He was a Çeviri İspanyolca
147,019 parallel translation
I think he wanted to release something that would cause a lot of ripples and question marks all around, and he was able to get that with this.
Creo que quiso grabar algo que cause muchos rumores y preguntas, y él era capaz de lograr eso con esto.
So, I knew he was a great performer, extremely theatrical, that would just always be outside the box, always be walking on the edge.
Entonces, sabía que él era un gran intérprete, extremadamente teatral, que siempre innovaría, y siempre estaría "caminando en el borde."
I thought he was a dummy.
Pensé que era un maniquí.
If there's one thing we've learned about Charlie Taylor, he was a man driven by compassion.
Si hay algo que hemos aprendido de Charlie Taylor... es que era un hombre conducido por la compasión.
He was trying a lot of things, he had to flex his muscles to get back in shape, like a runner or an athlete, that's what he had to do.
Estaba intentando muchas cosas, tenía que flexionar sus músculos para volver a estar en forma, como un corredor o atleta, eso es lo que tenía que hacer.
And I remember also that he was changing his vocal over the chords to create different sections, so we kind of have the idea to put some little different guitar riffs to kind of signify the changes over there.
Y recuerdo que también él estaba cambiando la parte vocal, sobre los acordes para crear diferentes secciones, así que tuvimos la idea de poner distintos pequeños riffs para más o menos dar importancia a esos cambios.
Being one himself, he always was looking right and left or over his shoulder at what might be or, "What could I do next?"
Siendo él mismo, siempre estaba mirando de derecha a izquierda o por sobre su hombro, viendo qué podría hacer o, "¿ Qué puedo hacer la próxima?"
And it wasn't quite the right incarnation because he was not yet dyeing his hair orange and he hadn't taken on the Ziggy persona yet.
Y todavía no estaba encarnado como un artista porque todavía no se había teñido el pelo de naranja y no había formado a Ziggy.
I mean, he was interested to look at those people and set such icons as his goals.
Es decir, le interesaba observar a esos artistas y poner a esos íconos como objetivos.
But he once said, too, that being super-successful was like living in a goldfish bowl.
Pero una vez también dijo, que ser super exitoso era como vivir en una pecera.
The idea that he had for The Stars ( Are Out Tonight ) video was that there were celebrities that were stalking normal people to study them.
La idea que tuvo para el video de The Stars ( Are Out Tonight ) fue que hayan celebridades que acosen a gente normal y así estudiarlas.
'She was doing a film called Song of Norway.'HE CHUCKLES
Ella estaba haciendo una película llamada'Song of Norway.'
I think it was also, he was working with her, so it was a double thing, that he'd lost his girlfriend, and he'd lost someone in his band.
Creo que también estaba así porque estaba trabajando con ella, así que fue doble dolor, por un lado había perdido a su novia, y por el otro perdió a alguien de su banda.
I think he was really troubled by this trend of people going and shooting kids.
Creo que se preocupó por esta tendencia de matar a los jóvenes.
He really wanted to bring the audience into the mind of that killer, and that transition from the David that we know to this other character that he was inhabiting in this song was very shocking, really.
Quiso llevar a la audiencia a la mente de ese asesino y a esa transición del David que conocemos a este personaje, que no lo actuó, fue muy shockeante.
But he was very much aware of making a statement about gun control and the importance of that, in his own style.
Pero estaba muy consciente de dar un mensaje sobre el uso de armas y de la importancia de eso, con su propio estilo.
He was very interested in society, you know, what makes people operate, what makes societies operate, and that was one of his less cryptic and more straight-up lyrics that he's ever written.
Le interesaba mucho la sociedad, lo que hace a la gente obrar, lo que hace que las sociedades obren, y esta fue una de sus menos crípticas y más comunes letras que haya escrito.
He was looking back on his life, even looking at that image.
Estaba mirando atrás en su vida, incluso mirando a esa imagen.
- REPORTER : - But after a bout of ill-health, it was thought he had retired. Wrong.
- Pero luego, por su salud, se creía que se había retirado.
Imagine how ridiculous he would have looked, you know, if he'd kept dying his hair orange when he was 65 years old?
Imagina lo ridículo que se hubiera visto, si continuaba tiñiéndose el pelo naranja a los 65.
But his attitude was that he was going to be OK, and that was kind of the end of the conversation.
Pero su actitud fue como que iba a estar bien, y ese fue el final de la conversación.
But, of course, once we started rehearsal, he was there a lot.
Pero, por supuesto, una vez que empezamos a ensayar, él estaba mucho.
He was ill, and he said that writing the musical was on his bucket list, you know, finally writing a musical, and all that, so, that's the only time he got a little bit, you know, sentimental, maybe, like, "I've got to do these things."
Estaba enfermo, y dijo que escribir el musical estaba en su lista de deseos, finalmente escribir un musical y todo eso, entonces, ese era el único momento en el que se ponía tu sabes, sentimental, quizás, como, "Tengo que hacer estas cosas."
'It was a book that I'd loved all through my youth.
