial.
O Michael Bluth e a família tinham-se reunido no tribunal... para discutirem o próximo julgamento do George Sr.
And that's when the family realized that George Sr. wasn't dead... but was fleeing the country that he loved so very much.
Foi então que a família soube que o George Sr. não estava morto, estava a fugir do país que tanto amava.
And Kitty helps George Sr. escape.
E a Kitty ajuda o George Sr. a fugir.
[Narrator] And the family gathered to watch a videotape... George Sr. had sent Lindsay and Tobias for their anniversary.
Então, a família juntou-se para ver um vídeo... que George Sr. tinha mandado à Lindsay e ao Tobias para o aniversário.
And so, George Sr. made another call.
Então, o George Sr. fez outra chamada. A Kitty anda à solta.
And at the prison, George Sr. had a surprise visit.
Na prisão, o George Sr. recebia uma visita de surpresa.
He found his fugitive father earlier in the week, and he was hiding him in the attic, where George Sr. was currently waiting for his breakfast.
- O Michael estava a mentir. Encontrou o pai fugitivo no início da semana, escondido no sótão, onde o George Sr. estava à espera do pequeno-almoço.
George Sr. Was in Mexico... with his escape accomplice and ex-secretary, Kitty. I keep eating so many eggs.
O George Sr. estava no México, com a sua cúmplice de fuga e ex-secretária, a Kitty.
The card says, "To Mr. and Mrs. George Sibley"!
O cartão diz... Para Sr. e Sra. George Sibley.
"To Mr. and Mrs. George Sibley."
"Para Sr. e Sra. George Sibley".
Early on, George Bush, Sr. Helped secure billions in government subsidies for Enron International. And he helped promote Lay as deregulation's Ambassador-at-Large.
No início, George Bush pai ajudou a assegurar milhões em subsídios governamentais para a Enron Internacional, e ajudou a promover Lay a um posto não oficial de Embaixador das Desregulações.
In fact, George Sr. Had snuck out of the attic... and gone to a local Ford dealership.
De facto, o George Sr. esgueirara-se do sótão... e tinha ido a um concessionário Ford.
Actually, George Sr. Was secretly living... - in the attic above them and was starved for company - - Nellie.
Na verdade, o George Sr. vivia secretamente... no sótão, por cima deles, e ansiava por companhia...
- And Lindsay was about to see... a Tobias with the raw power of George Sr.
A Lindsay ia ver um Tobias com a energia do George Sr.
[Narrator] George Sr. Had always worn the God costume... at the annual Living Classics Pageant... where he and Buster re-created Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam.
O George Sr. sempre assumiu a postura clerical, no Desfile Anual de Clássicos Vivos, onde ele e o Buster recriavam o quadro de Miguel Ângelo A Criação de Adão.
Later, while George Sr. Was shaving his unconscious brother's head... he wondered whether there really was a reward, and ifhe could get it.
Mais tarde, enquanto o George Sr. rapava a cabeça do irmão inconsciente, pensou se haveria de facto uma recompensa... e se haveria uma forma de a receber.
George Sr. was abandoned, and longed for Lucille.
George Sr. foi abandonado e tinha saudades da Lucille.
And so George Sr. was free and Michael and Gob absconded with the evidence.
Assim, o George Sr. ficou livre e o Michael e o Gob fugiram com as provas.
As it happens, George Sr. Had come to... in the attic, and perhaps it was the effect oflosing his one friend -
Na realidade, o George Sr. recuperara os sentidos no sótão.
That's right, Officer. George and me.
É verdade, Sr. Guarda, o Georgie e eu.
And George, the guests - Monsieur Hunter and Madame Cloade?
George, os convidados, o Sr. Hunter e Madame Cloade?
Harry Crane, media and mr. George Pallham over here who is from research and who has more degrees then a russian protractor.
Harry Crane, da media, e Sr. George Pallham, responsável pela pesquisa e que tem mais graus do que um transferidor russo.
The counting of votes that are of questionable legality does in my view threaten irreparable harm to the petitioner, George W Bush, and to the country, by casting a cloud upon what he claims to be the legitimacy of his election.
A recontagem dos votos de legalidade questionável provoca, no meu entender, danos irreparáveis ao requerente, George W. Bush, e ao país, por suscitar dúvidas, acerca do que ele entende ser a legitimidade da sua eleição. Sr. Boies, Sr. Boies.
Mister... mr.George, How were you able to broker this historic reconciliation between father and son?
Sr. George, como conseguiu acabar com esta novela de reconciliação entre pai e filho?
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. George Michael.
Senhoras e senhores, o Sr. George Michael.
and george 36
george sr 78
and god bless america 20
and good night 44
and god bless you 16
and good luck 151
and god said 22
and good morning to you 18
and goodbye 44
and good riddance 22
george sr 78
and god bless america 20
and good night 44
and god bless you 16
and good luck 151
and god said 22
and good morning to you 18
and goodbye 44
and good riddance 22