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Is that him Çeviri İspanyolca

14,160 parallel translation
Is that him?
¿ Ese es él?
Is that him talking in the background?
¿ Ese del fondo es él?
Is that him?
¿ Es él?
Every time you walk down the street, and you see someone in a sweatsuit, you'll wonder, "Hey, is that him?"
Cada vez que vayas por la calle y veas a alguien en chándal te preguntarás : " anda, ¿ es él?
Is that him? "
¿ Es él? ".
He is my son, and it is up to me to decide when I give money to him and how much that would be.
Él es mi hijo y yo decido cuándo le doy dinero y cuánto le doy.
a conviction that he is persecuted, that somebody wants to poison him. Self-isolation, aggression attacks.
creencia de que lo persiguen, de que alguien quiere envenenarlo autoaislamiento, agresividad.
- Oh is that why you told the court that I was a danger to him'cause you and Jenna go back, you both come from money?
Oh es por eso que le dijo al tribunal que yo era un peligro para él para que tu y Jenna vuelvan, porque ambos vienen de dinero!
That boy has got a bright light of a future ahead of him and not even the God damn federal government is gonna dim that light.
Ese chico tiene un futuro brillante por delante y ni siquiera Dios o el maldito gobierno federal va a debilitar esa luz.
That's challenging to me, uh, but the-the wonderful thing about God is there's a future and there's a hope for anybody who will look to Him and depend on Him.
Eso es un desafío para mí... pero lo maravilloso de Dios es que Él tiene un futuro y una esperanza... para todos los que le busquen y confíen en Él.
All I said is that I wanted to sing and that I wanted Him to use me.
Lo único que le dije es que quería cantar... y que quería que Él me usara.
- Hi. Some people don't actually know how to worship God, or they haven't encountered Him before, so... sometimes all they need is, like, someone just to lift their hands for them to go, "Oh..." and they'd be like, "Maybe I should do that."
Algunas personas no saben... adorar a Dios... o no lo han encontrado, así que... a veces sólo necesitan que alguien... les enseñe a levantar las manos... y darse cuenta de que, quizás, deberían hacerlo... porque levantar las manos... es como una señal de rendición.
- No one expects that of Owen at this point, but the question is, what can we expect for him?
- Nadie espera eso... de Owen ahora, pero la pregunta es, ¿ qué podemos esperar de él?
Tell him that the Secretary General of the United Nations is flying to meet with him in the Congo.
Dile que el secretario general de las Naciones Unidas irá a verlo en el Congo.
Someone should've told him that shit is whack, but he's so afraid of failure, man.
Alguien debería decirle que eso es vulgar pero él le teme mucho al fracaso.
And my main reason for going after him is to shake out these cowboys that have turned this city into the ok corral.
Y mi razón principal para ir tras él es para sacudir a esos vaqueros que han convertido a esta ciudad en un corral.
Since you are tongue-tied and so loathe to speak, Let him that is a true-born gentleman, Does he suppose that I have pleaded truth?
Como se os traba la lengua y no habláis, quien sea un caballero bien nacido, si estima que yo he expuesto la verdad, que arranque de esta mata... como yo, una rosa blanca.
Let him that is no coward..... nor no flatterer, Pluck a red rose from off this thorn with me.
Y quien no sea adulador ni vil cobarde, que arranque de este espino, como yo, una rosa roja.
An oath is of no moment, Being not took before a true and lawful magistrate That hath authority over him that swears.
Un juramento no tiene valor si no se presta ante un juez verdadero y legítimo, con poder legal sobre quien jura.
"Go tell false Edward, thy supposed King, " That Louis of France is sending over masquers "To revel it with him and his new bride."
"Ve y di al traidor Eduardo, tu presunto rey, que Luis de Francia le enviará unos comediantes para que lo festejen con él y su recién casada".
It is a quarrel most unnatural to be revenged on him that loveth thee.
No es natural esta contienda en ti ; querer vengarte de quien te ama tanto.
It is a quarrel just and reasonable To be revenged on him that killed my husband.
