Yukarıdalar перевод на английский
163 параллельный перевод
They're up forward.
Up there!
- Hala yukarıdalar mı? - Evet. Teğmen Thomas bu karakolun sorumlusu olacak.
Lieutenant Thomas will be in charge of this precinct and no-one else.
Varisler ve avukatlar yukarıdalar. İşledikleri suçu gerçeklerle, sayılarla ve yalanlarla anlatmayı bekliyorlar.
The heirs and the lawyers are up in the dome right now... waiting to explain the nature of their crime with facts, figures... and falsehoods.
- Hâlâ yukarıdalar.
- Still up there.
They're upstairs.
Hey, yukarıdalar.
Hey, they're up.
- On metre daha yukarıdalar.
- Thirty feet higher and they - -.
They're all up there.
- Anna ile beraber yukarıdalar.
- Upstairs with Anna.
Up there.
It's right up there.
Göçmen Bürosu yetkilileri yukarıdalar ve onları fazla bekletmek istemiyorum.
The Immigration officers are in the lounge and I don't like to keep them waiting.
They're up there.
They're in there.
- Yukarıdalar!
- They are up there!
Ötekiler yukarıdalar.
The others are upstairs.
Yukarıdalar, Komiser.
They're upstairs, Lieutenant.
İşte yukarıdalar, üzerimizdeler.
Oh, they're up there, they're above us.
Kurabiyeleri bulur musun lütfen? Yukarıdalar, aşağıda değiller.
Yeah, they're up there, they're not down here.
Yukarıdalar mı?
Are they up?
Yukarıdalar. Ya aşağı gelirlerse?
Let's see, now which one is the 16th?
Evet, sanırım yukarıdalar, efendim.
Yes, I believe they're up there, sir.
Evet, bayan Sen ve Manek yukarıdalar.
Oh, yes, Mrs. Sen and Manek. They're upstairs.
Apollo Kontrol Houston. 2 saat 25 dakikadır yukarıdalar.
[PAO] Apollo Control Houston. Two hours, 25 minutes ground elapsed time.
- Yukarıdalar.
- They're upstairs.
Hala yukarıdalar. Şimdilik iyi gidiyor.
You're still upstate, aren't you?
They're up there,
Sana, yukarıdalar dedim.
I'm telling you, they're up there.
Hepsi de yukarıdalar.
¤ Ve yukarıdayken, yukarıdalar ¤
# And when they're up, they're up
- Tamam. Onlar yukarıdalar.
All right, all right, they're upstairs.
- Yukarıdalar mı?
- They upstairs?
Tamam, yukarıdalar!
They're upstairs!
Cenazeciler yukarıdalar, tabut falan, hepsi işte
The funeral guys are upstairs with the coffin and all.
Yukarıdalar, orada buradalar.
Up there. This way or that way.
Yukarıdalar, mum ışığında ödevlerini yapıyorlar.
Upstairs, doin'their homework by candlelight.
Kurt ve Jean yukarıdalar ama sanırım Derbeder ve Kitty Evan ile dışarı çıktılar.
Kurt and Jean are upstairs, but I think Rogue and Kitty took off with Evan.
Whistler, yukarıdalar.
Whistler, they're on the roof.
Sanki bir kuledeki prensesmiş gibi yukarıdalar.
High above me as if she were a princess in a tower.
- Büyükbaban onunla konuşmaya geldi. Yukarıdalar.
Grandfather came to talk to him They're upstairs
Cordelia ve Angel yukarıdalar. Yeni bir yatak odası bakıyorlar.
Cordelia and Angel are upstairs trying out bedrooms.
- Yukarıdalar değil mi?
- They up there, right?
- Evet, yukarıdalar.
- Yeah, they up there.
Buffy, yukarıdalar!
Buffy, up here.
They're right upstairs.
Dediklerine göre yukarıdalar!
- They say everyone's upstairs. - Let's go in. Come on.
Ön kapıdakiler, yukarıda hep aynı sayıdalar mı?
Those on the front gate, always the same number on top?
They're up there!
¤ Ve sırf yarı yoldayken Ne yukarıda ne de aşağıdalar ¤
# And when they're only halfway up They're neither up nor down #
Hang on!
yukarı 789
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yukari 32
yukarıda 424
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yukarı çık 160
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yukarı çıkmak ister misin 16
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yukarı kaldır 23
yukarı çıkalım 45