And we thought Çeviri İspanyolca
6,600 parallel translation
It was Jon, myself, the bartender and the door man checking them out and we thought, yeah, there's...
Éramos Jon, yo, el cantinero y el portero escuchándolos y pensamos " Sí... Hay...
We were not in a very strong financial situation at the time. And we thought this acquisition of Mr. Welles would have done it, but it didn't.
- No estábamos en una situación económica muy favorable y pensamos que con esta adquisición del señor Welles estaría resuelta, pero no fue así.
We just needed to get out of the rain, and we thought this place was abandoned, so we... So we came here to burgle your turts.
así que- - 450 ) } Así que vinimos a robarnos tus tortugas.
We found that picture of Lucy and we thought that she was my mother.
Encontramos esa fotografía de Lucy y pensamos que ella era mi madre.
Not sure if you got our e-mail, but we're doing a fiesta lunch next Friday, and we thought you could bring the guacamole.
¿ Recibiste nuestro correo? El viernes haremos un almuerzo mexicano y pensamos que podrías traer el guacamole.
So, Joe's either a better criminal than we thought, or he's working with someone who cares enough about an alibi to have one at the ready, and that could be Zippo.
Bueno, o Joe es mejor criminal de lo que pensábamos, o está trabajando con alguien que se preocupa lo bastante por una coartada como para tener una preparada, y ese podría ser Zippo.
It's just, I thought we were friends, and they said such terrible things.
Pensé que éramos amigos, Y dijeron cosas tan horribles..
We thought, " Fuck, man, like, nobody knows about it, and yet they got it going on?
Pensamos, " Demonios, hombre, como, nadie sabe de esto, y todavía siguen adelante?
There were a lot of things like apartheid that we thought were wrong and we should be actually acting against.
Pickering : Había muchas cosas como el apartheid que nosotros pensábamos que estaba mal y que debíamos estar actuando en contra.
We saved up enough for me after about a year to take a week off, and I had put a couple things down on a little tape player, so I thought I'd like to get someone to hear it.
Ahorramos bastante para mí después de un año para tomarnos una semana y puse un par de canciones en un pequeño reproductor de cintas, entonces pensé, que me gustaría que alguien las escuchara.
Every freaking night was just a gridlock of cars and hippies. We really thought that we were gonna take over the world.
Todas las malditas noches eran un embotellamiento de coches y hippies.
People thought it was cute, you know, until they realized we were serious and wanted to do this for a career. And then people would start getting nasty and call you names and call you whores and sluts and dykes for no reason, just for playing music.
A la gente le pareció tierno, sabés, hasta que vieron que lo hacíamos en serio y queríamos hacer de esto una carrera. Y después las gente se empezó a poner desagradable y a insultarnos y a llamarnos putas y zorras y tortas
And we're out there playing all this, you know... It felt weird. The environment started to impact how we thought about our music.
Y estábamos ahí afuera tocando todo esto, sabés... Se sentía extraño.
And I thought, well, we have to do a show for the fall, and what could it be?
Y pensé : "Tenemos que hacer un show para el otoño, ¿ qué podría ser?"
At least I thought we were until he went and did this.
Al menos pensaba que lo éramos hasta que vino e hizo esto.
We thought that Byron and Ike arrived at Portal Ten simultaneously.
Pensábamos que Byron y Ike llegaron al Portal 10 de forma simultánea.
Uh, we saw your farms and your houses and thought,
Vimos sus granjas y hogares y pensamos,
I thought we were trying to do important work here, teaching animals to count and spell.
¡ Creí que hacíamos trabajo importante! Enseñándole a animales a restar y a sumar.
And I think this is quite a sobering thought - the reason we have never and WILL never hear from any other civilisation, is because none of them ever last long enough to contact each other.
Y creo que es un pensamiento bastante aleccionador la razón por la nunca hemos escuchado y nunca escucharemos de ninguna otra civilización, es porque ninguna de ellas ha durado lo suficiente para contactarse una con otra.
After the flight, I've often been asked what I thought was the most significant part of Apollo 8, its biggest contribution, and I've often said our mission really was to explore the moon, but our accomplishment was that we discovered the Earth.
Después del vuelo, a menudo me han preguntado que es lo que pienso que fue la parte más significativa del Apollo 8, su mayor contribución, y he dicho ha menudo que nuestra misión realmente era explorar la luna, pero nuestro logro fue que descubrimos la Tierra.
You have a huge dorm, and I thought we could use an extra set of hands.
Tienes un dormitorio enorme, y pensé que nos vendrían bien un par de manos extra.
And here I thought we were meeting for tea and crumpets.
Y yo que pensaba que habíamos quedado para tomar té y pastelitos.
Maxed out ten credit cards and made this little movie he thought no one would see, and here we are.
Se fundió tres tarjetas de crédito e hizo una peli que pensó que no vería nadie, y aquí estamos.
i literally thought we could i literally thought we could get out jon tonight and we won Congrats.
- Felicidades.
We never would have thought, they would poison her and steal the golden cane.
