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He was amazing Çeviri İspanyolca

406 parallel translation
Adam : Jeff - - I picked and immediately knew he was amazing.
Jeff, inmediatamente supe que era increíble.
He was amazing, just amazing..... until he started having these little, whatever they are, these spells.
Estaba increíble, increíblemente bien hasta que empezó a tener éstas, no sé cómo llamarlas, lagunas.
He was amazing.
Estuvo asombroso.
He was amazing!
¡ Estuvo increíble!
He was amazing.
Era increíble.
The Captain, he was amazing.
El capitán estuvo increíble.
I was never good at talking to people in those days but Steve, he was amazing.
Yo no era bueno hablando con la gente en esos días pero Steve era asombroso.
- Del era increíble.
He was a bastard to go alone. But making it there is amazing.
¡ Es un cerdo irse así, sin nosotros, y sin embargo es formidable!
And I tell you, Martha, it was amazing, as if he could see through the cards.
Te lo aseguro, Martha, fue increíble, como si viera a través de las cartas.
He was an amazing actor, he had a tremendous career.
Era un actor sorprendente, tuvo una carrera tremenda.
He was just amazing.
Era asombroso.
It's amazing enough that he was polite. One thing's for sure :
Suerte tuvo el Abad de ser bien recibido.
It's amazing he was able to function at all.
Es incluso asombroso que pudiese funcionar.
He was a Lothario, with amazing capacity.
Era un seductor, de una capacidad asombrosa.
He was like this amazing phenomenon.
Una personalidad única, un fenómeno maravilloso.
He was just amazing. I mean, he was just amazing.
Él era asombroso, increíble.
He had just a tremendous sense of humor... and just an amazing, instinctive sense of what was important and what wasn't.
Él tenía un tremendo sentido del humor... y un asombroso instinto para evaluar lo que era importante y lo que no.
So, he conned Uchatius into thinking the whole thing was worth practically nothing, leaving the captain happily clutching a few florins, and Dobler happily palming a fortune, which he made from his amazing consecutive picture shows that soon became the rage of Europe ;
Entonces, estafó a Uchatius que pensaba que todo el asunto no valía prácticamente nada, dejando al capitán felizmente aferrado a unos pocos florines, y a Döbler felizmente embolsando fortunas, lo que hizo a partir de su asombrosa presentación de imágenes consecutivas se volvió pronto furor en Europa ;
Put 50 pound in and you get 6.000 pounds out ; mind you, all most of his audience got was a headache from the escaping gas, as he turned on his amazing burners of varying shapes, sizes, and designs, and dazzled the onlookers.
Se invertían 50 libras y se obtenían 6 mil libras de ganancia, imagínense, lo que más obtuvo su audiencia fueron dolores de cabeza por los escapes de gas, mientras encendía sus asombrosos quemadores de formas variadas, tamaños, diseños, y deslumbraba a la audiencia.
And what he did was amazing.
Y lo que él hizo fue increíble.
You know, the amazing thing was that... I don't think he had any interest in children whatsoever. None at all.
Y lo mejor es que creo que no le interesaban los niños.
She was brilliant, gorgeous, wonderful, self-assured he's childish, insecure, immature, vague, untrue, foolish irrational, hasty, infectious, fussy fertile, fascinating, dense, passionate, loving, amazing, arrogant, brutal, dark different, intense, charming, he transmits, communicates and most of all : a child.
Estuvo brillante, guapisima, estupenda, segura es infantil, inseguro, inmaduro, impreciso inexacto, insensato, irracional, atropellado,... contagioso, maniático,... fértil, fascinante, densa,... apasionada, cariñosa, increible, soberbia, brutal, morena diferente, intenso, encantador, que trasmite, comunica... Simplificando : me entusiasma.
Bullets flying everywhere. It was the most amazing thing I ever saw!
Las balas silbaban. ¡ Ha sido lo más increíble que he visto!
"As my teacher I consider an absolutely young and amazing director, Tarkovsky, who even didn't realize himself what a genius he was in" Ivan's childhood ".
