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I know you didn't Çeviri İspanyolca

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I didn't know when you would come home... or even if!
Yo no sé cuándo lo haría volver a casa... o incluso si!
I thought you didn't know.
Pensé que no lo sabías.
I didn't know you'd come for me so soon.
No sabía que vendrías tan pronto por mí.
I knew someone would come... but I didn't know it would be you.
Sabía que alguien vendría... pero no sabía que serías tú.
I know your heart was in the right place when you didn't tell me about Jodi.
Se que to corazón estaba en el sitio adecuado cuando no me dijiste lo de Jodi.
You know I never would've done any of this if I didn't believe in you.
Sabe que nunca habría hecho nada de esto si no creyese en usted.
By the by, per Kutter, I didn't see you two here, just so you know.
Por cierto, por lo que a Kutter concierne, no les he visto aquí, ya saben.
I didn't know you had uniform like that.
No sabía que tenías un uniforme así.
I didn't know you were coming today.
Yo no sabía que ibas a venir hoy.
But, uh, you know, I got to say I'm still just a little bit, uh, in the dark about all this shit because you're saying that there's flaming shit and the boat didn't sink, the boat did sink.
Pero... ya sabéis, tengo que decir que aún estoy un poco en la sombra con toda esta mierda porque estáis diciendo que hay algo en llamas y que el barco no se hundió, que el barco se hundió.
And for what it's worth, I know you didn't want your friends to know how awful the date was.
Y por si sirve de algo, sé que no querías que tus amigos supieran lo terrible que estuvo la cita.
You didn't even check your machine. I know.
Ni siquiera comprobaste tu contestador.
Wow, Roxie. I didn't know you could sing.
No sabía que podías cantar.
Jay, I know you didn't ask my advice...
Jay, sé que no me pediste consejo...
A year ago, I didn't even know you existed.
Hace un año, yo ni siquiera sabía que existían.
And you didn't feel it was important that I know?
¿ Y no lo consideró importante como para decírmelo?
Audrey, I-i didn't know you'd be here.
Audrey, no sabía que estarías aquí.
You know, I swear, I didn't think we'd make it out of there alive.
Ya sabes, te lo juro, yo no creo que haríamos fuera de allí con vida.
I realised you were not much when you called me to the hotel, but I didn't know you could get this low, Mr Han.
Me di cuenta de que no era tan importante cuando me dijo que fuera al hotel... pero no sabía que podía caer así tan bajo, Señor Han.
I didn't know who he was, so I didn't think much of it at the time, but then, when you guys came to the house, I...
No sabía quien era así que no pensé mucho al respecto yo...
I didn't know you were there.
No sabía que estabas ahí.
I didn't know there were specific sorority sanctioned rules about where you can and cannot drink after murder.
No sabía que la hermandad dictaminaba específicamente dónde puedes o no tomar una copa después de un asesinato.
I already told you I didn't know him very well, although I did know that Ryan's team worked in an entirely different department and that they were...
Ya te he dicho que no lo conocía muy bien, aunque sabía que el equipo de Ryan trabajaba en un departamento completamente distinto y que eran...
Okay, I'm sorry, I didn't know you had plans.
Está bien, lo siento, Yo no sabía que tenías planes.
You got a new paper route I didn't know about?
¿ Tienes un nuevo trabajo del que no sabía nada?
I didn't know you were seeing her.
No sabia que estabas saliendo con ella.
Uh, I didn't know you were home.
Uh, yo no sabía que estabas en casa.
You know, I didn't remember if she gave me Choco-nilla nut or Choco-nilla, so I went with just Choco-nilla, in case of nut allergies.
Usted sabe, yo no recuerdo si ella dio Me tuerca Choco-nilla o Choco-nilla, así que fui con sólo Choco-nilla, en caso de alergias a las nueces
I didn't mean to, you know... Murder him.
No quería decir que, ya sabes asesinarlo
- Hey, Ali, I know the world typically revolves around you, but I'm pretty sure your press conference didn't cause Dad's heart attack.
- Oye, Ali, ya sé que el mundo normalmente gira en torno a ti, pero estoy bastante seguro de que tu rueda de prensa no ha causado el ataque al corazón de papá.
I mean, you know, we didn't get a chance to talk about anything else.
Quiero decir, ya sabes, que no tuvimos la oportunidad para hablar de cualquier otra cosa.
I Didn't Know You Could Make A Record In Three Weeks, A Whole Album.
No sabía que se podía hacer tan rápido.
I didn't know you could.
Yo no sabía que podía.
You didn't feel what I felt. Whatever he was channeling, it was the real deal. I don't know.
No sentiste lo que yo sentí.
You and I both know that there were times that Lee didn't work because Lee didn't feel like it.
Tú y yo sabemos que hay veces en las que Lee no estudia porque Lee no desea hacerlo.
You know, I was young at the time, didn't think nothing of it, and I was like, "cool." You know, $ 2000 or whatever,
Yo era joven en ese tiempo, no pensaba mucho en ello, y pensaba "genial". Eran $ 2000 o algo así,
I didn't know you cared.
No sabía que te importaba.
Didn't you even know I was late?
¿ Ni siquiera sabías que llegaba tarde?
I picked up the phone a dozen times to tell you, I just didn't know how.
Cogí el teléfono una docena de veces para decírtelo, pero no sabía cómo.
I didn't know if you were ever going to wake up.
No sabía si alguna vez ibas a despertar.
You know, he was gone such a short time I didn't remember.
Ya sabes, como fue por tan poco tiempo no me acordaba.
Vibora, I didn't know you were back.
Vibora, no sabía que estabas de vuelta.
But until I knew you, I didn't know you.
Pero hasta que te conocí, no te conocía.
I didn't know you liked comic books, Kyle.
No sabía que te gustaban los cómics, Kyle.
I know you didn't do it, Wallace.
Sé que usted no lo hizo, Wallace.
14th August 2001, National Meet, Chandigarh you told the Press that I didn't know boxing
14ª agosto de 2001, Encuentro Nacional, Chandigarh le dijiste a la prensa que no sabía de boxeo.
And I know I should have asked you first, ( groans ) but I didn't.
Sé que debí haberte preguntado primero pero no lo hice.
I know you didn't sleep your way to the top, but you definitely could have.
Sé que no durmió su camino Para la parte superior, pero que sin duda podría tener.
I-I just didn't know what to do with a woman like you.
I-yo sólo no sabía qué hacer Con una mujer como tú.
You had a wet dream. - I didn't really know what it is...
Un sueño húmedo, no sé qué es.
- You didn't know I was coming?
- ¿ No sabías que venía?

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