What happened to the перевод на португальский
6,483 параллельный перевод
What happened to the King?
O que aconteceu ao Rei?
What happened to the Russians...
O que aconteceu aos russos...
Girls, what happened to the storm?
Meninas, o que é feito da tempestade?
What happened to the Rogelio who fought for 39 years to get famous?
O que aconteceu com o Rogelio que lutou 39 anos para ficar famoso?
What happened to the stuff bought on Saturday?
O que aconteceu ao que comprou no sábado?
What happened to the girls that were here before us?
O que houve com as meninas que vieram antes de nós?
What happened to the detective?
O que aconteceu ao detetive?
Israel and the world needs to hear what happened to them from the mouths of the survivors.
Israel, e o mundo, precisam de ouvir o que lhes aconteceu, pela boca dos sobreviventes.
Because from this point until forever, whenever anyone tries to deny what happened to the Jews of Europe under the Nazis, they can be sat down and invited to watch Obersturmbannführer Eichmann describe in minute detail how it was done.
Porque a partir deste momento, e para sempre, quando alguém tentar negar o que aconteceu aos judeus da Europa, sob os nazis, poderá sentar-se e ser convidado a assistir ao Tenente-Coronel Eichmann a descrever minuciosamente como tudo era feito.
So, what happened to the rest of your messengers?
O que aconteceu ao resto dos vossos Mensageiros?
What happened to the nurse that was taking care of Belinda?
O que é que aconteceu à enfermeira que estava a tomar conta da Belinda?
There will be no one alive to tell the Romans what happened here. Victory or disgrace?
Não resta ninguém vivo para contar aos romanos o que aconteceu.
You want to tell me what the hell happened out there today?
Vais dizer-me o que foi aquilo ali?
What happened to your friends with the beards?
O que se passou com os teus amigos barbudos?
The tragedy of what's happened to Frederick has put me in an excellent humour.
A tragédia do que sucedeu ao Frederick pôs-me de excelente humor.
I think that's absolutely what happened to the window at Wells'house.
Penso que foi o que aconteceu ao vidro na casa do Wells.
- 15 feet outside the gate. - What happened to that minivan that Hal brought back last month?
- O que aconteceu à minicarrinha?
The question is, what happened to you?
Mas o que houve contigo?
Weaver ever tell you what happened to her at the academy that day?
A Weaver alguma vez te disse o que aconteceu na Academia?
That's what happened to you after the Mist.
Foi isso que te aconteceu depois da neblina.
Eventually, I'm gonna have to tell Gonzales and the rest of the board what happened.
Vou acabar por ter de contar tudo ao Gonzales e ao resto da direção.
What the hell happened to my car?
Que merda aconteceu com o meu carro?
What happened to you in the war?
O que te aconteceu na guerra?
Hate to see what would've happened if you'd left the carrot.
Odeio ver o que aconteceria se tivesses deixado a cenoura.
I just don't want to know what's happened in and on the fine things.
Apenas, não quero saber... aquilo que acontece nos bastidores delas.
What happened to Hell's Kitchen, to you and to Elena, and to all the people that were hurt... yeah, it pisses me off.
O que aconteceu a Hell's Kitchen, a ti, à Elena e a todas as pessoas que ficaram feridas, isso, sim, irrita-me.
What happened to all that talk about going after him through the system?
E aquela conversa toda de o apanhar através do sistema?
I mean, the news barely mentioned what happened to Ben because Fisk pays off the media.
Os jornais mal mencionaram o que aconteceu com o Ben porque Fisk paga à imprensa.
What the hell happened to you?
Que diabos aconteceu contigo?
When I was 15, I learned the whole story about what happened to my family.
Quando tinha 15, descobri a história toda sobre o que tinha acontecido à minha família.
Like what really happened to the cocaine.
Conta-me o que realmente aconteceu à cocaína.
What the hell happened to you?
Que raio te aconteceu?
What happened to the baby?
O que aconteceu ao bebé?
