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Could you just перевод на португальский

9,837 параллельный перевод
So she said, "could you just peg me?"
E disse-me, "Importas-te de montar-me?"
Baby, could you just let me have the win?
Vais deixar-me ficar com a vitória?
So... I'm having a party next Tuesday. Could you just do, like, a little pop in?
Vou fazer uma festa na terça-feira que vem, devia dar uma passada...
How could you just...
Como é que pudeste...
- How could you just take off like that?
- Como pudeste ir embora assim?
Just to see, you know, calls she had made or, you know, if there were other numbers of friends that we could find on there. Finding her cell phone records, how does something like that occur?
Como é que encontraram os registos na Internet?
a road search I guess you could call it, where everybody got in their vehicles and drove certain parts of roads and maps that we had plotted out for'em just to make sure we'd cover everything, but...
uma busca na estrada, por assim dizer, em que fomos de carro e passámos por certas estradas e mapas que tínhamos definido para garantir que cobríamos tudo, mas...
You were just hoping or guessing that maybe he could?
Simplesmente tinha esperanças que ele conseguisse?
I just wish that, you know, he could...
Quem me dera que ele pudesse...
And you, just as Mozart could hear an entire symphony in his head, you dance with numbers to infinity.
E você, tal como Mozart conseguia ouvir uma sinfonia inteira na sua cabeça, dança com números até ao infinito.
You know, it just as easily could have been me.
Sabe, podia facilmente ter sido eu.
Mr. Davis, if you could just open the door for a moment.
Sr. Davis, poderia abrir a porta.
Mr. Davis, if you could just open the door for a moment...
Sr. Davis, se puder abrir a porta...
Is there any way that you could put that, what you just played, into words?
Há alguma forma de colocar em palavras o que acabaste de tocar?
I'm trying to tag her ass before she passes out, so if you could just...
Quero que ma tragas. Assim que puderes...
Final jump is an open event so if you could just land one jump, you are...
O salto final é um evento aberto, por isso, se conseguires fazer um salto, vais...
If you could just come take a look.
Se pudesse ir lá ver...!
We're actually gonna discuss everything just for a second, so if you could just stand over there,
Vamos discutir entre nós, por isso, se puderes ir para ali.
Anyway, if you could just mosey around, you'll probably bump into it.
Se puderem dar uma vista de olhos, hão de dar com ele.
If you could just chuck me down my own proton pack, that'd be great.
Se puderem dar-me um kit de protões, seria fantástico!
I just wish I could go back in time... and protect you from that fucking scumbag.
Só queria poder voltar no tempo e proteger-te daquele desgraçado
I started to panic... because all I could think about was you... and what I just destroyed.
eu entrei em pânico Porque só conseguia pensar em ti, E no que eu havia destruído.
You think you could tell the Sheriff what you just told me?
Acha que podia contar ao xerife o que acaba de me dizer?
"Oh, if you could just include my girls in the group of children to go to America,"
"Se ao menos incluísse as minhas filhas no grupo de crianças que vai para a América."
It would just mean so much to both of us if you could join us on our special day.
Significava muito para nós se pudessem estar presentes no nosso dia especial.
- If you could just mind your business. - What is iStalkU?
O que é o "Eupersigo-te"?
Or, hey, we could just kill Charlie and then you could ask her out. Wait, wait, wait.
Ou podemos matar o Charlie e já podes convidá-la para sair.
Oh, you could just put that down right there.
Pode pousar isso ali.
I just thought you could use one.
Pensei que gostasses de um.
Like, if you grabbed every single strand, do you think that you could swing and then time it just right and grab all of those strands, then, like Tarzan, make it all the way to my office?
- Se pegarmos em todos os fios, acha que conseguimos balouçar até apanharmos aqueles fios todos e depois, qual Tarzan, chegar ao meu gabinete?
You could just loop around up here.
Podes virar aqui.
You could just be a few feet away!
Pode estar a uns metros de distância!
Yeah! Wish you could just get it there?
Querem que as coisas cheguem ao destino?
Nothing. I was just saying that I, you know, I could use your help.
Nada, só que preciso da vossa ajuda.
Could have just started with that, you know, saved all this bullshit.
Podíamos ter começado por aqui, poupava-nos esta treta toda.
And if you could please just call me back because I really miss you.
Gostaria muito que me ligasses de volta, porque sinto imenso a tua falta.
If you hit those sharks in the eyeball, it really hurt them, and they left you alone, and you could see down in the water maybe 50 feet, and they'd go down there and just thrash
Se atingires o olho do tubarão, realmente magoa e ele deixa-te em paz. Dá para os ver ao fundo do mar de lá para cá, com dor.
Well, just glad you could make it.
- Que bom que vieste!
So could you please just tell me what the hell is going on here, because you're really starting to freak me out.
Pode dizer-me o que se passa? Começo a ficar enervada.
You just gobbled up every dollar of stock you could afford.
Encaixaram todos os dólares que conseguiram!
Just so you know, this DJ stuff could make me a lot of money if that's what you're worried about.
Não sei se sabes, mas posso ganhar muito dinheiro com "estas tralhas".
Uh, could you just, uh, double check that for us?
Não se importa de verificar novamente, se faz favor?
Dude, I did all of this just so you could get with Lina!
Eu entrei nisto para te ajudar com a Lina.
I just wish there was some goddamn way I could make you proud of me.
Queria que houvesse alguma maneira de te fazer sentires orgulho de mim.
After that, you know, you just sort of think to yourself, what more could you do?
Depois disso, sabe, acabamos pensando em nós próprios, que mais poderíamos fazer?
I'm sorry to disturb you... but if I could just have a moment of your time.
Lamento incomodá-lo, mas se me desse um momento do seu tempo...
You know, they loaned the least they could. Just enough to keep your mama poor on a guaranteed return.
Emprestaram o mínimo que podiam, só para manterem a tua mãe pobre com retorno garantido.
And I just thought that you'd want to know, just so you could stop looking in case you were.
E achei que quisesse saber, para assim parar de procurar caso esteja.
Of course, you could have sex. It's just the girl would have to be on top.
Poderias ter sexo só que ela teria que ficar por cima.
I'm just amazed that you could reach the ripe old age of, what?
Estou surpreso que chegou à linda idade de...
I'm getting concerned about Will and I was wondering if you could just call me back.
Estou preocupada com o Will, e pensei se me poderia ligar? Obrigada.

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