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Yukariya перевод на английский

29 параллельный перевод
Yukariya ve asagiya açiklik.
Up and down, side to side.
- Beni en yukariya götürdü.
- Took me right up.
Çik yukariya bir göz at.
Go check out upstairs.
Neden birkaç dakika için yukariya gelmiyorsun?
Why don't you come upstairs, just for a minute?
Arkadasiniz beni yukariya davet etti.
Your friend invited me up.
Beş : En yukariya.
Up, run.
Bir milyar ton hayvan her gece karanlik kusaktan yukariya daha zengin ve daha sig olan suya dogru yol alir.
0ne thousand million tonnes of animals travel up from the dark zone into richer, shallower water every night.
Yukariya önce kücük otlayicilar cikar sadece sig ve günesli sularda yetisen mikroskobik bitkileri ararlar.
Tiny grazers are first up, searching for the microscopic plants that only grow in shallow, sunlit waters.
Derisinin kenarlari denizin dibinden yüzlerce metre yukariya yüzmesine olanak saglar.
its skirts of skin allow it to swim hundreds of metres above the sea floor.
On dakikalik bir dalisa yetecek kadar havayla ringalarin altinda yüzer ve baliklari yukariya yönlendirirler.
With enough air for a 10 minute dive... they swim deep below the herring and drive the fish upwards.
Okyanus aciklarinda dalgalanan sular derinliklerdeki besinleri yukariya cikarirlar.
Out in the open oceans, the surging waters stir up nutrients from the depths.
Hadi yukariya!
Come on up!
Yukariya getirin.
Bring him up.
Kendimi merdivenlerden yukariya giderek cezalandiracagim.
I'll punish myself by going upstairs.
Biri, asagiya, Sicilya'ya ki oradan Kartaca'ya saldirmayi umuyorlar digeri ise, yukariya, Güney Fransa'ya!
One from Sicily, Cartago where they hope to attack.
Ben bir yukariya bakayim.
I'll just check upstairs.
Yukariya bakip isigi görmek zor.
It's hard to look up and see the light.
Yukariya çıkarın, lütfen.
Take this upstairs, please.
Kesigin nasil basladigina dikkat et, bogazin ortasindan yukariya dogru.
Okay, here is good. Notice how the cut starts... right in the center of the throat, moving upwards.
Sag elli, fakat boynun ortasindan yukariya dogru basliyor.
Right-handed, but up, and starting in the middle of the neck.
Bu kesiklerin neden ortadan baslayip sonradan yukariya dogru ciktigini acikliyor.
It explains why the cuts always start from the middle... and then work their way up. This opens up everything.
Ben seni yukariya gonderecegim!
I'll send you higher!
Yukariya baktigimi, ve etrafimda herseyin yandigini hatirliyorum ;
I remember looking up, and seeing everything burning up around me ;
- Hey D, yukariya çikip yatmaya hazirlansana.
Hey, D, why don't you head upstairs and start getting ready for bed.
simdi artik yukariya merak içinde bakmakta özgürdük.
Now we were free to look up in wonder.
- Evet, yukariya tasindi.
- She's living upstairs.
- Yukariya mi tasindin demek?
SVETLANA : What, you live upstairs now?
Yukariya tasimama yardim et, bunda deneyecegim.
Help me get her upstairs, I'm having a go on it.
Tanri askina artik yukariya bakmayi keser misiniz?
For God's sake, all of you, stop looking up.

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