Look at them перевод на португальский
2,600 параллельный перевод
- Do not look at them.
- Que espelunca!
look at them, strutting around as if they own the whole city... and yet they're completely dependent.
Olhe para elas, a pavonearem-se como se fossem donas da cidade. E no entanto são completamente dependentes.
Paid 25 bucks and look at them.
Paguei 25 dólares e olha para eles.
Look at them all.
Olha bem para eles.
I can't look at them.
Nem consigo olhá-las.
Look at them this time, okay?
Olha para elas desta vez, sim?
Can I look at them?
Posso vê-las?
I can't-i look at them, I don't know what they're doing.
Olho para eles e não sei o que estão a fazer.
Jesus, look at them all.
Jesus, olha quantos.
Ah, look at them.
Olha para eles.
Look at them!
Olha para eles!
Look at them getting funky now.
Olha para elas a curtir. Maria.
Look at them, Erik. They do not mourn him. Why would they?
Olha para eles Erick, não o queriam.
Don't look. Do NOT look at them!
Não olhes para eles.
Look at them.
Olha para elas.
Look at them, though. Forty-two years together and they're still best friends.
Olhe para eles. 42 anos juntos e ainda são melhores amigos.
Come on! They don't care which one of us bleeds. Look at them.
A eles não lhes interessa qual de nós sangra, olha para eles.
There are days when I look at them and I think, you know, what the fuck?
Existem dias em que olho para elas e penso, mas que porra?
But then look at them as a group. I want to know which way they're leaning.
Quero saber para que lado eles se inclinam.
We've got her adoption records if you'd like to look at them.
Temos a documentação da adopção dela, se quiserem ver.
And you look at them and you think, "Bloody hell, the great ones actually were!"
Olhamos para eles e pensamos : "Que raio, os maiores eram-no realmente!"
Look at them over there taking a group picture together.
Olhe para elas ali... a tirarem uma fotografia de grupo.
I can't believe you made me sit there and look at them.
- Nem acredito que me obrigaste a ficar lá a olhar para eles.
Nobody said you had to look at them.
- Não tinhas de olhar para eles.
I mean, I know most girls love diamonds, but I look at them and I think about slave mining and orphans in Sierra Leone and these mistresses in Texas with their hair-sprayed hair and...
Eu sei que a maioria das garotas adoram diamantes mas eu olho para eles e penso em escravos em minas e órfãos em Serra Leoa e as madames no Texas com laquê nos cabelos...
Look at them circling me like I'm Cinderella, belle of the ball.
Olhem para eles a rodearem-me como se fosse a Cinderela, a rainha do baile.
I have to tell you, I haven't been able to take a look at them myself, but I am told that none of those little boys are more than nine years old.
Tenho de admitir que ainda não vi, mas disseram-me que nenhum desses meninos tem mais de nove anos.
- Sorry to interrupt, George, but I need you to look at these right away so I can get them scanned.
- Desculpe interromper, George. Preciso que veja isto agora mesmo para poder fazer a digitalização.
They've tried to look at it by prospect of a potential victim? All psychological profiles are made at Quantico, so you'd have to talk to them.
Todos os perfis psicológicos são feitos em Quântico, assim terias de falar com eles.
Look at these women on these walls, putting things in their bodies that just harm them.
Olhem para todas estas mulheres nesta parede. Meteram substâncias nos seus corpos que só as magoaram.
Look at what happened to the last person to challenge them.
Basta ver o que aconteceu ao último que o desafiou.
Look, let's just put Ringo Duran with Alonso Scott and let them at each other's throat.
Olha, vamos colocar o Ringo Duran com o Alonso Scott... e vamos deixá-los um ao outro pela garganta.
♪ so just look at them and sigh ♪ So why have you chosen Haplin, hon?
Diz-me, porque escolheste Haplin, querida?
- Look at the state of them.
- Olhem para o estado deles.
Look at them.
Olha para eles.
Even though you're sick, when people see how strong and brave you are, why, it makes them take a look at their own lives.
Mesmo um guerreiro doente. Quando as pessoas vêem quão forte e corajoso você é. O que farão é olhar para as suas próprias vidas.
Look at the size of them!
Olha para o tamanho delas!
And, the worst of it is, as I look out at those ingrates that I'm tasked with watching I can't help thinking that, maybe, I'm more a loser than any of them.
E o pior é que, quando olho para os ingratos que me incumbiram de vigiar, não consigo evitar pensar que talvez eu seja um falhado maior do que eles.
So you see them, in Episode 2 they're sort of not fighting crimes or solving things at the moment, so she sort of says, "Well, look, why don't you sort out a case for him?"
O que é que sabes sobre esta mulher? Irene Adler. Presumo que esta Adler, tenha umas fotos comprometedoras?
Don't look at them.
Não olhes para eles.
I want you to look at their faces, because you killed them.
Olha para isto. Quero que vejas as suas caras, pois mataste-os.
I'm crazy about them, look at this.
Sou louco por tatuagens, veja esta.
Look at them.
Look at this, the unsub gave them a battery of drugs -
Olhem, o suspeito deu-lhes uma data de medicamentos
Look at women who moved here 8 to 12 months ago, See if any of them have any history with san diego.
Procura mulheres que se mudaram para cá entre 8 a 12 meses atrás, vê se alguma delas tem qualquer história com San Diego.
You could look at things you like and I could tell you how you'd look in them.
Podíamos ver coisas de que gostas e eu digo-te como te ficariam.
Sometimes when I look at assholes like them, I don't want to be a human.
Quando vejo idiotas como eles, gostava de não ser humano.
And, honey, if you wanna look at my books, please don't leave them all over the floor.
Querido, se mexeres nos meus livros, não os deixes espalhados no chão.
Look at this, not even day one and half of them have canceled their memberships.
Nem é o primeiro dia... e metade já cancelou os títulos.
I use them to look at things and what I'm looking at right now is a big fat liar.
Uso-os para ver coisas e agora estou a ver um grande mentiroso.
Let's take a look at a couple of them.
Vejamos algumas.
look at them all 30
look at me 7366
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at your face 75
look at yourself 268
look at me 7366
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at your face 75
look at yourself 268
look at us 558
look at it 733
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at you go 18
look at this picture 28
look at the bright side 75
look at this view 22
look at him go 61
look at this mess 66
look at it 733
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at you go 18
look at this picture 28
look at the bright side 75
look at this view 22
look at him go 61
look at this mess 66