Awful things Çeviri İspanyolca
546 parallel translation
She came here right before she got into that accident. She came here to see her husband... and she ended up seeing the awful things that her husband was doing.
Vino aquí antes del accidente y vio a su esposo con otra mujer.
Saying awful things.
Diciendo esas cosas horrendas.
He says the most awful things.
Ha dicho cosas horribles.
He said the most awful things to me.
Me dijo cosas de lo más desagradables.
When you write awful things, they happen in the end.
Cuando escribes cosas feas, terminan ocurriendo.
When you write awful things... 5 : 25 p.m. Time to check the mimosas.
Cuando escribes cosas horrendas... 5 : 25 p.m. Hora de ver a las mimosas.
When you write awful things...
Cuando escribes cosas malas...
When you write awful things...
Cuando escribes cosas horribles...
- Oh, awful things.
- Cosas horribles.
Well, I know that the newspaper said awful things about me, but, you know, I'm not that sort of a man, really.
Ya sé que los periódicos dicen cosas horribles sobre mí, pero, ya sabes, yo no soy esa clase de hombre, de verdad.
Good heavens, I didn't know ladies rode those awful things.
¡ No sabía que las damas usaran esos horribles artefactos!
Perfectly awful things must have happened at Tantrapur.
Deben de haberte sucedido cosas terribles en Tantrapur.
You do such awful things with it.
Haces cosas horribles con ella.
It's always Mr. Saraiva's wife, she said awful things to him.
La mujer del Sr. Saraiva Ie dice cosas al Sr. Saraiva que parecen increíbles.
Dijo cosas terribles.
Those other women, the way they talked and the awful things they said and those matrons, always watching, never leaving you alone.
Las otras mujeres, como hablaban, las cosas horribles que decían... y las matronas siempre vigilan, nunca te dejan en paz.
Why do you say such awful things?
¿ Por qué dices cosas tan horrorosas?
I've said too many awful things about you. Terrible things.
He dicho demasiadas cosas malas de usted, horribles.
Michel must have said some awful things under the anesthetic to make the doctor understand that his fall was no accident.
Michele debió decir cosas muy tristes bajo la anestesia para que el médico pudiera deducir que fue una decisión voluntaria.
I did it to stop him from saying awful things about hisself.
Lo hice para impedir que dijera cosas terribles sobre sí mismo.
I listened, John, when your father was saying some awful things to you.
Las oí, John. Las cosas tan horribles que te dijo tu padre.
I did say some awful things that night, didn't I?
Dije muchas barbaridades aquella noche.
Get rid of those awful things.
Deshazte de las cosas inútiles.
Awful things.
Cosas desagradables.
No telling what awful things she's been writing in those letters.
Por no hablar de las cosas horribles que pone en esas cartas.
Our marriage. Some awful things might happen.
Puede que pasen cosas terribles.
Yes, but the boys are having an awful time getting those things down.
Sí, pero los chicos tienen algunos problemas bajando esas cosas.
He must have done a Lot of awful things. "
Debe haber hecho cosas horribles "
But she's awful ambitious and wanted a lot of things I couldn't afford.
Pero quería cosas que yo no podía ofrecerle.
And that certainly would be awful... to have your mother sitting there, all dressed up in rags... and eating rotten bread and things like that.
Y, sin duda, sería horrible ver a tu madre ahí sentada, vestida con harapos... ¿ No sería terrible?
Look... I guess you have an awful lot of things to do... taking care of everybody.
Mira supongo que tienes muchas cosas que hacer ya que cuidas de todos.
I've got an awful lot Of things to do -
Tengo un montón de cosas que hacer.
Things happen awful fast around here.
Las cosas suceden muy rápido por aquí.
An awful lot of things can happen in a couple of days can't it?
Muchísimas cosas pueden suceder en unos días, ¿ no?
You're an awful sucker to do things like that for rats like me.
Hay que ser idiota para hacer esto por un canalla como yo.
Things will be awful tough on Joe if black cats sprout wings.
Joe sufrirá si los gatos negros vuelan.
That's an awful good sign, wanting things.
Es muy buena señal, querer cosas.
An awful lot of things I don't understand lately.
Hay muchas cosas que no entiendo últimamente.
Look, I been around. They can say an awful lot of things about biff grimes,
Pueden decir muchas cosas de Biff Grimes,
You know, an awful lot of things could be said right out in court about the inner workings of the Gazette, and other papers could print it without any fear of libel.
Se podrían decir muchas cosas sobre el funcionamiento interno de la Gaceta y otros periódicos podrían publicarlo sin temor a la difamación.
Two years ago, when General Stilwell was run out of Burma... he said among other things, that we took an awful pasting... and somebody ought to go back in there and do something about it.
Hace dos años, cuando expulsaron al Gral. Stilwell de Birmania, dijo entre otras cosas que había sido una horrible derrota... y que alguien debería volver allí para hacer algo al respecto.
Gee, thanks an awful lot, Dad, for these things.
Muchas gracias por... estas cosas.
Ginna, isn't it awful the way things happen between parents and children?
Ginna, ¿ no es terrible como suceden las cosas entre padres e hijos?
- I have an awful lot of things.
- Creo que tengo muchas cosas.
You know an awful lot of things, don't you?
- Sabes muchas cosas, ¿ verdad?
What you said tonight about wanting some pictures of Hugh as a child, well, I've kept an awful lot of things.
Decías que querías fotos de Hugh de pequeño. He guardado muchas cosas de los dos.
As I was going down to the taxi cab to get Elwood's things this awful man stepped out. He was a white slaver, I know he was.
Cuando iba a sacar las cosas de Elwood del taxi, vino ese hombre horrible, un blanco traficante de esclavos, seguro.
Because if you are, I've got an awful lot of things to do.
¿ Sí o no?
Is it awful - not having all these things for real?
¿ Es horrible no tener todas esas cosas en realidad?
You know, I'm getting awful sick of doing things the hard way.
Me estoy hartando de hacerlo todo lo más difícil posible.
He'd imagine the most awful things about me and Owens.
Se imaginaba lo más horrible entre Owens y yo.
things 422
things happen 87
things will get better 22
things change 215
things fall apart 17
things will change 18
things have changed 201
things could be worse 16
things like 24
things are different 35
things happen 87
things will get better 22
things change 215
things fall apart 17
things will change 18
things have changed 201
things could be worse 16
things like 24
things are different 35