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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ E ] / Eat your food

Eat your food Çeviri İspanyolca

466 parallel translation
Just eat your food!
Limítate a comer.
Eat your food!
¡ Venga, come!
I don't drink your water. I don't eat your food.
No beberé su agua ni comeré su comida.
You give me water, I eat your food.
Me dan agua, como su comida.
I would only eat your food.
Sólo comería platos hechos por sus manos.
Eat your food.
cómete Ia comida.
Go on, now. Eat your food.
Y ahora, adelante.
Sit down and eat your food.
Siéntate y come.
Eat your food!
Lo que tiene que comerse es la sopa.
Now, you stay here and eat your food.
Quédate aquí y come tu comida.
I'll see you later. Hey, you didn't eat your food!
Con fiesta del astronauta En la Perla.
Now eat your food, Mr. Cricket.
Ahora coma su comida, Sr. Grillo.
Eat your food.
Well, stop looking like a railway sleeper and eat your food.
Bueno, quita esa cara de traviesa y cómete la comida.
Eat your food.
Come tu comida.
Sit down and eat your food.
Siéntese y coma.
Eat your food.
Eat your food.
Cómete eso.
Now go sit down and eat your food.
Van a sentarse para comer.
All right, eat your food.
Bien, ahora a comer.
- Eat your food, dear.
- Come, cariño.
Have pity on the master, he can't eat your food.
Tenga piedad del amo, él no puede comer eso.
Well, you must eat your food.
Bien, debes comer tu comida.
Big fucking belly, eat your food!
Así que un chiflado de L.A. te violó. Menuda historia.
Go ahead and eat your food.
Adelante, come tu comida.
Why don't you eat your food?
¿ Por qué no comes tu comida?
Well, eat your food then!
Come y calla.
Now, hurry up and eat your food, or you ´ ll be late for school.
Apúrate y come, o llegarás tarde a la escuela.
You didn't eat your food.
No te has comido la comida.
If you don't eat your food, Mr Doyle, I'm gonna be very upset.
Si no se come su comida, Sr. Doyle, estaré muy enojado
I wanted to eat your food!
Extraño su cocina.
Better have your linen cleaned by me than eat her food.
Señor conde, es mejor hacer la colada en mi casa que comer en la de ella. No confundamos.
Nada puede inducirme a comer tu comida carcelaria.
Eat up your porridge, Michael. You mustn't waste food in wartime. Yes, Mrs Fraser.
No hay que desperdiciar la comida en época de guerra.
Here are a few for you. Do not eat spicy food, or your hand will not heal.
No comas picante o tu mano no se curara nunca.
No, you drove Anita to her death by forcing her to..... eat your stale food!
A la pobre Anita la mataste a fuerza de hacerla comer sobras.
Be not anxious for your life for the food you eat or for your body or the clothes you wear for is not life greater than food?
No se inquieten... por la comida que comen... o por el cuerpo o las ropas que usan... ¿ o acaso la comida es más importante que la vida?
Will you tell it to yourself, Mama, when you're fixing food in somebody's kitchen that your own family can't even afford to eat?
¿ Vas a decírtelo a ti, mamá, cuando estés preparando la comida en la cocina de alguien que ni siquiera tu propia familia puede darse el lujo de comer?
Choose your motions carefully. Since our tenure on earth will be for only 24 hours, do not, repeat, do not eat any of the earth food. You must continue your encapsulated diet from the tubes.
Puesto que no estaremos en la Tierra mas que 24 horas,... no deben, repito, no deben comer ningún alimento terrestre,... continuad con el régimen de píldoras.
And now your second question for the blow on the head is : What is the main food that penguins eat?
Segunda pregunta, ¿ cuál es el principal alimento de los pingüinos?
- I wish you would just eat your own food.
- Déjalo y ponte a comer.
Either that's good enough for you, or you're gonna eat your own goddamn food.
De modo que o se conforma con eso, o se come su maldita comida.
Eat your food.
Come o me lo llevo.
I'll eat your food!
Me lo comeré.
It is the drinking of wine that makes it possible to eat the rich food... which is bad for your liver and your heart because wine cuts grease.
Beber vino es lo que permite comer ricas comidas... que son malas para el hígado y el corazón... porque el vino corta la grasa.
You know, if you go to the Buddhist Meditation Center... they make you taste each bite of your food... so it takes two hours - it's horrible - to eat your lunch.
Si vas a un templo de meditación budista, te obligan a saborear cada bocado... y es horrible porque te estás dos horas para comer.
You see, in prison you get 15 minutes to get your food, sit down, eat it, and get out of there, otherwise you don't eat.
Verás, en la cárcel tenías 15 minutos para coger la comida,... sentarte, comerla y salir de allí,... de lo contrario no comías.
Oh, Randy, don't play with your food, eat it!
¡ No juegues con la comida! ¡ Cómela!
Then I'll eat all your food.
Así como toda tu comida.
"If you have this food in your possession, do not eat it." Good.
Si tienen eso en casa, no lo coma.` Excelente.
Listen... you look like you don't eat enough to keep a bird alive. Have some real food. Captain White, I've managed to live 75 years without your help, eating precisely what I'm eating now.
Oiga... parece que está en los huesos.

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