"Como mi maestro considero a un joven y sorprendente director, Tarkovski, que todavía no ha comprendido lo genial que ha sido en" La infancia de Iván ".
I was amazing fully dressed?
- ¿ He estado genial vestido?
It was just amazing he could guess the kid was dyslec... dis-disick or some...
Fue asombroso que supiera que el muchacho es dislé... o algo así.
Yes, he was an amazing character, amazing.
Sí, era un personaje increíble, increíble.
I'd read Veblen, but it was amazing to see that these things still go on.
He leído a Veblen, pero es increíble que esto siga existiendo.
He was an amazing man.
Era un hombre maravilloso.
It was amazing. I was... I was weeping.
Yo me he puesto a llorar.
He was an amazing man.
Era un hombre asombroso.
It's amazing that with that strange name, he was such a good friend of Spain.
Parece mentira que con el nombrecito tan raro que tiene, sea tan amigo de España.
I wasn't getting involved. I was listening to this amazing idea he had.
No me metí. Escuchaba una idea genial que tiene.
I was watching Terminator 2 and I'm thinking to myself, these are the most amazing stunts I have ever seen.
Estaba mirando Terminator 2, y pensaba : estos son los dobles más asombrosos que he visto.
So he yanks on the reins, the horses rear up, the car swerves, it takes off, it really was amazing, sir.
Así que él tiró de las riendas, los caballos se encabritaron, el coche giró bruscamente, se quitó fue realmente asombroso, Sr.
It's amazing how he manipulated the shock wave sensors into thinking... something the size of the Rocky Mountains... was trying to penetrate the system.
Manipuló los sensores para que pareciera que algo tan grande como las Rocosas... -... intentaba entrar en el sistema.
It was amazing. It was one of the best parties I have ever been to.
Fue una de las mejores fiestas a las que he ido.
Wait, I thought he was the Amazing Randy.
Un momento, yo creía que el adivino era él.
I haven't seen anybody so pale it was amazing
No he visto a nadie tan pálido, era asombrosa.
And even though Mr Whistler was perfectly aware that his mother was a hideous old bat who looked like she had a cactus up her backside... he stuck with her, and even took the time to paint this amazing picture of her.
Y a pesar de que el Sr. Whistler... estaba perfectamente al tanto... de que su madre era una vieja bruja... que parecía tener un cactus alojado en la espalda... se quedó con ella... e incluso se tomó el tiempo... para pintar este extraordinario cuadro.
Then he went on to Berkeley. He was assistant professor. Showed amazing potential.
Fue a Berkley como ayudante de cátedra ; un potencial increíble.
Have you heard from Angel? When he got so mad about you being in danger, and changed into a... grrr... it was the most amazing thing I ever saw.
Cuando se volvió loco pensando que estabas en peligro y cambió... fue la cosa más extraordinaria que he visto.
- He was an amazing medical technician.
- Era un asistente médico fantástico.
He'd talk about things that would happen in the future, or what other people were thinking, and would be right on the mark. It was amazing.
El predecía a menudo acontecimientos del futuro, o podía saber lo que uno estaba pensando.
I mean, in terms of Ben, When he asked me for help, he wanted to make sure I was OK with things and wouldn't feel weird, he wanted to make sure I was OK with things and wouldn't feel weird, which I thought was really amazing, which I thought was really amazing,
Cuando me pidió ayuda, quería asegurarse que estuviera bien y no me sintiera rara, lo que pensé que era realmente asombroso.
That was one of the most amazing meals I've ever had.
Fue una de las cenas más agradables que he tenido en mi vida.
It was amazing, he was finally as good as Django Reinhardt.
lncreíble : al fin era tan bueno como Django Reinhardt.
Then he was telling me about Ireland, which was amazing.
Después me habló sobre Irlanda, que era maravillosa.
- It was amazing, the things he was saying about it.
- Era asombroso lo que contaba sobre él.
Benny was never a good student, but he has an amazing technical sense.
Benny nunca fue un buen estudiante, pero tiene un talento técnico... increíble

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