'Era un libro que he amado toda mi juventud.
There was a sentence that he said, something like, you know,
Había una oración que dijo, decía algo como, sabes
Whatever he was going through health-wise at the time, one thing that was really inspiring was how, from the first day, the first note, he was just totally in it.
Pese a su salud, algo que era realmente inspirador, era como, desde el primer día, la primera nota, él estaba totalmente involucrado.
He was really along for the ride with David, and the idea of space, I think represented...
Estuvo a lo largo del viaje con David, y la idea del espacio, creo que representaba..
Maybe there was some little, you know, obviously a bit of maybe sentimental attachment to it, because it represented a lot in terms of how he became known to us and became famous.
Quizás había un poco de, sabes, obviamente una atracción sentimental, porque representó mucho en términos de cómo fue reconocido por nosotros y cómo se volvió famoso
He just would take these bits of the past, and fashion the future out of them, and Major Tom was a big part of that.
Tomaba esos pedazos del pasado, y vestía el futuro con ellos, y el Comandante Tom fue gran parte de eso.
Let this be only coming from me, but I think part of the way I reacted, also, I felt that when he was saying that, I thought for a brief second that he looked scared, actually.
Tengamos en cuenta que yo estoy diciendo esto, pero creo que parte de mi reacción, también sentí que cuando dijo eso pensé por un segundo que estaba asustado.
He would stand in front of the mic, and for the four or five minutes he was singing, he would pour his heart out.
A veces se quedaba en frente del micrófono, y en los cuatro o cinco minutos que cantaba, entregaba su corazón.
It wasn't that he was out of breath - he was... like, hyperventilating, in a way, like, getting his energy up to sing this, to deliver this song.
No era que se quedaba sin aire sino que como que se hiperventilaba de una manera que gastaba toda su energía para cantar, para entregar la canción.
I like to say, in the zone, and I could see him through the window, that he was really feeling it.
Me gusta decir que, y pude verlo a través de la ventana, que realmente la estaba sintiendo.
He was Javi's father... And he used to run with Manny and I. We pulled a bank job.
Era el padre de Javi... y dirigía las cosas con Manny y conmigo.
He was working some construction in the neighborhood and he knew they were pouring foundation.
Trabajaba en una construcción por el vecindario y sabía dónde iban a verter cemento.
He was gonna take the money!
¡ Iba a aceptar el dinero!
IA picked him up when he was looking for Granger.
La inspectora le detuvo cuando estaba buscando a Granger.
He proposed while I was in a coma.
Me lo pidió cuando estaba en coma.
- I wonder who he was calling.
- Me pregunto a quién estaba llamando.
Maybe Charlie Taylor gave whatever was in it to whoever it was he met yesterday afternoon.
Tal vez Charlie Taylor le dio lo que estaba en ella a la persona con la que se reunió ayer por la tarde.
He confronted you and told you - he was going to pass your name on to the police.
Lo confrontó y le dijo que iba a darle su nombre a la policía.
On the night he was killed, Charlie Taylor had booked to fly back to the Sudan.
En la noche en que fue asesinado, Charlie reservó un vuelo de regreso a Sudán.
You think I stabbed Charlie because I was angry that he had nothing more to offer me than a job?
¿ Cree que apuñalé a Charlie porque estaba enojado... de que no tuviera nada más que ofrecer que un trabajo?
When actually, the real reason he was so unsteady on his feet was because he'd sustained a fatal injury.
Cuando en realidad, la verdadera razón por la que caminaba tan inestable... fue que había sufrido una herida fatal.
Why, when his life was ebbing away, would he choose to make everyone think that the person who wielded that fatal blow was someone other than you?
¿ Por qué, cuando desfallecía, iba a optar por hacer que todos... creyeran que la persona que ejerció ese golpe fatal... fuera alguien más que Ud.?
He knew that once he'd got Elliot to sign the papers, it was time to force himself to leave this island again and resume living life without you in it.
Sabía que una vez que consiguiera que Elliot firmara los papeles... era cuestión de tiempo para forzarse a dejar la isla otra vez... y retomar su vida sin Ud. en ella.
Charlie was protecting the woman he loved.
Charlie estaba protegiendo a la mujer que amó.
If Charlie was worried about his mum finding out that he smoked, well, then, maybe he had a secret place where he used to hide his cigarettes.
Si Charlie estaba preocupado acerca de que su madre encontrara que fumaba entonces, quizá tenía un lugar secreto... donde solía esconder sus cigarrillos.
He knew he was going to die.
Sabía que iba a morir.
The information I found on my brother says he was taken by a group of rebels.
Descubrí que a mi hermano se lo llevaron unos rebeldes.
I was a really lousy mother.
Yo he sido una madre desastrosa.
he was amazing 28
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was afraid 36
he was a nice guy 31
he was a friend of mine 20
he was a hero 41
he was a good man 245
he was a wonderful man 18
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was afraid 36
he was a nice guy 31
he was a friend of mine 20
he was a hero 41
he was a good man 245
he was a wonderful man 18