Tell us about that перевод на португальский
454 параллельный перевод
Would you tell us about that, please?
- Podíamos falar sobre isso, por favor?
Gentlemen, if we're through admiring Mr. Webster's trophies, I'd like to ask Miss Davis to tell us about that wild party he threw last night.
Meus senhores, se já admiraram os troféus do Sr. Webster, agora gostaria de saber mais sobre aquela festa, que ele deu ontem.
Tell us about that accident, and about Douglas Hepner.
Conte-nos sobre esse acidente e sobre Douglas Hepner.
Yeah, come on, come on. Tell us about that girl.
Fala-nos da tal miúda.
The realtor didn't tell us about that.
- O agente não nos falou disso.
Hey, Blaster. Tell us about that big wave.
Blaster, conta-nos da vez em que aquela onda quase te levou.
Even deep background. Why don't you tell us about that?
Não há informações sobre o vosso passado.
Now, please tell us about that last evening.
Agora, por favor fale-nos sobre aquela última noite.
Tell us about that night, Mrs. Cotter.
nos fale dessa noite, Sra. Cotter.
Tell us about that.
Fale-nos disso.
Tell us about that bank you broke into.
Conta-nos sobre o banco que roubaste.
It says in the manual that, the Scout Leader is suppose to tell us about that kind of stuff!
Mas o manual diz que o líder escoteiro deveria explicar estas questões para as crianças!
When do you think STAR Labs is gonna be able to tell us about that laser?
Quando é que os laboratórios STAR darão uma resposta sobre o laser?
- Is there anything you can tell us about that?
- Pode dizer-nos algo em relação a isso? - Não sei muito.
Do you want to tell us about that?
Queres falar-nos disso? Sim.
Uh, Mr. Gibbs... tell us about that first Halloween.
Sr. Gibbs... Fale-nos sobre esse Dia das Bruxas.
Why don't you tell us about that, Ray?
Por que não nos fala sobre isso?
- There you are. Okay. Now that it's over, I think you ought to tell us what it's all about.
Agora que já passou, penso que nos deveria dizer de que se trata tudo isto.
Tell us about Texas, Tiny. He must think we're from that place they call "the rest of the world".
Ele deve achar que somos daquele lugar que chamam "o resto do mundo."
What words could I say that would tell him it was wrong about us?
O que poderia eu dizer-lhe para lhe mostrar que estava errado?
Tell us what you know about that.
Conte pra gente o que você sabe sobre isso...
- Now, to make us understand that tell us about your public life.
- Agora, explique-nos, fale-nos da sua vida pública.
I'll pay him off, I'll tell him about us... and that's all there'll be to it.
Pagar-lhe-ei, e lhe direi da nossa relação... e aí tudo acabará.
I am going after them because they're riding off to tell the rest of that hunting party about us.
Eu vou atrás deles, porque vão avisar o resto do grupo sobre nós.
You remember the story Pa used to tell us about fighting that grizzly bear?
Recordas-te da hitória que o Pa'nos contava sobre a luta com o urso selvagem? Sim.
Maybe it'll tell us something about the personnel that lived here.
Talvez nos diga algo sobre o pessoal.
Tell me, this work that you're talking about for us.
Diga-me, este trabalho para nós que estava a falar.
Tell him that the two of us are right for each other and that may be he ought to think about getting his stuff and moving out.
Dizer-lhe que nós fomos feitos um para o outro... e talvez ele possa pensar em arrumar as suas coisas e se vá embora.
- Tell her about us. - Why is she calling you that name?
- Por que ela está chamando você por esse nome?
You used to tell us about the great book that you were going to write.
Costumava nos falar do grande livro que estava para escrever.
you have cautioned us... that we must be very careful not to tell anyone about ourselves.
Nos advertiu que deveríamos ter muito cuidado... De não dizer a ninguém quem somos.
Tell us about some of the exciting'things that have happened in the New York City Subway System lately, Rico.
Vamos mandar um comboio expresso para ver se o Pollard está lá. Aqui é South Ferry 1-0-5.
I've just been told that we have with us today... a man who is better placed to tell us about this.
E... Justamente, temos hoje... aqui connosco... aquele que está em melhor posição para nos falar disso.
Since you wish it, sir I will tell you frankly that you are the laughing-stock of everybody that they taunt us everywhere by a thousand jokes on your account and that nothing delights people more than to make sport of you and to tell stories without end about your stinginess.
