His dad Çeviri İspanyolca
8,331 parallel translation
Aaron Ramsey says his dad is getting a Ferrari.
Aaron Ramsey dice que su padre está comprando un Ferrari.
Oh, mercy, his dad's in there!
Oh, la misericordia, ¡ Su papá en allí!
I was thinking, you know, sometimes, when Kit wanted to be alone, he would head up north to his dad's old cabin.
Estaba pensando, ¿ sabes? a veces, cuando Kit quería estar solo, se iba a la vieja cabaña de su padre, en el norte.
Roscoe's gonna be with his dad, and Violet's gonna be...
Roscoe va a estar con su papá, y Violet va a estar...
Why would the kid hide all that success from his dad?
¿ Por qué el chico ocultar todo lo que el éxito de su papá?
He needs his dad sometimes, I can't help it.
No puedo ayudar si él necesita a su papá a veces.
16, moved here with his dad.
16 años, se trasladó aquí con su padre.
A * student back in the UK, Dad forces move here, his grades suffer, he's lonely, thinks his dad doesn't care.
Un estudiante del Reino Unido, forzado por su padre a venir aquí, sus calificaciones se resienten, se siente solo, piensa que a su padre no le importa.
Talking about his dad like that took some balls.
Hablar del papá así exige valor.
And one of Alex with his dad, please.
Una foto de Alex con el padre, por favor...
Just like his dad.
Es igual a su papá.
Chop's only wearing one cos he's borrowed it from his dad's mate Len, who's a magician.
Chop solo va a llevar uno porque se lo ha dejado el amigo de su padre Len, que es mago.
I threatened to blow Mr. Hoytsman's head off if he didn't quote-unquote "really cheap out on his dad's funeral."
Amenacé con volarle la cabeza al Sr. Hoytsman si no conseguía, entre comillas, un funeral más barato para su padre.
You know, you didn't have to kill that little boy and his dad.
Sabes, no tenías que matar a ese pequeño y a su papá.
He's only been alive for two hours, and he's already lost his mom, his dad barely survived surgery... he doesn't even have a name.
Solo lleva vivo dos horas, y ya ha perdido a su madre, su padre apenas supera la operación... ni siquiera tiene nombre.
You helped him find his dad and then he just left you, and I was really mad at him.
Le ayudaste a encontrar a su papá y después simplemente te dejó, y estaba muy enojada con él.
Guess who just freed his dad from Canadian prison and slammed six free mimosas on the first-class flight home sans the juice?
Adivinen quién saco de la cárcel canadiense a su padre y ha ganado seis cócteles de champán con naranja en el vuelo de vuelta en primera clase sin el jugo de naranja.
Look at us, just a boy and his dad, driving to get a refund.
Míranos, un chico y su padre conduciendo para recuperar su dinero.
Your dad and his buddies, they're good people.
Tu padre y sus amigos son buena gente.
Amy suggested we negotiate terms, so if you agree to give my dad his blessing, here's what I'll do for you.
Amy ha sugerido que negociemos los términos, así que si tú accedes a darle tu consentimiento a mi padre, esto es lo que yo haré por ti.
We were this close to living the dream... and then Dad spit on his [BLEEP ] and [ BLEEP] us!
Estábamos tan cerca de vivir el sueño... y luego escupió en su papá [BIP ] y [ PIP] nosotros!
Wait a minute, Morgan, is that a dad penguin protecting his baby penguin from the Arctic cold?
Espera un minuto, Morgan, ¿ es eso un papá pingüino protegiendo a su bebé pingüino del frío del Ártico?
Dad's on his way in.
Papá está en camino en.
We could go to his mom and dad for the alibi, but he seems pretty confident.
Podríamos ir a su mamá y el papá de la coartada, pero parece bastante seguro.
Also we need to contact Ryan, ask him if he knows where his dad's Jeep is. Maybe he just borrowed it?
Tal vez sólo lo pidió prestado?
Most of what my dad was going to leave me in his will had been spent on his health care.
La mayor parte de lo que mi padre me iba a dejar en su testamento se había gastado en sus cuidados de salud.
But that's how my dad treated his toilet, so that's where I learned it.
Pero así trataba mi padre a sus retretes, es del que lo aprendí.
The way I see it, as long as your dad wants his garden, I can do whatever I feel like.
Tal y como yo lo veo, mientras tu padre quiera este huerto, yo puedo hacer lo que me dé la gana.
