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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ A ] / At the hospital

At the hospital перевод на португальский

4,086 параллельный перевод
Well, having been Director of Geriatrics over at the hospital for years, I am all ready to go.
Tendo sido Diretora da Geriatria no hospital há anos, estou pronta.
I'm just gonna stay here, take a shower over at the hospital.
Vou ficar aqui, tomar um duche ali no hospital.
We'll call. He can meet us at the hospital. No.
- Telefonamos-lhe e ele vai ao hospital.
He's at the hospital.
Ele está no hospital.
Mark's an intern at the hospital.
O Mark é estagiário no hospital.
- No. I'm at the hospital.
- Não, no hospital.
I just wanna know if you can find another waitress to replace me because I start my training rounds at the hospital.
Só queria saber se arranjas outra empregada... ALUNA ESCOLA DE ENFERMAGEM... que me substitua porque vou começar o estágio no hospital.
But that guy at the hospital...
Mas aquele homem no hospital...
- You said for a fact that he should have killed them at the hospital, but he didn't.
Disseste que tinhas a certeza de que ele podia tê-lo matado no hospital, mas não o fez.
There are some people over at the hospital and they want me to come by.
Têm algumas pessoas no hospital e elas querem que eu passe por lá.
They promoted me at the hospital.
Promoveram-me no hospital.
I lost my job. I was laid off. There were layoffs at the hospital.
Perdi o meu emprego, estava... estava em lay-off, houveram lay-off no hospital.
No, and they went with Callisto because someone at the hospital had a Juppiter last week.
Não, mudaram para Callisto porque alguém no hospital teve uma Juppiter a semana passada.
Marie is at the hospital.
A Maria está no hospital.
I ah... Met her at the hospital.
Eu... conhecia no hospital.
The girl at the hospital...
A rapariga no hospital...
Nobody heard anything at the hospital.
Ninguém ouviu nada no hospital.
- We should take the sample at the hospital.
- Deviamos ir buscar a amostra ao hospital.
I've been at the hospital all day!
Passei o dia no hospital.
Am I gonna have to live at the hospital?
Eu vou ter que viver no hospital?
[Edgar] I didn't even want to be at the hospital and see him going through that.
Não queria estar no hospital a vê-lo passar por aquilo.
Yeah, I got to get going, too. I got to do rounds at the hospital.
Tenho de ir também, devo dar uma volta no hospital.
I'm at the hospital with my dad.
Estou no hospital com o meu pai.
When was the last time you visited your dad at the hospital?
Quando foi a última vez que visitaste o teu pai no hospital?
Later, at the hospital once I was told I was perfectly healthy,
Depois, no hospital, disseram-me que eu estava perfeitamente saudável.
I spoke to a nurse that worked at the hospital, since before Benjamin died...
Num hospital em Fort Worth. Falei com uma enfermeira que trabalhava no hospital antes do Benjamin morrer.
He'd call me at the hospital and say :
Pois, ele ligava-me para o hospital e dizia :
Call your dad, tell him to meet us at the hospital.
Liga ao teu pai, diz-lhe para se encontrar connosco no hospital.
- Please meet us at the hospital!
- Por favor, encontra-te connosco no hospital.
- I will go to Kakuma. I can work at the hospital.
- Eu vou para Kakuma trabalhar no hospital.
Since that first time at the hospital, something is wrong with me.
Desde a primeira vez no hospital, algo se passa comigo.
Meet me at the hospital!
Vai ter comigo ao hospital!
Is she all right? She's in critical condition at the hospital.
- Está no hospital, em estado crítico.
My wife and I weren't with her at the hospital when she was born.
A minha esposa e eu não estávamos com ela no hospital quando ela nasceu.
When she had the child, the Andersons were not informed, and as such, were not at the hospital when their daughter died, in a case of indirect maternal death that they felt would've been preventable had they been present during the labor.
Quando teve a criança, os Anderson não foram avisados, e como tal, não estiveram no hospital quando a filha deles faleceu, num caso de morte maternal indireta. que eles sentem que seria evitável se pudessem estar presentes.
You are in the Billy Barnes Extended Care Unit at the Mount Palms Hospital.
Está na unidade de cuidados continuados do Hospital de Mount Palms.
Now, the hospital at Asheville can give you a second opinion, if the discomfort is too much for you.
No Hospital de Nashville dar-lhe-ão outra opinião se estiver com muitas dores.
At Vancouver's Children's Hospital they've had to establish a special clinic just to deal with the effects of antipsychotics in kids.
No Hospital Pediátrico de Vancouver, tiveram de criar uma clínica especial só para lidar com os efeitos dos antipsicóticos nas crianças.
My wife had this early contraction so I rushed her to the hospital at 1 : 23.
A minha mulher teve a primeira contração então eu corri com ela para o hospital à 1 : 23.
She's a patient at the Nevada state mental institution.
Ela é uma paciente no hospital psiquiátrico do estado de Nevada.
At the moment, we are taking her to hospital.
Vamos para o hospital.
I took three 25s in the side and ended up at Northshore Psychiatric Hospital in Lubbock, Texas, which is kind of funny in its own rite- - psych ward being in Lubbock, Texas.
Levei três tiros na lateral e acabei no Hospital Northshore, em Lubbock, Texas, o que tem muita piada. Uma ala psiquiátrica em Lubbock, Texas!
Yves... Perhaps you remember that afternoon in 1960 at the Val de Gr? ce.
Yves, talvez te lembras daquela tarde em 1960, no hospital de Val-de-Grâce.
And there's no Dr. Dylan at Willow Oak or any other hospital in the area.
E não há nenhum Dr. Dylan em Willow Oak nem em qualquer outro hospital da zona.
Their killings, their sacrifices and rituals- - the hospital lives at the heart of where all this took place.
As suas matanças, sacrificios e rituais... o hospital está situado onde tudo isso aconteceu.
The Authorities did not give statements while survivors They are recovering at a local hospital.
As autoridades não dão declarações enquanto os sobreviventes recuperam num hospital local.
Either you and Nora are the greatest nurses of all time, or no one else works at that hospital.
Ou tu e a Nora são os melhores enfermeiros de todos os tempos, ou mais ninguém trabalha naquele hospital.
Paramedics worked feverishly to save the life of Richard Cho... but despite heroic efforts, the husband and father of three... was pronounced dead at Good Samaritan Hospital.
Os paramédicos tentam a todo o custo salvar a vida de Richard Cho, mas apesar dos esforços heroicos, o marido e pai de três filhos, foi dado como morto no Good Samaritan Hospital.
But now she's at St. Ann's hospital, and we need to get there before the others do.
Mas agora está no hospital de St. Ann e precisamos lá chegar antes dos outros.
The girl's at St. Ann's hospital. I know.
- A menina está no hospital de St.
Bo is at St. Ann's hospital on the eighth floor.
- Bo está no hospital de St. Ann. No 8º.

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