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His dog Çeviri İspanyolca

2,658 parallel translation
Otherwise, it will be endless trouble for the hunter... and he won't get along with his dog.
Tendrá miedo de él y se escapará por la noche a visitar las trampas, desperdiciando el esfuerzo del cazador.
- I feed his dog.
- Doy de comer a su perro.
Well, Steve gave his dog a handjob.
Bueno, Steve le hizo una paja a su perro.
He thanked his dog? !
¿ Le agradece a su perro?
♪ Spoke in tears of 1 5 years ♪ How his dog and he
# Me contó llorando... #...
♪ But his dog up and died ♪ Yeah, dog up and died
# Pero su perro murió... #...
'Cause my number was on his dog collar.
Porque mi número estaba en su collar.
You know, the one good thing about this dog... is that I now know how to bite a man on his ankle.
¿ Sabes? lo único bueno de ese perro es que ahora sé cómo morder el tobillo de un hombre.
All I got to do is walk his dog, water his plants...
Lo único que tengo que hacer es pasear a su perro, regar sus plantas...
Not that I have to prove anything, but the other day we got his dog stoned and it got the munchies, so it ran away for an hour.
No es que tenga que demostrar nada, pero el otro día colocamos a su perro. Y le entró hambre así que se pasó una hora corriendo.
Yeah, I got schwarzkopf's old leash And his dog bowl over here.
Sí, tengo la correa vieja de Schwarzkopf y su bol por aquí.
That was the truck that Noah drove to a pit and then put his dog tag to his temple, and then put the gun to the dog tag and he pulled the trigger.
Ese fue el camión Ese rebaño o bandada de animales en movimiento Noé para un hoyo Y luego ponga Su plaquita de identificación colgada del cuello para su templo, Y luego le pone el arma al perro La etiqueta y él tiraron del gatillo.
When my son put the gun to his head, he had lodged his dog tag to his head before he pulled the trigger.
Cuando mi hijo puso El arma para su cabeza, Él se había alojado Su plaquita de identificación colgada del cuello para su cabeza Antes de que él tirase del gatillo.
♪ ♪ ♪ can a super secret Agent spy arrive at fancy party via scuba, unzip his dog suit and arrive ready in a spiffy tux?
* * * puede un súper espía secreto Agente llegar a la fiesta de fantasía a través de la escafandra autónoma, descomprimir su traje de perro y llegan listos en un esmoquin spiffy?
Brian Fischler, and his dog, Nash.
Brian Fische y su perro Nash.
- Danny was a 4-year-old boy who chased his dog into the street, and Arthur was a 30-year-old heroin addict who OD'd.
Danny era un niño de 4 años que persiguió a su perro a la calle y Arthur era un adicto de heroína de 30 años que tuvo una sobredosis.
Did you know I walked in on him trying to fuck his dog?
Lo encontré tratando de tirarse a su perro.
- And his dog is stupid.
- Y su estúpido perro.
The boy found the body when he was walking his dog.
El muchacho halló el cuerpo mientras paseaba su perro.
He must be outside with his dog.
Debe haber salido con el perro.
Why did they take his dog?
¿ Por qué le llevaron el perro?
Gab, You know what makes the dog to use his tongue?
¿ Sabes que ha hecho el perro este último día?
" He shuts the door on the sleeping dog of his own departure.
" Cierra la puerta sobre el perro durmiente de su propia partida.
Couldn't you have just given him a biscuit for his guide dog?
¿ No podías simplemente haberle dado una galleta para su perro gúia?
"but when he did his tricks, she obeyed like a dog, slavishly."
Pero cuando él cumplió con sus trucos, Ella le obedeció a como un perro, slavishly. " Cyprien Coudroyer :
They tried variations on his birthday... song titles, and the name of the dog he had as a kid.
Trataron con su cumpleaños y el nombre del perro que tenía cuando era niño.
Not only was he a licensed service dog, but one day he just got up and unlocked the door, and then he started dialing 911 with his paw.
No sólo era un perro de servicio con licencia sino que un día se paró y le quitó el cerrojo a una puerta y empezó a marcar el 911 con su pata.
Dog whisperer, whatever you say, spit it out, cause I get to the hospital before Troy Hagen's heart peters out or Sam rips it from his chest.