I mean, it's you, after all, Lucius, that created this mess when you told young Master Bruce that his dear old dead dad... was a stoic.
Digo, es usted, después de todo, Lucius, quien creó este problema cuando le dijo al joven Amo Bruce que su querido viejo padre muerto... era estoico.
Can you help my dad with his cuff links?
¿ Puedes ayudar a mi padre con sus gemelos?
It's not your dad and his 1986 Miami Vice five o'clock shadow.
No ha sido tu padre y su barba de tres días a lo Corrupción en Miami en 1986.
Stevie was never going to tell his own brother he was going to be a dad?
¿ Stevie no le dijo a su propio hermano que iba a ser padre?
It's'cause dad makes me do all his dirty work.
Es porque papá me hace hacer todo su trabajo sucio.
And he served his time and now he's out and he's still her dad.
Y sirvió a su tiempo y ahora él está fuera y él sigue siendo su padre.
You know, I met your dad when accidentally dumped his tuna surprise in my lap in the cafeteria. Oh...
Sabes, conocí a tu padre cuando accidentalmente tiró su comida en mi regazo en la cafetería.
Her mom stole Dad's ashes because she couldn't steal his money.
Su madre ha robado las cenizas de papá porque no podía robar su dinero.
We're here to trick dad and sneak out his stuff.
Vinimos a engañar a papá y sacar sus cosas.
Especially after last weekend when I went to see your dad upstate during his book tour.
Sobre todo cuando fui a ver a su padre la semana pasada en. el norte del estado durante su gira de promoción.
Because our dad is out there genuinely grieving the death of his son, while you're in here worrying about the family's image and topping off on the Botox.
Porque nuestro padre está ahí afuera llorando genuinamente la muerte de su hijo, mientras tú estás aquí preocupándote por la imagen de la familia y añadiéndole al botox.
So, speaking of your dad, um, how's his health?
Hablando de tu papá, ¿ cómo está su salud?
She's on the other end of a grieving dad's shotgun while pissed-off cops aim a hundred automatics at his head.
Está al otro lado del extremo de la escopeta de un padre de luto mientras unos policías cabreados apuntan cien automáticas a su cabeza.
My dad and I slept in his truck for a month.
Mi padre y yo dormimos en su camioneta durante un mes.
Two, the Canadian cops think that my dad used his security clearance to smuggle in over a thousand pills of Turgidol.
Dos, los policías canadienses creen que mi padre usó su pase de seguridad para pasar por contrabando más de mil pastillas de Turgidol.
This is about my dad and proving his innocence.
Se trata de mi padre y demostrar su inocencia.
Terrible dad, terrible husband, cheats on his girlfriend.
Un padre horrible, un marido horrible, engaña a su novia.
Taking his money isn't gonna make what he did to Dad any worse.
Aceptar su dinero no hará peor lo que le hizo a papá.
If they don't get his rent, the nursing home will send Dad back to his own house, where he'll discover baby Rose has taken his room.
Como no paguemos, la residencia mandará al abuelo a su casa... y descubrirá que la bebé Rose está ocupando su habitación.
Well, I'm Axl's first dad, and I need my first son to get his lazy butt home to help out.
Bueno, soy el primer papá de Axl y necesito que mi primer hijo traiga su flojo trasero a casa a ayudar.
Every dad goes through it- - the day he starts seeing his son as a man and not a boy.
Todos los padres pasan por ello el día que empiezan a ver a su hijo como un hombre y no como un niño.
Hey, I think my dad is really gonna enjoy returning his gift this year.
Creo que mi padre disfrutará mucho... devolviendo su regalo este año.
So I walked into to dad's office, and he is holding a picture of me, looking at it with tears welling in his eyes.
Entré a la oficina de papá... y estaba sosteniendo una foto mía... mirándola con lágrimas en los ojos.
daddy 8904
dada 130
dads 44
daddy's girl 16
daddy's home 125
daddy loves you 25
daddy issues 21
daddy's little girl 17
daddies 20
daddy's coming 27
dada 130
dads 44
daddy's girl 16
daddy's home 125
daddy loves you 25
daddy issues 21
daddy's little girl 17
daddies 20
daddy's coming 27
daddy's here 81
daddy frank 21
dad's 24
dad's home 22
dad said 22
dad's dead 45
dad was right 20
dad's here 32
dad died 19
dad's right 23
daddy frank 21
dad's 24
dad's home 22
dad said 22
dad's dead 45
dad was right 20
dad's here 32
dad died 19
dad's right 23