Sorry to tell you перевод на португальский
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Sorry to tell you this, but...
Lamento dizer isto, mas...
Mr. X, I'm sorry to tell you this, but your case is hopeless.
Era uma possibilidade remota. Sr. X, lamento dizer, mas é um caso perdido.
I'm sorry to tell you, sir.
Lamento informá-lo.
I'm sorry to tell you she has been ill.
Lamento dizer-vos que tem estado doente.
Instead I'm sorry to tell you that we're dispensing with your services.
Em vez disso sinto dizer-lhe que estamos dispensando os seus serviços.
I'm sorry to tell you this, but you've suffered a schizoid embolism.
O senhor sofreu uma embolia esquizoide.
Sorry to tell you... My husband isn't the Theo I once knew.
Desculpe dizer-lho, Vincent, mas o meu marido não se parece nada com o Théo que conheci.
- I'm sorry to tell you this, but... -... Bea passed away last night.
- Lamento dizer-to, mas a Bea faleceu a noite passada.
- I sorry I have to tell you this.
- Lamento ter de te dizer isto.
I'm sorry to have to tell you, but Brophy was taken to the North Wing.
Lamento muito dizer-te isto, mas o Brophy foi levado para a Ala Norte.
- But what mark? Sorry, I can't tell you.
Desculpa, mas não to posso dizer.
Sorry. I can't tell you.
Lamento, mas não to posso dizer.
I just wanted to tell you I heard about your folks. I'm really sorry.
Eu apenas queria dizer que ouvi o que aconteceu aos teus pais.lamento muito.
I'm sorry to have to tell you.
Eu sinto ter de contar mas houve um...
Sorry, Francoise, I just wanted to tell you that today...
Eu queria avisar-te, Françoise.
To tell you how sorry I am about the mistake and if there's anything at all I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask.
Sinto muito pelo engano. Se há algo que possa fazer... digam, por favor.
Sorry, but I have to tell you... You're getting so sexy!
Você vai me desculpar, viu, Maria, mas você está ficando muito boa.
I wanted to tell you that you have a lovely voice and to say how sorry I am I can't buy you dinner.
Quis dizer-Ihe que tem uma voz maravilhosa... e que lamento não Ihe poder pagar o jantar.
After you take me to Nicole, we're all gonna come back here... and we're gonna watch you tell Tiny how sorry you are... because you wasted his brother.
Depois de me levar à Nicole vamos todos voltar aqui e vamos vê-lo pedir desculpa ao Tiny por ter morto o irmão dele.
Superman said to tell you he's sorry but he's run into a problem and he won't be able to have dinner with you.
O Super-Homem manda dizer que lamenta mas surgiu um problema e não pode jantar contigo.
I'm sorry I had to tell you like this.
Lamento ter de lhe dizer assim.
Before you go, I wanted to tell you that I am truly sorry for what's happened.
Queria só dizer... Lamento sinceramente tudo o que aconteceu.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.
Lamento, não to ter dito mais cedo.
I came here to tell you that I'm sorry, and it's time to get things in order.
Vim dizer-te que lamento e quero pôr tudo em ordem.
I came by to tell you I'm sorry, Walter. I...
Vim para dizer que sinto muito, Walter.
I'm sorry to have to tell you these things.
- Lamento ter de lhe dizer isto.
Well, I'm sorry, I... I did my best to tell you how the game was played.
Bem, lamento, eu... fiz o meu melhor para lhe dizer como se joga este jogo.
First, i tell you i'm sorry for what happened to your family.
Não quero interromper o teu hábito chinês.
I think you ought to tell her you're sorry!
Acho que lhe devia pedir desculpa!
But you are going to tell him you're sorry, aren't you?
Mas vais pedir-lhe desculpa, não vais?
Sir, I can't begin to tell you how dreadfully sorry l...
Senhor, não tenho palavras para expressar o quanto...
