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Once was enough перевод на португальский

91 параллельный перевод
Once was enough for me.
Uma vez foi o suficiente para mim.
Yeah, once, and once was enough.
- Uma vez, e foi o suficiente!
Once was enough. - Nola called?
Não me atendeu.
No kidding, once was enough.
Não brinques, uma vez já chega.
Once was enough.
Once was enough, dearie.
Uma vez bastou. Podem levá-la!
- Once, that happened once. - Well, once was enough.
- Só aconteceu uma vez.
- Once was enough.
- Uma vez já basta.
- No need to dial it again. Once was enough.
- Era suficiente marcar uma vez.
- Once was enough.
- Uma vez, chegou.
Once was enough, believe me.
Uma vez chegou, acredita.
Once was enough for that.
Uma vez foi suficiente.
No, I thought once was enough.
Não, uma vez parece-me suficiente.
To think that I was once foolish enough to believe that you rather liked him.
E pensar que cheguei a acreditar que gostáveis dele.
Fortunately, it was brought to the notice of the authorities... and so if you will be good enough to accompany me to Morsken... I will inform the British embassy at once.
As autoridades foram avisadas assim, se me acompanharem a Morshkan, informaremos a Embaixada Britânica.
I knew a man that worked at night once, he was a robber Tommy, that's enough
Não tive de usar muitas balas, papá.
He was good enough for you once.
Um dia ele já foi bom para ti.
I was in exile once, that was enough.
Sim, estive uma vez no exilio e chegou.
John, it ain't something I like to talk about but I was married once, and once is enough for any man.
John, não é algo que eu gosto de falar... casei-me uma vez só e foi o suficiente.
You once told me a cup of fresh water was enough to drown a sheep, right?
Disse que uma taça de água bastava para afogar a uma ovelha.
Because I was foolish enough to care about you once.
Só porque fui suficientemente parva para gostar de ti.
Because I was foolish enough to care about you once.
Só porque em tempos fui parva o suficiente para gostar de ti.
I was only brave enough to remove your socks once.
Só consegui tirar as tuas meias uma vez.
Once was bad enough, but twice?
Uma vez foi mau, mas duas!
And it was hard enough to bury her once.
E já foi suficientemente duro enterrá-la uma vez.
A good man once told me that life goes by... faster than summer vacation, and he was right, and one day you'll be old enough to understand that.
Um homem bom me disse que a vida passa mais às pressas que as férias. Ytenía razão. Quando for maior poderá entendê-lo.
I know this gang well enough. I was a Triad member once. But suddenly I wake up and I gave it up.
Eu já fiz parte dela... mas, de repente, acordei e caí fora.
And once was enough!
Não dançaremos isso de novo.
Once was enough.
Uma vez chegou, ou duas, sei lá.
I killed once. it was enough.
O horror de matar uma pessoa senti-o uma vez e basta-me.
Once my paper was circulated, the people who read my paper would naturally enough find a reference to Eric's paper and read that as well.
Uma vez que meu artigo tinha circulado, as pessoas que o leram iriam naturalmente achar a referência ao artigo do Eric e lê-lo também.
I was hoping that once we got enough of him together that he would be able to tell us how to do the rest.
Eu esperava que ao juntar suficientes partes... ele nos contasse como fazer o resto.
But once I've done it enough to have all these experiences to compare, just drove me nuts. I mean, what if the best one was right around the corner?
Mas depois de ter feito tantas vezes que já podia fazer comparações, comecei a ficar obcecada.
What's she mean? It means that once a wound is cleaned, it's impossible to prove what inflicted it, unless, of course, someone was stupid enough to press the barrel of a gun into his own shoulder.
Que quando uma ferida é limpa, é impossível provar o que a causou, a menos que, claro, alguém seja estúpido o suficiente para encostar o cano ao próprio ombro.
Your son was clever enough to see its potential once. Surely you can see the need for it now.
O teu filho foi inteligente para um dia ter visto o seu potencial certamente tu vês a necessidade disso agora.
Your son was clever enough to see its potential once.
Seu filho foi bastante esperto para um dia dia ver seu potencial.
She was once honest enough to admit that she would have married him even if she'd hated him.
Ela uma vez admitiu que se casava com ele mesmo que o odiasse.
Many people say there's no such thing nowadays, it's something you only find in stories, but when these two set eyes on each other for the first time, this was honest to god, no kidding, sure enough, once in a lifetime, love at first sight.
Muita gente diz que hoje em dia tal coisa já só existe nos livros, mas mal aqueles dois puseram os olhos um no outro sentiram de imediato, sem sombra de dúvidas ou brincadeiras, um sentimento incomparável, foi amor à primeira vista.
I thought once you know enough but I was wrong.
- Bom dia. - Diga à mãe que voltarei breve.
I mean, once I was old enough to realize I was different I did some research and- - Thank you. Do you know how it happened?
Sabes o que se passou?
I let you do it to me once, that was enough.
Deixei-te uma vez, e já chegou.
Once, when I was a little girl on the banks of the Sunagawa a handsome stranger was kind enough to buy me a cup of sweet ice- - l think we have to stop the game.
Um dia, quando eu era pequena, nas margens do Sunagawa, um belo desconhecido teve a bondade de me comprar um gelado... Acho que temos de parar o jogo.
Couldn't get rid of her fast enough once the subject of money was mentioned.
Mal dinheiro foi mencionado, quiseram logo vê-la pelas costas.
Once again Mr. Walden recommended me and I was lucky enough
Uma vez mais Mr. Walden recomendou-me e tive sorte o suficiente
I was silly enough to meet someone in quite a deserted place once and, before I knew it, I got molested.
Uma vez fui suficientemente tola para ir conhecer alguém num lugar deserto e, antes que pudesse evitá-lo, fui violentada.
Once, about 10 years ago, there was a man caught a few sparks, not enough to do the job.
Uma vez, à cerca de dez anos atrás, houve um homem que levou algumas faíscas, mas não o suficiente para terminar o trabalho.
Laid my eyes on you once, once was enough.
Está tudo bem.
I got to cross the kids off my list, and once Nicole said the story was good enough to make the evening news,
Risquei os miúdos da minha lista e mal a Nicole disse que a reportagem estava boa o suficiente para entrar no telejornal da noite,
And once the air bag was triggered, it shot out of the casing at 250 miles an hour, pinning him to the seat. And then the air canister kept the air bag inflated long enough to suffocate him.
E uma vez o air bag accionado, ele saiu disparado a 250 km por hora, esmagando a vitima contra o assento e a botija de ar manteve o air bag cheio o tempo necessário para sufocá-lo.
Once was quite enough.
Uma vez, já foi suficiente.
Once we decided to leave the bombs in play, it was the only way for me to get deep enough into the cell to gain their trust.
Assim que decidimos deixar as bombas em circulação, era a única maneira de penetrar mais na célula e ganhar a confiança deles.

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