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Ben de oradaydım перевод на английский

661 параллельный перевод
Hey, ben de oradaydım.
Hey, I was in that too.
- Kurtardı diyorum, ben de oradaydım.
She did, I tell you, I was there.
Ben de oradaydım!
I was in that room!
Ben de oradaydım.
I was there.
- Ben de oradaydım. Kendim satın alacaktım.
I was there, trying to buy them myself.
Evet öldüğü akşam ben de oradaydım.
Yeah. I was there the night Jenny got killed.
Ben de oradaydım, unuttun mu?
I was there, remember?
Ben de oradaydım hatırladın mı?
I was there too, remember?
ben de oradaydım.
Real pretty country on the Texas river, I've been there.
Ben de oradaydım.
I was there, too.
Ondan sonraki 11 ayı ıslahevinde geçirdin sayende ben de oradaydım.
And you spent the next 11 months in reform school, and so did i.
Sen Dachau'ya giderken, ben de oradaydım.
When you were marching into Dachau, I was there too.
Hayır, babam öldürdü. Ama ben de oradaydım.
- No, my father did, but I was there.
Ben de oradaydım.
- I was there.
Herkese diyeceğim ki ben de oradaydım onları gördüm kahya sana vurdu...
He insulted and attacked you. Listen, please.
Şey, Dee, banka oradaydı ben de oradaydım, ve orada başka pek kimse yoktu ve yapılması gereken şey gibi geldi.
Well, Dee, the bank was there and I was there, and there wasn't very much of anybody else there and it just seemed like the thing to do.
Ben de oradaydım ya.
I was there, too, remember.
Ben de oradaydım.
I was out there too.
- Ben de oradaydım.
- I was standin'right there.
Ben de oradaydım teğmen.
I was there, Lieutenant.
- İyi ama davet ederken ben de oradaydım.
I was there when he invited us.
Stones konserinde bu adam ilk öldürüldüğünde ben de oradaydım, biliyor musun?
I was at the Stones'concert when they killed that guy. Remember?
"O gün ben de oradaydım" diyebileceksiniz.
On that day I was there.
Ben de oradaydım, hatırladın mı?
I was there, remember?
"O gece ben de oradaydım, Arthur'la, Kralla birlikteydim."
"l was there that night, with Arthur, the King."
- Ben de oradaydım.
- Uh, I was there.
- O, onu öldürdüğünde ben de oradaydım.
- I was there when she killed him.
Evinizi rezil ettikleri gece, ben de oradaydım.
I was there the night your house got messed up.
Ben de oradaydım Wesley.
I was there, Wesley.
Sen Dr. Conrad ile ofisinde konuşurken ben de oradaydım.
I was in your office when you and Dr. Conrad were talking.
Siz etrafta dolaşırken ben de oradaydım.
I was when you were walking in her neighbourhood.
Ben de oradaydım... ABC cinayetini çözdüğünüzde.
I was there when crimes solved the ABC.
Biliyorum. Ben de oradaydım.
I was there.
Olay olduğunda ben de oradaydım!
I was there when it happened!
- Brian, ben de oradaydım.
Brian, I was there.
Evet, biliyorum. Ben de oradaydım, ama...
Yes, I know. I was there.
Ben de oradaydım.
I was... there Where? In that coffee-bar, at that very time
Ben de oradaydım, unuttun mu?
I was here, you remember?
Ben de oradaydım.
I was right there.
İstediğiniz kadar gülün ama o gerçekten oradaydı, ben de oradaydım ve gerçekti.
Go ahead, laugh all you want, but he was there, and I was there, and he is very real.
Ben de oradaydım, yalan mı?
I was there, too, was I not?
Paketlenirken ben de oradaydım.
I was there at the time of packing.
.. O meşhur matinede ben de oradaydım..
I was right in there with them when they did that famous matinée.
Bir sene önce oradaydım. Ben de...
I was there a year ago. I'd like to...
Ben de oradaydım!
- Yes.
Ama iş oradaydı, ben de yapıyorum.
But the work was there and I'm doing it
Oradaydım. " Bugün ben de şöyle diyorum Biz halkız.
I was there. " Today I say to you we are the people.
Yukarı baktığımda, Kara oradaydı ben de ona tırmandım.
I looked up, and there was The Black... and I grabbed onto him.
Yani temmuzda ben de oradaydım!
He wrote on July 7, 1941,
Keşke ben de inansaydım ama oradaydım.
I wish I could, but I was there.
Evet, ben de oradaydım.
Yes, I was there myself.

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