Oh, um... I think I should take this moment to tell you how deeply sorry I am that I didn't make it over this afternoon to personally apologize about, you know, last night, but the most incredible thing has happened to me.
Penso que devo aproveitar este momento para lhe dizer o quanto lamento não ter comparecido esta tarde para pessoalmente lhe pedir desculpas pela noite passada.
I'm sorry to re- - tell you, but they took my money this afternoon while I was collecting it.
Lamento imenso, mas roubaram-me o dinheiro que tinha recolhido.
I'm sorry, but the easiest way to make myself clear is to tell you a story.
Lamento, mas... a melhor maneira de me fazer entender, é contar uma história.
I just wanted to tell you that I was sorry.
Só queria pedir-te desculpa.
I, uh, [exclaims] there's something i want to tell you, um... uh, i'm sorry i haven't told you this sooner, but i haven't realized this myself until just now,
Há uma coisa que te quero dizer... Desculpa se eu não te disse antes, mas eu não tinha percebido isso até agora e se eu não te disser agora, posso perder a oportunidade.
I'm sorry we had to be the ones to tell you this.
Lamento sermos nós a contar-te isto.
Sorry to trouble you... If you happen to see your so, please tell him about them
Desculpa incomodar-te mas se vires o teu filho, fala-lhe deles.
Jesus, I'm sorry I can't tell you these things to your face.
Jesus, desculpa não ser capaz de te dizer estas coisas cara a cara.
You should go talk to her and tell her you're sorry.
Devias ir pedir-lhe desculpa.
I'm sorry to have to tell you this... ... but it's going to get worse.
Lamento ter que dizer-lhe isto mas vai ficar pior.
But I just want to tell you I am sorry for being such a jerk last night.
Mas só te quero dizer que lamento ter-me comportado como um idiota ontem à noite.
I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am that any of this has taken place.
Não sei como dizer-lhe como lamento que tudo isto tenha tido lugar.
- But we're sorry to say... we can only tell you where Peter did live... up until yesterday. Oh.
- Lamentamos dizer-lhes que só vos podemos dizer onde o Peter vivia... até ontem.
I'm sorry, Hudson, I meant to tell you.
- Desculpa, Hudson, era para te dizer.
So you tell her you're sorry because I'm about to get pretty mad.
Portanto, peça-lhe desculpa, porque estou prestes a ficar furioso.
I just wanted to tell you how very sorry I am for your loss.
Só queria dizer-lhe que sinto muito pela sua perda.
Well, if you ever talk to her, tell her I'm sorry.
Se falarem com a prima, digam que peço desculpas.
Sorry to bother you, but we had to tell you how much we enjoyed the show.
Desculpa incomodar, mas tínhamos de vir felicitar-te pelo espectáculo.
I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about this afternoon.
Eu só te queria dizer como estou arrependida sobre esta tarde.
Sorry, Barry, you tell them I don't have anything to do with this. With anything, o'k?
Desculpa, Barry, diz a eles que não estou nessa.
sorry to bother you 488
sorry to interrupt 698
sorry to hear that 198
sorry to have bothered you 32
sorry to trouble you 44
sorry to disturb you 153
sorry to keep you waiting 279
sorry to waste your time 18
sorry to bother 18
sorry to interrupt you 16
sorry to interrupt 698
sorry to hear that 198
sorry to have bothered you 32
sorry to trouble you 44
sorry to disturb you 153
sorry to keep you waiting 279
sorry to waste your time 18
sorry to bother 18
sorry to interrupt you 16
sorry to disappoint you 99
sorry to intrude 38
sorry to have troubled you 22
sorry to disappoint 42
sorry to call so late 16
sorry to wake you 60
sorry to disturb 29
sorry to barge in 37
sorry to be late 20
sorry to make you wait 25
sorry to intrude 38
sorry to have troubled you 22
sorry to disappoint 42
sorry to call so late 16
sorry to wake you 60
sorry to disturb 29
sorry to barge in 37
sorry to be late 20
sorry to make you wait 25