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If he's smart Çeviri İspanyolca

184 parallel translation
We will soon find out if he's harmless or very smart.
Pronto averiguaremos si es inofensivo o muy listo.
If he's smart man, get rid of him.
Si es listo, deshágase de él.
If Rick has the letters, he's too smart to let you find them there.
Rick no las ocultaría en su café.
It's hard to find a guy on the lam if he's smart.
Es difícil encontrar a un fugado cuando es inteligente.
If he's smart he won't be deputy no more.
Si fuese Ud., dejaría de ser su ayudante.
If he's not smart enough to steal and stay in the clear, he gets dumped.
Si no es listo para robar y quedarse a un lado, está despedido.
If he's smiling, be smart.
Si sonríe, sé inteligente.
If he's so smart, what's he doing in here?
Si es tan inteligente, ¿ por qué está aquí?
If he's smart, he'll manage.
Estás loco si piensas eso. Venga, date prisa.
Like if he's smart or reads poetry or something.
Si es inteligente o lee poesía... ... o algo.
Their commander might be able to knock us off if he's smart enough.
Su capitán puede hacernos polvo si es inteligente.
If that's what he said he was a smart Indian.
Si eso dijo el indio, debía ser un tipo inteligente.
It should if he's smart.
Si es listo le durará.
If he's smart, he'll wait till traffic's heavy.
Si es listo, esperará a que haya más tráfico.
If he's smart like you say... he headed for the Gulf of Mexico last week.
Si es tan listo como dices, se iría al Golfo de México la semana pasada.
He's smart, learned and if you want to know, he even won the silver scissors!
Es inteligente, instruido, y, si lo quieres saber, hasta ha ganado la tijera de plata.
Thanopoulos, he said, "If your friend's smart... he'll wanna look decidedly different to what he normally does."
Thanopoulos dijo "Si tu amigo es inteligente tendrá que verse diferente, a como se ve normalmente".
If a guy's got stuff he can't afford and isn't smart enough to get insurance I'm just the hand of fate.
Si un tipo tiene cosas de valor y no las asegura es cosa del destino.
How he steals and smokes, if he's smart or stupid.
Cómo roba o fuma, si es listo o tonto.
If he's smart, he'll keep moving.
Si sabe lo que le conviene, se irá.
I don't know, Chief, if he's very smart or very dumb.
No sé si es muy listo o muy tonto.
If he's so smart, how come he got lost?
Si es tan listo, ¿ cómo es que se perdió?
If he's smart enough, yeah.
Si es inteligente, si.
I don't know if he's very smart or very dumb.
No sé si es muy listo o muy tonto.
If he's smart, he'll leave right now.
Si es inteligente, se irá ahora mismo.
If he's smart, he'll let it go.
Si es inteligente, lo olvidará.
If he shows, and he's smart, he'll approach you from the front, pass, turn, try and take you from behind.
Si aparece, y es listo, se te acercará y pasará de largo, se volverá e intentará agarrarte por detrás.
- Well, if that's the case... and jack is so smart, then what's he doin'here?
- Bueno, Si ese es el caso... y si Jack es muy listo, ¿ Entonces que hace aquí?
Come on, man. Be smart. If Cooper recognizes you, he's gonna come after you.
Se inteligente si Cooper te reconoce irá detrás de ti.
He can make all kinds of moves if he's smart.
Puede hacer todo tipo de movidas si es inteligente.
Well, if he's so smart, why didn't you marry him?
Si es tan listo, ¿ por qué no te casaste con él?
He's smart enough to know that he could hardly unite the Serbs, if he wanted to subordinate all the Serbian magnates and proclaim himself as the Tsar, as many wanted.
Sabe bien que sería difícil unir a los serbios si quisiera subordinar a todos los jefes serbios y proclamarse zar, como muchos querían.
If he's smart, he does.
Si es listo, sí.
But what would this pig-head look like? Well, like a guy's head who if he were told I love you would first have to listen to a crazy dream and who, if he also made a declaration wouldn't be so smart as to imagine
Pues la de alguien a quien se le declaran... engañándolo con un sueño inventado... y que, si él quisiera declararse... no se inventaría un sueño así... que nunca tuvo ni soñó tener... porque todo lo que quiso eres tú... y te tengo... y te quiero.
Kelly, it doesn't matter if he's cute or smart or Prince Charming.
Kelly, no importa si es apuesto, listo, o el príncipe azul.
But, hey, if he's gonna get his nose out of joint, smart thing would be to forget it.
Pero, oye, si esto lo va a sacar de quicio será mejor olvidarlo.
If he's as smart as he is funny, I'm sold.
Si es tan listo como es gracioso, estoy convencido.
If this guy's so smart, he's not gonna tell you where he'll do it.
¡ Ese tipo no les diría dónde va a atacar!
But if he's smart, he won't ever try to take my place.
Pero si es listo... jamás intentará ocupar mi lugar.
If he's too smart...
Si él es demasiado inteligente...
If she's not smart enough to see him for what he is, she deserves the discomfort.
Si ella no ve cómo es él en realidad, se merece la incomodidad.
Not if he's smart.
Si es listo, no.
If you ask me, Professor Arturo's not nearly as smart as he thinks he is.
Si me preguntas, el Profesor Arturo no es tan inteligente como piensa que es.
If he's smart, he'll let us find him. Federation prison would be paradise compared to this place.
La cárcel sería un paraíso comparada con esto.
All right, but my father's a pretty smart guy and if this is some kind of trick he's going to figure it out.
Está bien, pero mi padre es muy listo. Si estás intentando engañarle, lo descubrirá.
Look, if he's smart, he learned himself a lesson.
Si es listo, aprendió su lección.
- If he's smart about it...
- Sí el es vivo....
But if he is connected to the space station and the bombing he's either crazy or he's really smart.
Si está relacionado con la estación espacial y la bomba está loco o es muy astuto.
But if this guy's that smart, he's getting the hairs from another individual.
Si tan listo es... tomará el pelo de otro individuo.
And if he's so fucking smart...
Si es que es tan inteligente...
If he's really as smart as you say he is, and you're really as smart as I hear you are, I'd think you'd welcome any help you can get since that'd be the wise thing to do.
Si realmente es tan listo como Ud. dice que es y Ud. realmente es tan lista como dicen creo que agradecería toda la ayuda posible ya que sería lo más prudente.

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