Todo lo que tengas que decir, escúpelo, porque tengo que llegar al hospital. antes que el corazón de Troy Hagen quiera irse. - o Sam lo arranque de su pecho.
Yeah. All I learned is that every dog will have his day. [Bell rings]
Todo lo que aprendí es que todos tiene una oprtunidad.
As Neil made himself very much at home, Jay had come up with a plan to put some distance between his sexual organs and the dog.
Mientras que Neil se sentía como en casa, Jay había preparado un plan para poner algo de distancia entre sus genitales y el perro.
Yeah, well, you made the same bad choice she did! Ha-ha! So Alan's, like, I don't know, five, six years old, and I walk in his bedroom and he's in there with the dog, and I start yelling, " Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Sí, bueno, ¡ tú tomaste la misma mala decisión que ella! También Alan, tenía como, no sé, cinco o seis años y yo camine hacia su habitación, y el estaba con el perro,
But he's like a dog, his bark is worse than his bite.
Pero tranquilo, ése ladra mucho, pero no muerde.
'cause he was defending his bone, Her dog was trying to get it from him.
Porqué estaba defendiendo su hueso, su perro quería quitárselo.
Well, you're like the dog that leaves the vet And doesn't know his balls are gone Because he can't see around the neck cone.
Bueno, que eres como el perro que sale del veterinario y no sabe dónde ha ido su bola porque no puede ver nada a través de la campana de plástico del cuello.
I farted in front of him, blamed it on an imaginary dog and sung in his face.
- Me tiré un pedo en frente de él, culpé a un perro imaginario y le canté.
The dirty, filthy dog deserves another quick boot in his tender nuts.
El sucio perro se merece otra patada en sus blandas pelotas
I thought my buddy Brian Fischler. And his seeing eye dog, Nash, would be the perfect partner for Tanner.
He pensado que mi amigo Brian Fischler y su perro lazarillo, Nash, serían los compañeros perfectos para Tanner.
K-Dog making his daughter call the show.
K - Dog haciendo a su hija que llame.
He gets into the squad car with dog crap on his shoes, doesn't even faze him.
Se sube a la patrulla con mierda de perro en los zapatos, no se inmuta.
David Berkowitz, better known as son of Sam, claimed a demon who took possession of his neighbor's dog commanded him to kill.
David Berkowitz, mejor conocido como el Hijo de Sam, alegó que un demonio que tomó posesión del perro de su vecino le ordenó que asesinara.
You're reduced to working as his guard dog, eh?
¿ Ahora eres su perro guardián, Cíclope?
- See the dog? His eyes were like that :
- El perro tenía los ojos así.
He's gonna really help our season tickets early in the year but in the dog days in July, August, we're lucky if he's gonna hit his weight.
Vamos a vender boletos al comienzo del año pero en pleno verano no le va a pegar ni a una piñata.
Mad Dog Grimes has been waiting for revenge ever since the day Tommy Riordan walked into his gym in Pittsburgh and turned his life upside down.
Mad Dog Grimes espera con ansias la revancha desde que Tommy Riordan entró a su gimnasio en Pittsburgh y le complicó la vida.
Grimes mocking Riordan by having a camouflage motif for his mohawk tonight, and the Marines are really letting Mad Dog have it.
Grimes se burla del corte de pelo que luce Riordan esta noche y los marines le demuestran su desaprobación.
We found his dog locked up in his bathroom over there.
Su perro estaba encerrado en el baño.
The dog growled at him. He was so scared... he peed in his pants.
Del miedo se hizo pis.
Then, some like... some like big dog, some big gorilla wolf motherfucker, comes down from the roof, rolls Tonks, tears his neck all the way out. Believe.
Entonces, apareció... como un enorme perro, un gorila o pinche lobo, que bajo del techo, y atacó a Tonks, y le arrancó un pedazo del cuello, créeme.
No one else got so much joy from their work and then kept going no matter how hard anyone tried to crush his spirit, and no one else loved my dog the way he did.
Nadie más disfrutaba su trabajo, y seguía sin importar que quisieran destruir su espíritu, Y a nadie más le gusta mi perro como él.
That means he has to go back to live with his sister, so that means that he had to get rid of the dog.
Significa que tiene que volver a vivir con su hermana, lo que significa que tenía que deshacerse del perro.
Sick as a dog, just puking his guts out.
Enfermo como un perro, sacando sus tripas.

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