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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ I ] / I told you yesterday

I told you yesterday перевод на португальский

144 параллельный перевод
That story I told you yesterday was just a story.
Aquela história que lhe contei ontem... foi apenas uma história.
Now, as I told you yesterday, Darwin's theory tells us that man evolved from a lower order of animals. From the first wiggly protozoa here in the sea to the ape and finally to man.
Conforme disse ontem, a teoria de Darwin resume-se no facto que o homem teria evoluído de animais inferiores desde os primeiros protozoários que habitavam os mares evoluindo até ao macaco e finalmente ao homem.
I told you yesterday to move on.
Eu disse-te ontem para partires.
- Because of what I told you yesterday.
- Por causa do que te disse ontem.
I told you yesterday that you must not speak unless you're asked.
Eu já disse ontem, que não devem dizer nada sem que eu pergunte.
Pretty much what I told you yesterday.
Foi mais ou menos o que lhe disse ontem.
I told you yesterday you can't smoke pot- -
Disse-te que não podes fumar erva...
I told you yesterday to haul that trash out of the basement.
Ontem, disse-lhe para tirar aquele lixo da cave!
Mom! In two hours. I told you yesterday.
Por favor, daqui a duas horas, como te disse ontem.
I told you yesterday, in the car.
Disse-lhe, ontem, no carro...
I told you yesterday and I'll tell you again today.
Já to disse ontem e volto a dizer-to hoje.
Sorry, I told you yesterday.
Desculpa, disse-te ontem.
Alan, I told you yesterday I was going to visit my parents.
Alan, eu disse-te ontem que ia visitar os meus pais.
You told me about this yesterday. But I left out a comma.
A Flórida é a montra da América, e Cocoanut Beach, o ponto negro da Flórida.
I should have told you yesterday.
Devia ter-te dito ontem.
I've told you a dozen times, I never saw Ockham... until I saw him at the morgue yesterday.
Já lhe disse que não tinha visto o Ockham... - até que o vi no necrotério ontem.
Now, I told you, dear, we met yesterday.
- Já te disse que foi ontem.
Hey, amigo, you know when you told that story yesterday, I fell for it.
Ei, amigo, quando disseste aquela história ontem, acreditei.
Yesterday, I told you I was thirsty and I thought you might turn up some water.
Ontem eu te disse que estava sedento E acreditei que me ajudaria a encontrar um pouco de água.
She did call yesterday while I was setting up the Doppler scene, and I told her about the trick that you played on me with the gun, and she wasn't a bit surprised.
Ela ligou ontem enquanto preparava a cena para o Doppler. Contei-lhe a trama que me pregou com a arma.
We talked on the telephone yesterday... and you told me to come on down here and I'm here.
Falámos ontem ao telefone. Disse-me para cá vir e aqui estou.
I tried not to get you involved,... but they came to me yesterday and they told me that they'd killed the professor... and that unless I cooperated, they'd kill me too.
Tentei não te envolver... Mas ontem me disseram que mataram o professor... E se não cooperasse, me matariam também.
Fritz, if he / she had told it to you yesterday or the day before yesterday... I have used everything, what I could find
Se eu te tivesse dito que não tínhamos mais filme, que já só usávamos bocados que encontrei por todo o lado, não terias fita.
I told you to give me the pain yesterday.
Pedi-te que me fizesses sofrer ontem, Michael.
I know, Bart. You told me yesterday.
Eu sei, Bart. Disseste-me ontem.
I told her you weren't feeling well yesterday.
Disse-lhe que não te estavas a sentir bem ontem.
I would have told you yesterday, But i was waiting for the carpets to dry out And you to calm down.
Eu tinha te dito isso ontem, mas eu estava a espera que os tapetes secassem e que tu te acalmasses.
I'm glad you told me yesterday.
Alegro-me pelo que me contou ontem
Your mother told you I had a test yesterday?
A tua mãe disse-te que fiz um exame ontem?
I told you, I saw her at Granny's yesterday.
Eu contei-te, vi-a ontem na Avó.
I told you that yesterday.
Eu te avisei sobre isso ontem.
Yesterday, I'd have told you the Quebec Conference... was made up of six professional hockey teams.
Se alguém me tivesse perguntado ontem, teria dito que se tratava de uma equipa de hóquei.
What if I told you I saw this camera sitting up there on the shelf yesterday?
Vi esta câmara na prateleira ontem.
I was told they found you in your grandmother's room yesterday.
Disseram-me que te encontraram no quarto da tua avó ontem.
I told you... a hundred credits by yesterday, or we beat the crap out of you.
Eu disse-te 100 créditos ontem, ou levavas uma sova.
- And I told you "no" yesterday.
- E ainda ontem te disse que não.
Yesterday you told me I had to take my revenge on her.
Ainda ontem me dizias para me vingar dela.
I saw him yesterday at the bank and he told me that you quit the team.
Ontem vi-o no banco e ele disse-me que tu saíste da equipa.
Yes, I did, and listen, everything my mother told you yesterday, lies, okay?
Sim, falei, e tudo o que a minha mãe te disse, ontem, é mentira, está bem?
He seemed very agitated yesterday when I told him you hadn't yet made an arrest. And this morning, he's failed to appear for work.
Ficou muito agitado quando lhe disse que ainda não tinham prendido ninguém e hoje não apareceu ao trabalho.
Yesterday I told you it was over.
- Ontem disse-te que acabou.
But you told a different story yesterday. And I don't like being lied to.
Mas você me contou outra história ontem, e eu não gosto que me mintam.
I told you yesterday.
Disse-to ontem.
Fair's fair, you hired me yesterday, told me nothing about the job, I'm not going to keep... you waiting till Thursday.
Isso é depois de amanhã, e voce contratou-me ontem, não me disse nada do trabalho, não vou conseguir fazê-lo esperar até Quinta.
Yesterday when I told you that I was okay I wasn't.
Ontem, quando te disse que estava bem, não estava.
I'm gonna tell you what I told Stan yesterday in prison...
Vou-te dizer o que disse ao Stan ontem, na prisão...
I told you, she ruined my training yesterday.
Já te disse, ela estragou completamente o meu treino ontem.
So you didn't tell anybody I went off on you yesterday when I thought you'd told?
Então, não contaste que me passei, quando pensei que tivesses contado?
The ones I told you to pick up for the flight yesterday.
- Os que te pedi para arranjares.
And if you had told me yesterday that the Scott brother that I would feel grateful to is Dan I would have said you were crazy.
E se me tivesses dito ontem que o irmão Scott... a quem ficaria grata era o Dan, teria dito que estavas doida.
Yesterday, I told you of our belief in the existence of intelligent life beyond our planet.
Ontem, falei-vos da nossa crença na existência de vida inteligente fora do nosso planeta.

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