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We could go out перевод на португальский

362 параллельный перевод
Thanks for the bag. Say, do you think we could go out together and have dinner tonight? Say, do you think we could go out together and have dinner tonight?
Acha que podemos sair e jantar juntos hoje?
Well, maybe we could go out and come back again a couple of times or something. How?
Bem, talvez possamos sair e voltar novamente um par de vezes ou algo assim.
On second thought, maybe we could go out somewhere.
Pensando melhor, talvez seja melhor irmos a qualquer sitio.
We could go out and have a drink first.
Podíamos sair e beber qualquer coisa antes.
You know, we could go out and do something, sometime.
Poderíamos fazer um programa, um dia.
I thought maybe we could go out.
Pensei que pudéssemos ir sair.
We could go out.
Podíamos sair.
We could go out to Route 7 to the Shiloh church then down the Back Harlow Road.
Podíamos ir na Estrada 7, até à igreja de Shiloh, e depois até à estrada de Back Harlow.
We could go out, the four of us.
Assim podemos sair, os 4.
Listen, I was wondering if, um... maybe sometime we could go out.
Estava a pensar se... poderiamos sair um dia.
Great. Well, Tracy is out at her class but I can get cleaned up and we could go out ourselves.
Tracy está trabalhando, mas eu tomo um banho e vamos nós dois.
I do wish we could go out into the town, and be seen at plays and assemblies.
Quem me dera poder passear pela cidade e que nos vissem nos teatros e em festas.
So, I was hopin'maybe we could go out sometime.
Gostava de sair contigo um dia destes. Ou já, seria óptimo.
- We could go out for lunch, if you like.
- Podemos ir almoçar, se quiser.
We could go out for frog legs.
Podíamos ir comer umas pernas de rã.
And maybe we could go out and do something.
Podíamos sair e fazer alguma coisa.
After lunch... we could go out for a sail.
Depois do almoço... poderíamos sair para velejar.
We could go out to an inn and get some real food.
Podíamos ir a uma estalagem, e arranjar comida verdadeira.
Oh, sir, could we go out?
Senhor, podemos sair?
Even if I did go to New York we could still work something out somehow.
Mesmo que vá para Nova Iorque... arranjaremos algo de algum modo.
We could go for a walk or out for dinner, go to the mov...
Podemos ir passear ou sair a jantar, ou ir ao cine...
If only we could go back far enough to find out.
Se pudermos andar para trás o suficiente para o descobrirmos.
Listen, I was thinking maybe, uh... when you get out, we could go to the country and live.
Estive a pensar. Quando tu saíres, poderíamos ir viver para o campo. Para o campo?
I can--I'll help you clean... and we can go out together... and maybe you could buy me some regular clothes.
Posso... Posso te ajudar a limpar... E podemos sair juntos...
Look, we could both use some air, so why don't you get into some clothes and we'll go out and hunt up the kids?
Olha, podíamos ir dar uma volta, porque não vestes umas roupas e vamos lá fora buscar os miúdos?
Why don't we get Sherry and we could all go out dancing later?
Porque näo convidamos a Sherry e vamos dançar, logo?
Well, I just thought that it's Sunday out and maybe if you could get away, we could go for a walk or...
É só que é domingo e se tu pudesses sair daí íamos passear ou...
Could we just go out here a second?
Podemos sair um momento?
We can go out with your friends if you want. We could go crawl under a rock.
Se quiseres, saímos com os teus amigos.
Listen, maybe we could all go out and have a bite afterwards?
Que tal se fossemos todos comer qualquer coisa depois do jogo?
You know, if you could mix up a shrinking potion, Witch Fossey, we could sit on this twig, float down this stream, into the Nile, go through the Sudan, past Cairo, pop out into the Mediterranean somewhere near Alexandria, where I'd buy a bottle of red vino, and I would toast your beauty.
Se pudesse fazer uma poção encolhedora, bruxa Fossey... sentaríamos nesse galho, flutuaríamos pelo riacho... desembocaríamos no Nilo... passando pelo Sudão... pelo Cairo, pelo Mediterrãneo... perto de Alexandria... onde eu compraria vinho para brindar à sua beleza.
Oh, cliff, when you get out of the service, could we go out together?
Cliff, quando saires do serviço, podemos sair juntos?
Oh, and the girls gym teacher asked if I'd I like to come over and we could comb each other's hair. Well, if you go, she'll get you out of that detention.
Bem, vamos sentir-nos muitíssimo bem quando chegar a hora do espectáculo.
Oh, um, Dad, could we have some money to go out to dinner? Kids, today's Thursday. You know we don't eat till Friday.
Bud, enquanto a Kelly estiver a fazer a festa, vais ficar no teu quarto e só podes sair para jantar, o que significa que ficas no quarto.
It ´ s been a long drive, Raph... and before we go out advertising to The Foot that we ´ re back... we could all use a few hours ´ sleep.
Foi uma viagem longa, Raph... e antes de anunciarmos aos Foot que voltamos... podemos descansar um bocado.
eu tenho estado a pensar que poderíamos sair, não?
So then we would go into work... and usually we'd go in and see if there were any scientific papers... that people sent out. I did discover that despite Hawking's great brilliance, he does read quite slowly. I could read about twice as fast as he.
E a seguir íamos trabalhar e normalmente íamos ver se havia algum jornal científico que as pessoas enviavam e descobrir que apesar do brilhantismo de Hawking, ele lê bastante devagar, quero dizer, eu consigo ler duas vezes mais depressa do que ele,
Maybe we could just go out for drinks or something?
Talvez nós poderíamos sair para umas bebidas ou algo?
Then afterwards, maybe we could all go out together.
E depois, podíamos sair juntos.
I asked her if she wanted to go out to dinner and she said, "No, maybe we could have lunch."
Perguntei-lhe se ela queria ir jantar fora e respondeu que não, que talvez nos pudéssemos encontrar para almoçar.
Everything we've done could go out the window.
Tudo que se fez pode ir pelos ares.
Helen Sinclair suggested we go for a drink to unwind. She said she knew of a little out-of-the-way speakeasy where we could talk.
A Helen Sinclair sugeriu um copo para descontrairmos e que conhecia um barzinho clandestino onde podíamos falar.
Is there any way we could just walk out of here, like go up the canyon and...
Há maneira de sairmos daqui a pé... - pelo desfiladeiro acima e...
Not healthy like that, to be in the cellar. Maybe we could... Go out a bit, get some sun.
Esta cave está suja... vamos sair para o sol.
We could go check it out if you want, go watch Charlton Heston be a Mexican.
Podemos ir ver, se quiser. Ver o Charlton Heston no papel de mexicano.
You know, we could go out or somethin'. - Yeah. - No, no.
Não, estou completamente supérfluo.
How can this woman stay calm when, at any second, we could go careening out of the sky in a flaming heap of twisted metal? Sir, everything is going to be..
Como pode esta mulher ficar calma, se a qualquer momento podemos cair e ficar presos num monte de metais retorcidos?
Yeah, and I thought since you go by there every day maybe we could help each other out.
Pois é e pensei que como vais lá todos os dias pudéssemos ajudar-nos um ao outro.
We could go get that confession out ofJebediah's fife.
- Vamos tirar a confissão do pífaro.
Or we could go check out my English scare-itage.
Ou podemos até ir verificar a minha medonha herança inglesa.
If it's a suicide note, maybe we could go find out who she is!
Se era uma declaração de suicídio, Talvez nós consigamos descobrir quem ela é!

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