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He can't help himself Çeviri İspanyolca

83 parallel translation
The accused has stated that he can't help himself.
El acusado ha dicho que no puede ayudarse a sí mismo.
He can't help himself.
No puede evitarlo.
He knows it's wrong, but he can't help himself.
Él sabe que está mal, pero no puede evitarlo.
Can't he help himself, either?
¿ Nunca piensa en los demás?
Tonight we pay recognition to a man who had more than a brief moment, a man who, during the past half-century, has carved a permanent place for himself in all our hearts and on this memorable occasion I can't help but think back to a young Indian lad who grew up on a reservation. As a boy, he roamed the woods with his father, hunting and fishing.
Esta noche homenajeamos a un hombre que tuvo más que un breve momento, un hombre que, durante el pasado medio siglo, se ha ganado un lugar para sí en nuestro corazones y en esta memorable ocasión no puedo olvidar aquel muchacho indio... que nació y creció en una reserva... de niño recorría los bosques con su padre, pescando y cazando.
Perhaps he can't help himself.
- Dicen que le dolía la cabeza.
Sometimes he can't help himself.
A veces no tiene otra elección.
But he can't help himself.
Pero no puede evitarlo.
He can't help himself.
Es superior a sus fuerzas.
The accused has stated that he can't help himself.
El acusado acaba de decirnos que no puede evitarlo.
He's been given a series of instructions and he can't help himself.
Le dieron una serie de instrucciones y que no puede ayudarse a sí mismo.
He wants to act by himself, He can't help it,
Quiere actuar solo. Qué manía.
He can't help himself.
No puede ayudarse a sí mismo.
He doesn't wanna do it but he can't help himself.
El no quiere hacerlo, pero no puede ayudarse el mismo... ¿ Ves?
He just can't help himself!
Él solo no puede ayudar a si mismo!
He practically can't help himself.
No lo puede evitar.
Maybe he can't help himself.
Quizá no se puede controlar.
He's buying another dozen issues'cause he can't help himself.
Compra otra docena de ediciones porque no puede ayudarse a si mismo.
- He can't help himself.
- No puede evitarlo.
He can't even help himself.
Ni siquiera puede ayudarse a si mismo.
You never notice how he picks at the tongue of his shoe? Like he can't help himself.
Toma la lengüeta del zapato de forma compulsiva.
He can't help himself...
No puede remediarlo...
He can't help himself. Can I come in?
No puede evitarlo. ¿ Puedo pasar?
He can't help himself.
No puede ayudarse a si mismo.
He just can't help himself.
Es su carácter.
He can't * * * * * * * help himself.
No puede con su * * * * * * * genio.
In fact, I think he rather can't help himself.
De hecho, creo que no puede remediarlo.
That he arranged a screening for "Some Call It Loving" there... you can't help but respect someone... who has taken all the time and effort... to educate himself, become familiar with... with not only my films... ones I did with Kubrick of course weren't obscure... but "Some Call It Loving" was kind of an obscure film.
El hecho que organizara el pase de "Some Call It Loving" ahí... respeto mucho a alguien que se ha tomado todo ese tiempo y esfuerzo... de educarse a sí mismo, familiarizarse con... no sólo mis películas... las que hice con Kubrick no eran tan oscuras... pero "Some Call It Loving" era ciertamente algo oscura.
Honestly, you know, I Don't think he can help himself.
Honestamente, sabes, no creo que él pueda evitarlo.
Like he can't help himself.
Como si no pudiera evitarlo
He just can't help himself. But how did he get in and out with the chain still on the door?
¿ Cómo entró y salió con la cadena puesta en la puerta?
Lastly, we can't help but notice that he was by himself when he died.
Por último, no podemos dejar de observar que no había gente cuando murió.
I know he likes to speak in a strangled voice, likes to earn a bit of pity where he can, he can't help himself, it's always been his way.
Sé que le gusta hablar con voz ahogada, ganarse un poco de lástima, no lo puede evitar, simpre ha sido así.
He can't help himself.
No puede evitarlo, él es el Dandi, el vividor de la banda.
He can't help himself, can he?
No puede contenerse. ¿ Verdad?
- He can't help himself.
El no puede evitarlo.
He can't seem to help himself. Goodness!
Parece no poder controlarse.
Deep down he wants to be good, but he just can't help himself sometimes.
En el fondo quiere ser bueno Pero a veces no puede evitarlo
But he can't help himself.
Pero no puede ayudarse a sí mismo.
He has to worry her. He can't help himself.
Tiene que preocuparla, no puede evitarlo.
Marcel--when you think about it, it's like Marcel just can't help himself. He has to do a foam. He gets in his own way that way.
Marcel, cuando piensas sobre él es como si Marcel no pudiera evitarlo tiene que hacer espuma se sale con la suya así bueno, creo que tenemos la respuesta
He can't help himself can he?
No puede evitarlo, ¿ verdad?
It's like he can't help himself.
Es como si no pudiera evitarlo.
He can't help himself.
No pudo evitarlo.
He says it himself - he can't help it, he likes people.
Lo dice él mismo... no lo puede evitar, le gusta la gente.
Well, he made it perfectly clear he doesn't need my help, so if he wants to get down those stairs, he can just bounce himself on down.
Bueno, dejó perfectamente claro que no necesitaba mi ayuda, así que si quiere bajar esas escaleras, puede rebotar en sí mismo para abajo.
He's been this divine parasite for so long that he just can't help himself, is that it?
Ha sido este divino parásito por tanto tiempo que ya no puede controlarlo, ¿ no?
And in true Rumple fashion, he can't help himself.
Y como es típico de Rumple, no puede evitarlo.
I can't imagine a bigger launching-off point for a character and then knowing that he'll do whatever he can to make a new Krypton because he can't help himself.
Me cuesta imaginar un punto de partida más dramático para un personaje y entonces sabe que hará lo que sea para encontrar un nuevo Krypton porque no puede evitarlo.
He can't help himself any more than his wife can help being scared of her own shadow or your mum can help being a bit mouthy.
Él no puede ayudarse a sí mismo más de lo que su mujer puede ayudar a tener miedo de su propia sombra o tu madre puede dejar de ser un poco bocazas.
Help him get something he can't get for himself?
¿ Ayudarlo con algo que no puede obtener por sí solo?

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