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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / His assistant

His assistant Çeviri İspanyolca

1,158 parallel translation
He discovered Felicia had lied about her past to become his assistant.
Descubrió que Felicia había mentido para ser su ayudante.
He was his assistant.
Era su asistente.
I guess pretty much all of his assistant directors felt that way.
Creo que en general todos sus asistentes se sentían así.
I started as his assistant.
Empecé como su ayudante.
My brother has appointed you his assistant and that was madness.
Mi hermano le ha nombrado suplente y en mi opinión estaba delirante.
And his assistant.
Y su ayudante.
Oh, yes, his assistant.
- Soy Bárbara Spencer. - Sí, su asistente.
Por supuesto, nadie lo sabe... excepto mi mujer, las camareras y mi suegra, el comandante alemán y su ayudante, su secretaria y casi toda la resistencia, pero nadie más.
[Wenders ] How long were you his assistant? [ Interpreter speaking Japanese]
¿ Por cuánto tiempo fue el ayudante de Ozu?
Hello. Uh, no, I'm Sharona, his assistant.
Uh, no, Soy Sharona, su asistente. ¿ Quién habla?
While we were conversing or to be more precise while the lascar and his assistant were ejecting Mrs. St. Clair from the building the fight was proceeding upstairs, leading as we now know to the death of Neville St. Clair.
Mientras conversaban o para ser más preciso mientras el hindú y su ayudante echaban a la señora St. Clair del edificio la lucha continuaba arriba llevando, como ahora sabemos a la muerte de Neville St. Clair.
I'm his assistant.
Soy su asistente.
His assistant. Yes, sorry.
Su asistente perdón.
Sartawi lies dead on the ground, we think he died instantaneously. His assistant was also shot and is now on his way to the hospital in Albufeira.
... el señor secretario también fue alcanzado, en este momento va en dirección al hospital de Albufeira.
We have rendezvoused with the USS Fearless. A Starfleet propulsion expert and his assistant are beaming over to conduct tests on the Enterprise's engines.
Nos hemos reunido con la nave estelar Fearless, desde la cual un experto en propulsión y su ayudante han sido transportados a bordo para unas pruebas en el Enterprise.
- And his assistant?
- ¿ Y el otro, su ayudante?
But, sir, I was watching his assistant...
Señor, yo estaba mirando a su ayudante...
- It was his assistant.
- Fue su ayudante.
The one with the scar is Tojo Ken, his assistant.
El de la cicatriz es Tojo Ken, su ayudante.
Mayor Bronson, Copelli his assistant Sal... and actor Danny O'Brien They are in the press conference.
El alcalde Bronson, su ayudante Sal Copelli... y el agente Danny O'Brien están en la rueda de prensa.
this disguise was to deceive herr flick of the gestapo and his assistant von smallhausen, who were themselves disguised as british airmen in the hope of finding out who it was that is helping them to escape.
Ese disfraz era para engañar a Herr Flick de la Gestapo y a su ayudante von Smallhausen,... que iban disfrazados de pilotos británicos con el propósito de descubrir quién les está ayudando a escapar.
Eight hours ago, his assistant urgently requested medical aid.
Hace ocho horas, su ayudante envió un mensaje pidiendo ayuda médica.
- I'm his assistant.
- Yo soy su asistente.
Meet Mr Bugsy Calhoune and his assistant, Joseph Leoni.
Conozca al señor Bugsy Calhoune y su asistente, Joseph Leoni.
Winyard's killed his assistant.
Winyard ha matado a su ayudante...
And his assistant, Miss Poinsettia.
la Srta Poinsettia.
Amateur magician, my father... and I was his assistant at dinner Conservative club.
Mago aficionado, mi padre... y yo su asistente en cenas de clubes conservadores.
Can't have a new assistant manager spend his lunch hour... scraping for a set of keys, now, can we? Thanks, Horace.
Un subdirector no puede pasarse la hora de la comida buscando las llaves, ¿ no?
Ahora, parecen desdichados por dos razones.
When he died my mother took a job as a plumber's assistant so I could go to law school and carry on in his name.
Cuando el murió, mi madre salió a trabajar para que yo me recibiera de abogado.
I know that you live together with that little corpulent directing assistant, whatever his name is...
Sé que estás viviendo con el ayudante del director, Johan " "noséqué" ".
I help him as a part-time assistant in his laboratory.
Lo ayudo un poco siendo su asistente en su laboratorio..
His wretched Indian assistant didn't turn up in time, but I got my own back.
Su condenado ayudante indio ha llegado tarde, pero me he vengado.
It's difficult to say his age but I couldn't wish for a smarter assistant.
Sería difícil calcular su edad. Yo me conformaría con que un empleado mío fuese lo inteligente que es él.
Sam, my intimate relationship with Sumner had nothing to do with the fact that I was his teaching assistant.
Sam, mi relación íntima con Sumner no tenía nada que ver con el hecho de que yo era su ayudante de cátedra.
Let's hear it, ladies and gentlemen, for lan, the fabulous lan,... and his lovely assistant Crystal!
Un aplauso, damas y caballeros, para el fabuloso lan... y Crystal, su linda asistente. Vamos, aplaudan.
and his very lovely assistant, Davina...
- Y a su linda asistente... Divina, reina de la noche.
Assistant Research Manager, found dead in his office.
Subgerente de investigación, fue hallado muerto en su oficina.
[Wenders] Yuuhara Atsuta was the second camera assistant on Ozu's early silent films, later his longtime first assistant, and finally, for almost 20 years,
Yuharu Atsuta era El segundo asistente operador de las primeras películas mudas de Ozu. A continuación fue un tiempo su primer asistente operador y finalmente por casi 20 años, su operador.
His camera assistant for 15 years. "
Su ayudante operador por 15 años.
I have an assistant editor who's outlived his usefulness.
Tengo una ayudante que es una inútil.
The assistant librarian discovered the body and dragged it down to the pigpens to avert suspicion falling on him. But he left his autograph behind.
El ayudante de biblioteca descubrió su cuerpo y lo arrastró hasta la pocilga para alejar de si toda sospecha pero dejó su huella.
My husband and I decided the young assistant to our foreman will be leaving. Maybe Pelle would like to become his replacement.
Mi marido y yo hemos pensado que quizá le gustaría a Pelle convertirse en ayudante.
I'm his personal assistant.
Soy su asistente personal.
Assistant D.A., Thomas McSherry, credited Inspector Harry Callahan for his part in the successful prosecution of Lou Janero.
El ayudante del fiscal elogió al Inspector Harry Callahan por su gran aportación a la acusación de Lou Janero.
My second assistant and I found Johnny in his trailer.
Mi 2º ayudante y yo encontramos a Johnny.
The assistant manager of the hotel, Giorgio Averni, was a commander in the Italian Navy and is therefore as up on his game as I am mine.
El asistente del Gerente del hotel, Giorgio Averni, fue un comandante en la Marina Italiana y por ello está en su juego como yo en el mío.
in the stove like a true Menshevik together with his assistant Ivan Arnoldovich Bormenthal who is living secretly in his flat without being registered.
Firmado :
I spoke with his assistant, a Dr. Myers.
Now buttle off and tell Baron Brunwald that Lord Clarence MacDonald and his lovely assistant are here to view the tapestries.
Dígale al barón Brunwald que el lord MacDonald y su linda asistente llegaron para examinar tapices.
The District Attorney, his Executive Assistant, and Administrative Assistant will meet you at 4 : 00 a.m.
El fiscal de distrito, su asistente ejecutivo y su asistente administrativo se reunirán contigo a las 4 : 00 a.m.

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