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We could have перевод на португальский

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And I thought it best if we could have the conversation just you and I.
E achei que era melhor falarmos só nós os dois.
- We could have some lunch.
- Podemos almoçar por lá.
We could have gone to the pub, all of us.
Podíamos ter ido todos ao pub.
Well, I'm glad we could have this meeting.
Bem, estou contente por ter vindo a esta reunião.
You said if we told Flint the gold was gone, you'd get another crew to go back and get it and we could have a bigger share.
Para dizermos ao Flint que o ouro tinha desaparecido, e que arranjarias outra tripulação para ir buscá-lo e teríamos uma maior parte.
Well, we could have done that in the hotel.
Bem, podíamos ter feito isso no hotel.
The world will never knew, actually we could have helped.
O mundo nunca podia saber que podíamos ter ajudado.
Just think of the conferences we could have in this nook.
Pensa nas reuniões que podemos fazer, neste recanto.
We could have such a nice time together.
Podemos ficar bem juntas, não?
If Luis had been as smart as you, perhaps we could have avoided this horrible tragedy. We could have had peace.
Se o Luis tivesse sido tão inteligente como tu, talvez tivesse sido possível evitar aquela horrível tragédia..
We could have avoided all of this.
Poderiamos ter evitado tudo isto.
Why didn't you just talk to me about this? We could have figured it out.
Porque é que não me disseste?
You and me, we could have helped catch the person who did this.
Tu e eu, podíamos ter ajudado a apanhar a pessoa que fez isto.
We could have a whole army of super wolves who could protect Hope as one of their own.
Podíamos ter um exército de superlobos que podia proteger a Hope.
We could have everything.
Podemos ter tudo.
I was thinking, maybe we could have a meeting, all of us, old, new.
Pensei que nos podíamos reunir todos, os antigos e os novos.
This was a silly distraction, so we could have some fun and make a few bucks.
Isto era uma distração tola para nos divertirmos e ganhar algum dinheiro.
We could have a heart center, we could have a mind center, have a spirit center.
Podíamos ter um centro do coração, um centro da mente, um centro do espírito.
We could have meditation classes.
Podíamos ter aulas de meditação.
Do you realize we could have you prosecuted for this?
Sabe que pode ser processado por isso?
Well, as long as we're suspending the parameters, I could stay really late and we could have our first sleepover.
Já que vamos suspender os parâmetros, podia ficar até bem mais tarde e podia passar a minha primeira noite aqui.
When Jon Snow returns with the wildlings, we could have thousands more men.
Quando Jon Snow νoltar com os selνagens, teremos milhares de homens a mais.
I'm gonna say if it's another B, we could have a real problem here.
Devo dizer que se for outro "B" temos problemas.
We could have split it 50-50.
Podíamos ter dividido.
We'd have married as soon as we could.
Casavamos o mais depressa possível.
There might have been other people that called.. ... because once you got the police station before you could finish they said, "We've gotten the calls."
Possivelmente outras pessoas ligaram porque logo que a chamada passava antes de acabarmos de falar, eles diziam :
We could have blown up!
Passámos por cima de uma vaca, podíamos ter ido pelos ares!
If those feelings were expressed right now, it could spoil whatever chances we have to retrieve the Urca gold.
Se essas opiniões fossem manifestadas, arruinariam todas hipóteses de recuperar o ouro do L'Urca.
In the Research Centre, we have equipment which could... could significantly improve Liam's chances of recovery.
No Centro de Investigação, temos equipamento que poderia... poderia aumentar significativamente as possibilidades do Liam recuperar.
But because maybe... with a little help... this place could be the reason we never have to do either again.
Mas talvez porque, com um pouco de ajuda, este sítio possa ser a razão para nunca termos de voltar a fazer nenhuma delas.
Since we have it, I thought we could use it as a good source of inspiration for the next couple of days.
E, já que o temos, acho que poderia ser uma fonte de inspiração para nós.
We have to get rid of anything that could look incriminating to your father.
Temos que nos livrar de qualquer coisa que podesse incriminar o teu pai.
I could have my agent push a little harder, see if we get more out of him.
Posso fazer a minha Agente pressionar mais, ver se tiramos mais dele.
We have equipment which could significantly improve Liam's chances of recovery.
Temos equipamento que pode aumentar significativamente as chances de recuperação.
We could always cancel and refund people's money if we have to.
Podemos sempre cancear e restituir o dinheiro às pessoas, se tiver que ser.
I mean, we could settle out with Russ, pay our legal fees, have plenty of runway to get us to CES.
Podíamos livrar-nos do Russ. Pagar as despesas legais, termos condições para chegar à CES.
We have a meeting that we were going to do, so maybe we could do that?
Íamos fazer uma reunião. Talvez possamos fazer isso.
How could we ever have allowed these Northmen to establish themselves here?
Como é que permitimos a estes Nórdicos que ficassem aqui?
What purpose could we have for a dinosaur that can camouflage?
De que nos serviria um dinossauro que consegue camuflar-se?
In the winter, once the aberrations have migrated, Then we could start again from a clean slate.
No inverno, quando as aberrações tiverem migrado, podemos começar de novo.
Look, Valeria... we have a lot of connections in New York, a strong presence, you could say.
Ouve, Valeria... Temos muitas conexões em Nova York, uma presença forte, podemos dizer.
Well, we both have access to information that could benefit the other.
Ambos temos acesso a informações que nos podem beneficiar.
We could have faked it.
- Poderia ter sido simulado.
I figure we could drive down and then maybe afterward we could stick around and have dinner.
Podíamos ir até lá de carro e depois após o torneio podíamos ficar por lá e íamos jantar.
So, Dad, me and Cole, we're making some money, and I thought maybe we could invest in a roof and some new floors and we can have this fucking house ready to sell by winter.
Ouve, pai... Eu e o Cole estamos a ganhar algum dinheiro, e podíamos investir no telhado e nos pavimentos e arranjar a casa. E de certeza que a vendíamos no inverno.
We could make that area like a private area and have a licensed therapist on staff.
Podíamos fazer daquela área uma espécie de área privada e ter uma terapeuta licenciada na equipa.
Do you think that, um, if we weren't already married, that I could be someone, uh, with whom you'd wanna have sex? Uh, well...
Tu achas que, se já não fossemos casados que eu podia ser alguém... com quem tu ias querer fazer sexo?
We could do more damage if we have a plan.
Podemos fazer mais estragos se tivermos um plano.
- We ran out of formula. - You could have called me.
Ficámos sem leite especial, e improvisámos.
Also, we got a stop sign and recreated the murder, and there was no way that you could have swung that.
Secalhar, temos um sinal STOP e recreámos o homicídio, e não há maneira de tu teres feito aquilo.
Is it normal that I'm already thinking about everything that could go wrong and everything we don't have?
É normal já estar a pensar em tudo o que pode correr mal e tudo o que não temos e...

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