His mother Çeviri İspanyolca
15,016 parallel translation
Oh, I don't need to go to the infirmary'cause I got something that's gonna keep me as safe as a baby in his mother's arms.
No necesito ir a la enfermería porque tengo algo que me mantendrá más seguro que un bebé en brazos de su madre.
I'm guessing his mother didn't give us any of this.
Imagino que su madre no nos dio nada de esto.
It's his mother's plant?
¿ Es de la planta de su madre?
Well, the bride groom's spinning his mother-in-law around.
El novio incluso está bailando con su suegra.
Timothy was getting a steady supply of amphetamines from his mother's shrink- - Ritalin, Adderall.
Timothy conseguía un suministro constante de anfetaminas del psicólogo de su madre... Ritalin, Adderall.
Returned the child to his mother.
Devolvieron al chico a su madre.
What kind of kidnapper loves his mother that much?
¿ Qué tipo de secuestrador quiere tanto a su madre?
Well, Luke tried to call his mother moments before the phone died.
Bueno, Lucas intentó llamar sus momentos madre antes de que el teléfono murieron.
She likes to limit access to Peter, but just you tell her you're his mother, and I'm sure she'll make an allowance.
A ella le gusta para limitar el acceso a Pedro Pero sólo le dices tú eres su madre, Y estoy seguro de que va a hacer una asignación.
In 1963, Flayre from Holland burnt it... 3 days later, his mother started to... suffer an incurable disease.
En 1963, Flayre de Holanda la quemó y... 3 días después, su madre comenzó a... sufrir de una enfermedad incurable.
Darren Cullen has power of attorney over his mother Judy.
Darren Cullen tiene poder de abogado sobre su madre Judy.
She's his mother.
Es su madre.
"If you want to know what kind of husband a man makes, " look at how he treats his mother. "
"Si quieres saber que tipo de marido será un hombre, mira como trata a su madre."
The museum was his mother's pet charity.
El museo era la beneficencia favorita de su madre.
But Van Doren despised his mother and we paid the price.
Pero Van Doren detestaba a su madre y nosotros pagamos el precio.
Every week since his mother died last year.
Cada semana desde que su madre murió el año pasado.
I took him to a few Mets games when he was a kid, he turned 18, he wanted to be close to his mother, so he moved up near the prison.
Le llevé a un par de partidos de los Mets cuando era un crío, al cumplir los 18 quiso estar más cerca de su madre, así que se mudó cerca de la cárcel.
That kid is not gonna end up in a zoo like his mother.
Ese chaval no va a terminar en una celda como su madre.
Solano Villanueva's baptism, his mother and grandmother and great-grandmother put their troubles aside... _
Rogelio Solano Villanueva, su madre y abuela y bisabuela pusieron los problemas a un lado... CELOS DE LUCIANA
His mother.
Su madre.
His mother, right?
Su madre, ¿ no?
This is something you can do for him as his mother.
Eso es algo que puede hacer como madre.
But, a child wants to see his mother, and he's right under her nose.
Pero un hijo quiere ver a su madre, y lo tiene frente a sus narices.
And yet his mother won't see him.
Y su madre se niega a verlo.
Plus his mother hasn't heard from him.
Además, su madre no ha sabido nada de él.
Told his mother I'd do what I could during my testimony at trial.
Le dije a su madre que haría lo que pudiera cuando declarara en el juicio.
But we do want something in return, and that is for your client, Mr. Barsetto, to publicly embrace his mother's exhibit.
Pero si quiero algo a cambio, y que es para su cliente, el Sr. Barsetto, a abrazar publicamente exhibicion de su madre.
His mother took these pictures.
Su madre tomo estas fotos.
His mother?
¿ Su madre?
Look, I don't know the kid or his mother.
Mira, no sé nada del niño o de su madre.
- We need to find his mother.
- Tenemos que encontrar a su madre.
Another success story on paper, when the reality was his mother was forcing him to drink bleach.
Otra historia exitosa en papel, cuando la realidad era que su madre lo forzaba a beber cloro.
The next day, a man came to visit his mother and I.
Al día siguiente, un hombre vino visitar a su madre y yo.
He went to see his mother at the buddha's temple.
Él fue a ver a su madre al templo budista.
His mother said he was with you.
Su madre dijo que estaba con usted.
I'm going to get to know my son the same way his mother does. WILLY :
Voy a conocer a mi hijo de la misma manera que su madre lo hace.
Is his mother still here?
¿ Su madre sigue aquí?
Let's break his heart after he visits his crazy ex-mother-in-law in prison.
Partámosle el corazón tras haber visitado a su loca ex-suegra en la cárcel.
Carter is with his dad, my mother won't eat a flightless bird, and I am not pulled in 400 different directions by employees who need constant wet-nursing.
Carter está con su padre, mi madre no se va a comer un pájaro que no puede volar, y no tiran de mi en 400 direcciones diferentes por empleados que necesitan constantes cuidados.
But with the mother he has, check to see he has all his neurons.
Pero con la madre que tiene, habrá que comprobar que tiene todas las neuronas.
His mother's maiden name.
El apellido de soltera de su madre.
First, you come between a mother and her son, and now you feel comfortable coming between a son and his daughter?
En primer lugar, vienen entre una madre y su hijo, Y ahora se sienta cómodo venir entre un hijo Y su hija?
The Precogs saw him murder his wife, my mother.
Los precogs lo vieron asesinando a su esposa, mi madre.
Mother, his business partner.
A su madre, su socio de la empresa.
"Su madre vive todavía, internada,..."
I've spoken with the boy's mother and I've recommended that Andrew be taken off his...
He hablado con la madre del niño... y he recomendado que Andrew sea apartado de su...
George hired Scott to honeypot his own mother.
George contrató a Scott para engañar a su propia madre.
The more his health deteriorates... the more he bothers my mother and me.
Cuanto más se deteriora su salud más nos molesta a mamá y a mí.
I am Manny's mother, and I want to know why you haven't done a better job at decorating his locker.
Soy la madre de Manny, y quiero saber por qué no has decorado mejor su taquilla.
Except his dear mother.
Excepto su querida madre.
of your parents and his mother.
Quien tenía todo a ganancia por los asesinatos De sus padres y de su madre.
mother 8072
motherfucker 2207
motherfuckers 280
mothers 67
motherfucking 21
mother fucker 47
motherfuck 78
mother of god 240
mother of christ 21
mother and daughter 18
motherfucker 2207
motherfuckers 280
mothers 67
motherfucking 21
mother fucker 47
motherfuck 78
mother of god 240
mother of christ 21
mother and daughter 18