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Did you kill them перевод на португальский

132 параллельный перевод
" Why did you kill them...
" Por que as mataste... as lindas flores...?
Why did you kill them?
O que eles fizeram?
Did you kill them all?
Mataste-os todos?
Did you kill them so you could have the ship to yourself?
Mataste-os para ficares com a nave só para ti?
Or did you kill them all?
Ou mataram-nos a todos?
Did you kill them?
Did you kill them?
Did you kill them, Sonny?
Mataste-os, Sonny?
Why did you kill them?
Por que os matou?
- Did you kill them?
- Mataste-os?
Why did you kill them?
Porque é que os matou?
Did you kill them?
Hasan, mataste-os?
Did you kill them?
Did you kill them?
Foi você que os matou?
Did you kill them all?
Mataste todos?
Why did you kill them?
Porque fizeste isso?
The prostitutes, did you kill them?
E as prostitutas, matou-as?
- Why did you kill them?
- Porque os mataste?
Tell me the truth, why did you kill them?
Diz-me a verdade, porque foi que os mataste?
Did you kill them?
Did you kill them, too?
Também os mataste?
Why did you kill them, Joe?
- Porque os mataste, Joe?
Natalie, did you kill them?
Natalie, mataste-as?
Why did you kill them?
Porque os mataste?
What I asked you was, why did you kill them?
O que perguntei foi, porque é que as matou?
Did you kill them or not?
Mataste-as ou não?
Did you kill them? ! Yes!
- Mataste-os?
- Did you kill them?
- Mataste-os? - Não.
Muranishi Koichi, Togawa Taro Did you kill them?
Muranishi Koichi, Togawa Taro, mataste-os?
You did not kill them?
Não os matou?
And the ones you did kill, I bet you shot them in the back.
e os que matou, deve ter-lhes dado um tiro à falsa fé.
Why did you kill them?
Por que os mataste?
I think I'll kill you personally, like I did them.
Acho que te vou matar pessoalmente, tal como a eles.
Did you kill all 7 of them? Or just wing some of them?
Mataste os sete ou só feriste alguns?
Did you find a way to kill them?
Encontrou maneira de os matar?
Did you threaten to kill them both if they interfered?
Ameaçaste matá-los se interferissem?
What they did was they took a group of olympic athletes... and they axed them if using steroids would guarantee you a gold medal... but would also kill you in five years, would you still do it?
Perguntaram a um grupo de atletas olímpicos se o uso de esteróides lhes garantisse medalhas de ouro mas os matasse ao fim de cinco anos, usavam-nos na mesma?
No really- - You didn't kill them, did you?
Não, a sério... Não foi você, pois não?
What did you expect me to do, let them kill you?
O que esperava que fizesse? Deixar que a matassem?
Then you're gonna lose your temper like you just did only this time, you're gonna kill them.
Depois vais perder a calma, como à pouco, só que desta vez, vais matá-los.
And they will kill you if you fuck with them like you did me and Jared.
E eles hão-de matá-lo, se os lixar como fez comigo e com o Jared.
Did you really kill them?
É verdade que os mataste?
I told them I would kill you, if they did not stop.
Eu disse-lhes que a mataria se nao parassem.
Did Antwon Mitchell hire you to kill them?
O Antwon Mitchell contratou-te para os matares?
I understand that they believe your writing is not realistic, and my question is, did you kill Jake Richmond to prove them wrong?
Segundo sei, dizem que a sua escrita não é realista. A minha pergunta é : matou o Jake Richmmond para provar que eles não tinham razão?
They told me they would kill me if I didn't help them, and after what they did to me out there, wouldn't you?
Disseram-me que me matariam se eu não os ajudasse e depois do que me fizeram lá fora, tu não ajudarias?
When they are finished to kill them. When this transport arrived today that transport these Poles. You know what I did?
Se Hitler anda a fazer o trabalho de Deus, então a lógica dita que opormo-nos ao trabalho de Hitler é opormo-nos ao trabalho de Deus.
Why did you have to kill them?
Porque é que os tiveste que matar?
So whoever did fry them is going to try to kill you?
Quem quer que os fritou vai tentar matá-lo?
Well, if you didn't kill them, who did?
- Se não os matou, quem foi?
Did you kill all of them?
Mataste os outros?

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