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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ A ] / A lot of blood

A lot of blood Çeviri İspanyolca

1,631 parallel translation
I haven't gotten in touch with them, she's lost a lot of blood.
No he podido comunicarme con él. Ha perdido mucha sangre.
We've invested a lot of blood and treasure to get these weapons, and I'm not going to give them up.
Hemos invertido mucho en sangre y tesoros para obtener estas armas, y no voy a renunciar a ellas.
Ma'am, I have to wn you, he has lost a lot of blood.
Señora tengo que advertirle que ha perdido mucha sangre.
You paid a lot of blood, sir Isandro.
Ha derramado mucha sangre, sr. Isandro.
That's a lot of blood.
- Eso es un montón de sangre.
That's a lot of blood.
Eso es demasiada sangre
My husband had donated a lot of blood to him.
Mi esposo le dono mucha sangre.
And you have had a terrible shock and you've lost a lot of blood, and...
Has pasado un duro golpe y has pedido mucha sangre y....
That's a lot of blood.
Es demasiada sangre.
She's lost a lot of blood.
Ha perdido mucho sangre.
There's signs of a struggle And a lot of blood.
Hay signos de lucha y mucha sangre.
No murder weapon, and not a lot of blood.
No hay arma homicida, ni tampoco mucha sangre.
She lost a lot of blood, but she's stable now.
Perdió mucha sangre, pero está estable.
B.P. is critical. he's lost a lot of blood.
Pulso crítico. Ha perdido mucha sangre.
There was a lot of blood.
Había mucha sangre.
He's lost a lot of blood.
El perdió mucha sangre.
A lot of blood.
Mucha sangre.
-'Cause there's a lot of blood.
- ¡ Porque hay mucha sangre, viejo!
There's a lot of blood.
Hay mucha sangre.
There's a lot of blood in there, some discarded medical equipment.
Hay mucha sangre aquí, alguien se deshizo de equipo médico.
He's lost a lot of blood.
Ha perdido mucha sangre.
Since she lost a lot of blood...
Como ella perdió mucha sangre...
Not a lot of blood.
No hay mucha sangre
We found a lot of blood. Weak?
- Encontramos un montón de sangre.
She's lost a lot of blood, Sister.
Baker! Ha perdido mucha sangre, hermana.
He's lost a lot of blood. - He's going into shock.
Está entrando en shock.
There was a lot of blood around it, But i took a bunch of pictures before i had it cleaned up - - You know, for evidence.
Había mucha sangre por todo esto pero yo tomé un montón de fotografías antes de limpiarlo ustedes saben, para evidencia.
Oh, my God, that's a lot of blood, dude.
es mucha sangre, diablos
He's okay- - lost a lot of blood.
Está bien. Perdió mucha sangre.
We got a man down losing a lot of blood.
Tenemos un hombre caído perdiendo un montón de sangre.
He's lost a lot of blood.
Él ha perdido mucha sangre.
But she's lost a lot of blood.
Pero ha perdido mucha sangre.
- Was there a lot of blood?
- ¿ Hubo una gran cantidad de sangre?
Okay, okay, he's losing a lot of blood.
Bueno, bueno, está perdiendo mucha sangre.
A lot of blood came out of that old man.
Tal vez. El viejo sangró muchísimo.
- lost a lot of blood.
Perdió mucha sangre.
You must sit down. Poor lady. She lost a lot of blood.
Pobre dama, ha perdido mucha sangre.
There's a lot of blood rushing through my ears right now.
Ahora mismo me corre mucha sangre por las orejas.
Ooh, that's a lot of blood.
Ooh, eso es mucha sangre.
She lost a lot of blood.
Ella perdió mucha sangre.
He lost a lot of blood.
Perdió mucha sangre.
You lost a lot of blood.
Perdiste mucha sangre.
She lost a lot of blood and had a transfusion.
Perdió mucha sangre y recibió una transfusión.
Something bit her, she's losing a lot of blood. Somebody help!
¡ Qué alguien me ayude!
There was a lot of water, yeah. But blood, I don't think so, no.
Un poco de agua sí, pero sangre, no lo creo, no.
Individual donors can bypass the registry, but there are a lot of other factors... blood type... i've given him blood.
Los donantes individuales pueden eludir el registro. pero hay muchísimos otros factores... el tipo de sangre... Le he donado sangre.
A lot of times, you'll find the bullet in clotted blood and brain matter.
Muchas veces, hallarás la bala cubierta de sangre y materia cerebral.
Man, should have been out of here days ago, but... still got a lot of blood in my stool.
The morning group are all right but the afternoon lot, it's like getting blood out of a stone.
El grupo de la mañana está muy bien, pero el de la tarde, es como sacarle sangre a una piedra.
You lose a lot of blood.
- Estás perdiendo mucha sangre.
She's lost a lot of blood.
Ha perdido mucha sangre.

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