Ever since that night, what happened at the reactor... I haven't been able to sleep, to eat.
Desde aquela noite... aquilo que aconteceu no reactor... não tenho conseguido dormir, comer...
Barbara, we've been circling around the subject, but haven't talked about what actually happened to you ;
Barbara, estamos perto do assunto... mas ainda não falámos sobre o que te aconteceu.
What happened to poking the bear?
O que aconteceu com o atiçar o urso?
Okay. Does this have anything to do with what happened at the hospital yesterday?
Certo, isto tem alguma coisa a ver com o que aconteceu no hospital ontem?
If I could understand what happened, I may be able to pull some strings and reverse the ruling.
Se eu compreendesse o que aconteceu, poderia puxar uns cordelinhos e reverter essa decisão.
What happened to you on the next day?
O que lhe aconteceu no dia seguinte?
Tell me right now what the fuck happened to Holly Weaver.
Diz-me já o que raio aconteceu à Holly!
I vote that we keep the weapons, we sell them, take what we make to stay alive, and find out what the hell happened to us.
Voto que fiquemos com as armas, as vendamos, fiquemos com o dinheiro que fizermos, para nos mantermos vivos e descobrir aquilo que nos aconteceu.
Do you know how that feels, to lose the person you love most in the world and to never know what happened to her?
Sabe qual é essa sensação... De perdermos a pessoa... que mais amamos no mundo... E de nunca saber aquilo que lhe aconteceu?
Well, he has the right to a proper investigation, that's all I'm saying, and if we can find out what happened to Lucy, then we should.
Bem, ele tem o direito a uma investigação adequada, só isso. E se conseguirmos descobrir aquilo que aconteceu à Lucy, então, devemos fazê-lo.
I'll find out what happened to her, even if it takes me the rest of my days.
Irei descobrir aquilo que lhe aconteceu, mesmo que isso me custe o resto dos meus dias.
The motorcyclist. Do you think you can go by the hospital, find out what happened to him?
O motociclista... achas que podes ir ao hospital e descobrir aquilo que lhe aconteceu?
What happened to the nurse?
O que é que aconteceu à enfermeira?
If you want to know what really happened that night, let me start at the beginning.
Se quiser saber aquilo que realmente aconteceu naquela noite, comecemos pelo início.
I will find out what happened to Daniel, even if it means throwing every bit of media at this until the truth is uncovered.
Descobrirei o que aconteceu ao Daniel, mesmo que signifique atirar o caso para os média, até que a verdade emerja.
What the hell happened to me?
Que diabos aconteceu comigo?
I physically fought and getaway and ran, and then went to the bathroom and, like, I still remember just putting my hands on the sink and just looking at myself in the mirror, shaking, like, "What just happened?"
Lutei fisicamente, consegui escapar e fugi. Fui para a casa de banho e ainda me lembro de pôr as mãos no lavatório e de me olhar ao espelho, a tremer, a pensar : "O que foi aquilo?"
You basically write to the Department of Education, and you not only explain what happened to you, but you also explain how it's a violation of Title IX.
Em suma, escrevemos ao Ministério da Educação e, além de explicarmos o que nos aconteceu, também explicamos porque se trata de uma violação do Title IX.
what happened to the baby 17
what happened to the girl 16
what happened to them 131
what happened to the others 20
what happened 16539
what happened to you 1569
what happened last night 140
what happened to your hand 136
what happened to your arm 58
what happened to your face 268
what happened to the girl 16
what happened to them 131
what happened to the others 20
what happened 16539
what happened to you 1569
what happened last night 140
what happened to your hand 136
what happened to your arm 58
what happened to your face 268
what happened to your leg 40
what happened here 407
what happened in there 101
what happened today 50
what happened to your head 50
what happened to you guys 25
what happened to me 155
what happened to it 74
what happened next 184
what happened to your hair 34
what happened here 407
what happened in there 101
what happened today 50
what happened to your head 50
what happened to you guys 25
what happened to me 155
what happened to it 74
what happened next 184
what happened to your hair 34