Senhor, se assim quereis, digo-vos sinceramente que todos trocam de vós, que todos fazem piadas sobre vós e que nada lhes agrada mais do que meter-se convosco e contar constantemente histórias sobre a vossa avareza.
You're just a tad late. We were hoping that sheriff brand could tell us about Lionel curwin's murder.
Esperávamos que o xerife nos pudesse informar sobre o assassinato de L. Curwin.
You sound worried that we're coming to you but there are problems also with humour and you got into difficulties. Tell us about it. Yeah, I did...
Isto fica bem mais calmo sem os Alemães.
Mendez was kind enough... to tell us about seven murders that your father had commissioned in Miami last month!
O Mendez contou-nos tudo sobre os sete homicídios que o teu pai encomendou em Miami o mês passado.
Could you tell us anything about that?
Pode dizer-nos algo sobre isso?
.. and I think that confidently and concisely answers the question, "What does the red spectrum tell us about quasars?"
E assim, penso ter respondido de forma conclusiva á pergunta : "O que nos diz o espectro vermelho acerca dos quasares?"
Wanna tell us what's funny about that, Jerome?
Queres dizer-nos o que há de engraçado nisso, Jerome?
Can you tell us anything about that?
- Conte-nos como foi.
So, MacGyver, why don't you tell us how you really feel knowing that you're about to die.
Porque é que não nos contas o que sentes sabendo que estás a ponto de morrer?
Anything you'd like to tell us... about Teresa Banks that might help us out?
Há alguma coisa que nos queira contar... sobre a Teresa Banks, que nos possa ajudar?
You know, Cliff, uh, tell you what, before we take off, why don't you get one more look at that, uh, that little popcorn girl you were telling us about?
Sabes, Cliff, digo-te mais, antes de irmos embora, porque é que não dá mais uma olhadela para aquilo, aquela pequena rapariga das pipocas que nos estavas a falar?
No, or you'd see that by solving the mystery behind this conspiracy, it could tell us something about the human condition.
Se tivesses, vias que resolver o mistério por trás desta conspiração, podia dizer-nos algo sobre a condição humana.
Ooh, you promised me... that you'd tell them about us soon.
Prometeste-me... que lhes dirias tudo acerca de nós brevemente.
Why is it that kidnap victims always try to tell us about the guys who grabbed'em?
Porque é que as vítimas de rapto, quando falam dos seus raptores, elogiam-nos sempre?
Um... we're going back- - and I need you to tell me everything you know about that platform that got us here.
Um... vamos regressar, e eu preciso que me contes tudo o que sabes sobre a plataforma que nos trouxe aqui.
Uh, the young men,..... the ones that came to tell us about Karen..... they were dressed just like you.
Os jovens, aqueles que nos vieram contar o que aconteceu à Karen, vinham vestidos como o senhor.
MOORE : Right. Tell us about your campaign contributions that you made...
Conte-nos sobre as contribuições que fez...
There's got to be something that'II tell us about the layout of this place.
Deve haver alguma coisa que nos dirá sobre o esquema deste lugar.
tell us about yourself 22
tell us 614
tell us more 28
tell us what you know 40
tell us the truth 45
tell us what 37
tell us about it 45
tell us what happened 89
tell us where you are 21
tell us everything 28
tell us 614
tell us more 28
tell us what you know 40
tell us the truth 45
tell us what 37
tell us about it 45
tell us what happened 89
tell us where you are 21
tell us everything 28
tell us what to do 19
tell us now 21
tell us what you see 16
tell us where he is 16
tell us what you saw 19
tell us what's going on 20
about that 749
tell me 9887
tell me about yourself 90
tell me more 252
tell us now 21
tell us what you see 16
tell us where he is 16
tell us what you saw 19
tell us what's going on 20
about that 749
tell me 9887
tell me about yourself 90
tell me more 252
tell me everything 270
tell me something about yourself 16
tell me about it 1085
tell me you love me 72
tell me again 158
tell me what happened 368
tell me something i don't know 107
tell me the truth 559
tell me your name 121
tell me that you love me 17
tell me something about yourself 16
tell me about it 1085
tell me you love me 72
tell me again 158
tell me what happened 368
tell me something i don't know 107
tell me the truth 559
tell me your name 121
tell me that you love me 17