Found something перевод на португальский
3,651 параллельный перевод
It's found something.
Encontrou algo.
- She found something.
- Encontrou qualquer coisa.
Detective Kennex, CSI radioed asking for you They found something up the road.
Detective Kennex, a perícia quer falar consigo. Encontraram uma coisa na estrada.
Well, then we have found something we have in common.
Bom, pelo menos temos isso em comum.
I found something you may want to see.
- Descobri algo que pode interessar-lhe.
I re-sequenced Julia's DNA and I found something incredible.
Voltei a sequenciar o ADN da Julia e descobri uma coisa incrível.
I think I found something. Yes?
- Acho que encontrei algo.
I think we found something he doesn't want us to see, Miller.
Acho que encontrámos algo que ele não quer que vejamos, Miller.
I have made peace with all of it, because I found something that was important to me.
Eu fiz as pazes com tudo isso, porque encontrei algo que era importante para mim.
look, if we have found something as - - as radical as this appears to be, to - - to - - to fix something as intractable as impotence, you first turn the focus entirely away from sex.
Ouve, se nós encontramos algo tão radical, como parece ser esse o caso, de... de resolver algo tão intratável como a impotência, temos de nos distanciar mais do sexo.
Because I found something.
Porque encontrei uma coisa.
But she acts kind of weird sometimes and I found something that gives me some doubts.
Mas age estranho, às vezes, e encontrei algo que me deixou com dúvidas.
Hey, guys, I found something.
Pessoal, encontrei algo.
- I think I found something.
- Acho que encontrei algo.
I think I may have found something on these audio files that might shed light on that.
Acho que encontrei algo nestes ficheiros de áudio que, talvez, possa esclarecer isso.
They don't what it was but, they found something.
Não sabem bem o que é mas, encontraram algo.
I know it was bullshit, a fairy tale, because I had found something better, something deeper.
Sei que era treta, um conto de fadas. Porque eu tinha encontrado algo melhor, algo mais profundo, algo mais forte.
I found something.
Encontrei algo.
I think I might have found something in the Doug Newberg file.
Acho que encontrei uma coisa no arquivo do Doug Newberg.
I really feel like we found something... a connection, a deeper understanding of each other.
Senti que encontramos mesmo algo... Uma ligação, um conhecimento profundo um do outro.
I think I found something.
Acho que encontrei algo.
So we would have found something to indicate a personal attachment, but this murder is cold and impersonal. So Danny was right...
Íamos ter de encontrar alguma coisa que indicasse uma ligação pessoal, mas este homicídio é frio e impessoal.
They found something.
Eles encontraram alguma coisa.
I found something I think you might like.
Encontrei algo de que vai gostar.
Doctor, I have found something unusual in this scan.
Doutora, encontrei uma coisa incomum no exame.
Wait, I think I've found something.
Acho que encontrei alguma coisa.
Have you found something? No. I've hit a wall because of my limited resources.
Não, esbarrei numa parede devido aos poucos recursos.
Found something of yours though.
Encontrei algo teu.
I'm so happy that you've found something new, but right now, I just need your help!
Estou muito feliz por teres encontrado algo novo, mas agora, eu preciso mesmo da tua ajuda!
The divers might have found something.
Os mergulhadores podem ter encontrado alguma coisa.
The divers might have found something.
Os mergulhadores acharam algo.
We've found something.
Encontrámos uma coisa.
- Yes. We've found something.
- Encontrámos uma coisa.
Hey, Detective, we found something.
- Detective, encontramos uma coisa.
Well, at first I thought that these bolts belonged to something that was sitting inside the vehicle, but then I found more mounted to the undercarriage.
Como? - Primeiro pensei que estes parafusos pertencessem a alguma coisa dentro do carro, mas então encontrei mais no chassis.
You found something? Don't get excited.
- Não fique muito animada.
Wait, I've found something.
Esperem, encontrei uma coisa.
Uh, I just found out something... important.
Acabei de descobrir uma coisa... Importante.
See, I always found that if you just laid out the facts for a guy, treated him with a little respect, maybe give him a chance to redeem himself, earn something'back...
Sabe, sempre considerei que se explicarmos bem a sua situação a um homem, e o tratarmos com o mínimo de respeito, talvez dar-lhe a oportunidade de se redimir, para ganhar algo em troca...
Yo, found McCann's car. It was parked two blocks from the fire, and there was something inside.
Achamos o carro do McCann, estacionado a dois quarteirões do incêndio, e tinha algo dentro.
So you're not mad at me for something you found on my phone?
Então não estás chateada comigo por algo que encontraste no telemóvel?
Cpd's on to something, but until Katie's found,
A Departamento de Polícia de Chicago tem algo, mas até à Katie ser encontrada,
I found out something... something that'll ruin Modern Fashion, take down the whole operation.
Descobri algo que irá arruinar a Modern Fashion e acabar com o esquema deles.
You were lucky that AJ found them before something else happened.
Sorte a tua que o AJ os encontrou antes que acontecesse alguma coisa.
No, there was something else I found.
Não, descobri mais uma coisa.
Contraband. It's the first place I'd hide something I didn't want found.
É o primeiro lugar onde esconderia qualquer coisa que não quisesse que fosse encontrado.
So he goes to the lost and found, and he grabs something that's usually unflattering.
Vai aos Perdidos e Achados e tira algo que, normalmente, não lhe fica bem.
Found something?
Encontraste alguma coisa? Vamos ver melhor.
So... The drug, the one that saved us both... When we found it, I discovered something else.
Portanto, o fármaco, aquele que nos salvou aos dois, quando o encontrámos, descobri outra coisa.
The only thing I found remotely interesting is something called GH-325.
A única coisa que parece interessar é algo que se chama CH-325.
If something has indeed befallen Rose and Nenna is found responsible, then it's the rope for her.
Se algo aconteceu à Rose e a Nenna foi a responsável, então ela será enforcada.
something went wrong 81
something 1990
something came up 177
something happened 421
something like that 1529
something's happening 161
something on your mind 83
something's not right 271
something bad happens 16
something special 67
something 1990
something came up 177
something happened 421
something like that 1529
something's happening 161
something on your mind 83
something's not right 271
something bad happens 16
something special 67
something is wrong 141
something's wrong here 34
something's wrong 881
something wrong 855
something's bothering you 28
something's coming 64
something bad 90
something else 372
something like this 93
something to eat 69
something's wrong here 34
something's wrong 881
something wrong 855
something's bothering you 28
something's coming 64
something bad 90
something else 372
something like this 93
something to eat 69