Nunca hubiéramos pensado, que ellos la habían envenenado para robar la Vara Dorada.
But the alternative - and I never thought I'd hear myself say this, cos all my life I've been a saver - is that we spend it doing something daft.
Pero la alternativa... y nunca pensé que me oiría decir esto, porque toda mi vida he sido una ahorradora... es que lo gastemos haciendo algo tonto.
Oh, and I thought we were gonna be friends.
Y yo creía que íbamos a ser amigos.
I thought we were just going to shake hands and that's it.
Pensé que solo estábamos saludándonos.
I thought we'd make money and people would find it eccentric
Creí que ganaríamos dinero y que a la gente le parecería excéntrico...
And at stake, that everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong.
Y de repente, todo lo que pensábamos que conocíamos acerca del mundo resulto estar completamente errado.
So we thought it best to bring you in and see what ideas... you might have for dealing with her behaviour on the home front.
Así que pensamos que lo mejor sería llamarlo y ver qué ideas tenía usted para lidiar con este comportamiento desde su hogar.
Thought we were doing rock'n'roll.
Creí que hacíamos "rock and roll".
Gilly and I, we thought we were coming to get her mother.
Gilly y yo, pensamos vendríamos aquí a recoger a su madre.
I don't remember if you guys were there or not, but I think I've told you that we were making out and I thought there was a chair behind me and I'd sit down...
No recuerdo si ustedes estaban allí o no, pero creo que ya te he dicho que estábamos haciendo a cabo y me pareció que había una silla detrás de mí y me sentaba...
And I thought, " Well, if we could prove
Y yo pensé :
We thought you might not be coming in today, being New Year's Eve and all.
- Hola, Kenneth. Pensamos que no vendrías, por ser víspera de Año Nuevo.
And... we worked so hard on it'cause we thought we were gonna live in it forever.
Y... trabajamos mucho en ella porque creíamos que allí viviríamos para siempre.
Uh, we thought we would make it about how the prices of ice cream have gone up 15 cents in the cafeteria and...
Uh, que pensamos que podríamos hacer acerca de cómo los precios de los helados han subido 15 centavos en la cafetería y
You know, Ed Sullivan, we kid him a lot, but Ed Sullivan is one of the greats of this business, and I had a funny thought.
A Ed Sullivan le tomábamos mucho el pelo... pero Ed Sullivan es uno de los mejores de este negocio... y se me ocurrió algo gracioso.
I thought it was just going to be, "Oh, we'll go to Sarah Lawrence and we'll teach this, and..."
Pensé que lo que haríamos sería ir a Sarah Lawrence a enseñarlo...
And I thought, " Oh, boy, here we go.
Y pensé : " Cielos, aquí vamos.
And, of course, nobody thought it worked, so we came up with something else, which I never particularly thought worked as well as the original idea.
Y, claro, a nadie le pareció que funcionara, así que se nos ocurrió otra cosa que nunca me pareció que funcionaba tan bien como la idea original.
We could just do things that we thought was more important than reading, and writing, and science, and history.
Podríamos simplemente hacer cosas que pensamos era más importante que lectura y escritura, y la ciencia y la historia.
We thought that you could use the money to buy a little house for you and Haley.
Pensamos que podrías usar el dinero para comprar una casa para Haley y para ti.
We thought we'd come by and welcome you to the neighborhood.
Pensamos que habíamos venido por y bienvenida al barrio.
Well, ma'am, given the mission brief, we thought we should decrease the gross weight and increase the loiter time.
Dada la reseña de la misión, pensamos que debíamos bajar el peso bruto y aumentar la permanencia en área.
That first night we were here, on that Friday night, I saw you... And your cars and I thought you were...
La noche que llegamos aquí, un viernes, los vi con sus autos y pensé que eran...
I mean, just when your son told me that your husband left you for a 19 year old I guess I thought of you were gonna be like one of those hot women when we first met in high school but then let herself go and got a pot belly and turkey neck with a with a hairy chin. "
Es que cuando su hijo me dijo que su esposo la dejó por una chica de 19 años pensé que iba a ser una de esas "sexy cuando la conocí en el bachillerato pero dejó de cuidarse y tiene panza y cuello de pavo con un mentón peludo".
They would sneak down and eat the cookies Effie made for Santa and they thought we didn't know about it, but we did.
Bajaban y comían las galletas de Effie para Santa. Y creían que no lo sabíamos, pero así era.
Well I was in the neighbourhood and I thought perhaps we could have lunch.
Como sea estaba en el vecindario y pensé que tal vez... podríamos almorzar juntos.
- And I thought maybe we could figure out...
Pensé que tal vez podríamos...
and welcome back 16
and welcome 74
and well done 16
and we're off 44
and we 335
and we're running out of time 21
and we're back 55
and well 178
and we're done 73
and we're walking 16
and welcome 74
and well done 16
and we're off 44
and we 335
and we're running out of time 21
and we're back 55
and well 178
and we're done 73
and we're walking 16