At the party перевод на португальский
3,588 параллельный перевод
Okay, something did happen at the party that night, but not with me.
Passou-se alguma coisa na festa naquela noite, mas não comigo.
That night I'd had a few drinks, and I saw her with that... Creaver at the party.
Naquela noite já tinha bebido um pouco e vi-a com aquele Creaver na festa.
Yeah, organizers confirm that he arrived at the party at 9 : 30, but everyone was masked.
Os organizadores confirmaram que ele chegou à festa às 21h30, mas estavam todos mascarados.
I, uh, I wanted to apologize for losing Mrs. Doran last night at the party.
Eu quero desculpar-me por não ter cuidado da Mrs. Doran na festa de ontem.
Olivia was the victim of some foul play at the party.
Na festa, a Olivia foi vítima de uma brincadeira de mau gosto.
Things got a little heated at the party, and...
As coisas aqueceram um pouco na festa e...
Like at the party tonight.
- Como na festa, esta noite.
Come on. There had to have been at least a hundred people at the party last night.
Vá lá, havia pelo menos, cem pessoas na festa a noite passada.
Multiple witnesses saw her at the party.
Várias testemunhas viram-na na festa.
I'm heading out to meet the President and Mellie at the party ball. You want a ride?
Vou ter com o Presidente e a Mellie no baile.
The only access to the helipad is through Case Commerce, which means our killer was at the party.
O único acesso ao heliporto é pela Case Commerce, então o nosso assassino estava na festa.
We think that he was sent there by someone at the party.
Pensamos que foi chamado por alguém da festa.
So, you know those firefighters I was talking to at the party the other night?
Sabes os bombeiros com quem falei na festa?
Okay, Johnny, Mr. Tight Coffin over here was planning to have these powdered lame-os play at the party.
Então, Johnny, o Conde-de-Ferro aí... ia usar o som desses defuntos pra animar a festa.
Just to apologize for my behavior at the party.
Para me desculpar pelo comportamento na festa.
Justin, I looked for you at the party but...
Justin, procurei-te na festa, mas...
Did you mean what you said at the party?
Estavas a falar a sério sobre aquilo me disseste na festa?
When I met him at the party, he made no mention to me that he was in the Army.
Quando o conheci na festa, ele não me referiu que estava no Exército.
See you guys at the party.
Vejo-vos na festa.
Your brother begged you to leave the drunk American at the party... but you stayed.
O teu irmão implorou-te para deixares a Americana bêbeda na festa, mas tu ficaste.
They saw yöu at the party, and they're looking for it.
Viram-te na festa e andam à procura do carro.
See you at the party.
Vejo-te na festa.
If you told me that night at the party, I was kind of shit-faced.
Disseste-mo à noite na festa, mas estava um pouco tocado.
Hey, Lis, some fifth graders are having a make-your-own pizza party at Flesh-In-The-Pan Pizza, and wanted me to invite you.
Ei, Lisa, alguns alunos do quinto ano vão fazer uma festa da pizza na pizzaria "Carne-na-Panela", e queriam que eu te convidasse.
I do, it's just he wants to go to that party at the comic book store.
- Gosto, só que ele quer ir àquela festa na loja de BD.
Detail clocked you out of the party at 2103 hours.
Disseram que você saiu da festa às 21 : 03. - Disseram?
Witnesses saw you with Anabelle at the opening night party.
Testemunhas viram-no com a Anabelle na festa de abertura.
At the end of the day, monsters and humans would gather in the center of the town for the biggest party of the year!
No final do dia, monstros e humanos reuniam-se no centro da cidade para a maior festa do ano!
The candy man came with invitations to a party at his store.
O homem dos bombons veio com convites para uma festa na loja dele.
Why aren't you at the Candy Andy party?
Porque não estás na festa do Andy Bombom?
I'll see you at the pop-up party but the plan has changed.
Vejo-te na festa pop-up, mas o plano mudou.
It's just, after the incident at my party...
É que, depois do incidente da minha festa...
Yeah... he kissed me at my birthday party, in the photo booth.
Ele beijou-me. Na minha festa de anos, na cabine das fotografias.
That morning After the party at city hall.
Naquela manhã, depois da festa na câmara.
Looks like a heist occurred at the office Christmas party - last night.
Houve um roubo durante a festa da empresa na noite passada.
Why aren't you at the block party?
Porque não estás na festa do bloco?
Even that party at your place- - you guys just raced off into the night at 7 : 30.
Até aquela festa na vossa casa... Vocês desapareceram por volta das 19h30. Isso é estranho.
I... I have an annual party up at the estate.
Dou lá uma festa todos os anos.
We understand you were at a party at the home of Mr. Woodrow Ricks last Friday evening.
Sabemos que esteve numa festa na casa do Sr. Woodrow Ricks na passada sexta-feira.
Billy, it is 4 : 15 in the afternoon, and I'm at a dinner party.
Billy, são 16 : 15 da tarde, e eu estou num jantar.
Today, a day after police shot it outwith the Black Panthers, killing two of them, they raided the apartment... the shooting of twenty-six Panthers in the past year... may represent a national campaign... by police to wipe out the Panthers... the criminal reaction of the occupants in shooting... at announced police officers... emphasizes the extreme viciousness of the Black Panther Party.
Hoje, um dia após o tiroteio com Panteras Negras, matando dois deles... Em tiroteio com a polícia foram mortos pelo menos 4 Panteras Negras, no ano passado. Eles representam uma campanha nacional, segundo a polícia... reacção interna dos ocupantes que atiraram num polícia enfatiza a crueldade extrema do Partido dos Panteras Negras.
I remember when I used to work in Sydney, we played this party game at the crimbo party.
Lembro-me que quando trabalhava em Sydney, costumávamos jogar este jogo na festa de Natal.
What about Karen the other night at the Christmas party?
Que tal a Karen na outra noite, na Festa de Natal?
He's at Savannah Snow's party, which is where all the kids are.
Ele está na festa de Savannah Snow, onde estão todas as crianças.
Well, you should be at that party, Ethan... kicking up your heels with your real friends, with the children who belong in this town.
Devia estar naquela festa, Ethan... se divertindo com seus amigos, com as crianças desta cidade.
Found that out the hard way at a birthday party.
Descobri isso da forma mais difícil, numa festa de anos.
But there is a huge party tonight at the Sigma Chi house.
Mas há uma festa tremenda na dos Sigma Chi.
The role of Tellegio's attorney, Alfonse Simone, was played by our friend, Ed Malone, the Cold Cut King of Long Island, whose party we were at when Sydney and I first met.
O papel de advogado do Tellegio foi interpretado pelo nosso amigo Ed Malone, o rei das carnes frias de Long Island, em cuja festa eu e a Sydney nos conhecemos.
The allegation being that he has transferred at least 50 classified cables to another party.
Alegam que ele transferiu pelo menos 50 telegramas confidenciais para uma outra parte.
You were in love with Don Griffin from the first time I introduced you at the Crabtree summer party.
Foste apaixonada pelo Don Griffin desde da primeira vez que eu o apresentei na festa de verão do Crabtree.
Oh, did you ever find out who ratted you out at the McDowell's party?
Chegaste a saber da festa dos McDowels?
at the movies 19
at the age of 82
at the end of the day 343
at the end 233
at the very least 397
at the same time 408
at the airport 47
at the moment 453
at the hospital 120
at the 118
at the age of 82
at the end of the day 343
at the end 233
at the very least 397
at the same time 408
at the airport 47
at the moment 453
at the hospital 120
at the 118