Es una contienda razonable y justa... querer vengarme del que mató a mi esposo.
You don't have to worry that Mom is fragile, and I don't have to miss my dad more than the whole universe because he's always going to be here if I need to talk to him.
No tienes que preocuparte porque mamá sea frágil. Y no extraño a mi papá más que el universo entero porque siempre está aquí si necesito hablar con él.
I haven't seen him since right before his 19th birthday, bit I swear, I'd give my right nut to know that little shit is okay.
Yo no lo he visto desde justo antes de su cumpleaños número 19, poco Juro, que daría mi huevo derecho saber que poca mierda está bien.
- Is that him?
- ¿ Es él?
The man you know as William Porter is our super-vigilante and that's him.
El hombre que conoce como William Porter es nuestro super vigilante y ese es él.
Yeah? Is that why you haven't charged him?
¿ Por eso no has levantado cargos?
Now, one of your functions while he's in a coma is to help him make that transition into his new life.
Una de tus funciones mientras esté en coma será ayudarle a hacer Ia transición a su nueva vida.
That is why I want you to be the first to see him... speak to him, to touch and feel.
Por eso, quiero que sean ustedes los primeros en verlo... en hablar con él... en tocarlo y sentirlo.
But the thing that is the most unfair, I think, is just that, I mean, the lawyer that the jail provided him with hasn't even come to visit him yet.
Eso significa algo. Lo más injusto, creo, es esto, que el abogado que le asignaron ni siquiera fue a verlo aún.
It does make a big difference to the judge when someone's there in court and actually cares about the person and is vouching for him, especially if that someone looks like you.
Para el juez es importante que se presente alguien a quien le importa el acusado y puede responder por él. Especialmente si es alguien como tú.
What you got to do now is start walking like a man who's not afraid to look a man in the eye, only don't you ever look him in the eye'cause you'll regret that. You know what I'm saying?
Ahora empieza a caminar como un hombre que no teme mirar a otro a los ojos pero jamás lo mires a los ojos porque te arrepentirás, ¿ entiendes?
I know now that Mr Manners is a myth, and it is madness to appease him with delights of any kind.
Sé que el Señor Modales es un mito. Y su locura se apacigua con delicias de todo tipos.
And my guess is that's Domingo and them, hollering at Cottonmouth to let him know they ain't happy.
Supongo que Domingo y ellos le hicieron saber a Cottonmouth que no estaban contentos.
To me, what's left of him is that ring.
Para mí, ese anillo es lo que queda de él.
And now that he is... I need him.
Y ahora que lo está lo necesito.
Word is you have a weapon that can take him down.
Dicen que tienes un arma que puede matarlo.
I think Rackham's assertion that Carl wanting to protect his friend will make him more willing to take part in the fight trials is accurate.
La afirmación de Rackham de que el deseo hará que esté más dispuestocertada.
Just tell him he is the guy that is in charge of regulating the energy industry.
Sólo dile que él es el tipo que está a cargo de la regulación de la industria energética.
That's funny, because Rabbi Blumenthal is going to think exactly the same thing when he finds out I'm asking him to marry a Cohen and a convert, who hasn't even officially converted.
Eso es gracioso, porque el Rabino Blumenthal va a pensar exactamente lo mismo cuando se entere de que le estoy pidiendo casar a un Cohen y a un convertido, que ni siquiera se ha convertido oficialmente.
He concluded Bourne is still a patriot at heart, and that leaving the program could come back to haunt him.
Determinó que Bourne sigue siendo en el fondo un patriota y que abandonar el programa podría atormentarlo.
Sidney is one of the most trustworthy people I know. If that's what you believe, then you'll want to keep him alive.
Una traducción de ikerslot menoyos
Academic and environmental circles They are asking that we capture him alive, Since it is a valuable new species.
Los círculos académicos y ecologistas están pidiendo que lo capturemos con vida, dado que se trata de una valiosa nueva especie.
Call Jeff and tell him that Otis is gonna make a full recovery.
Llama a Jeff y dile que Otis se recuperará completamente.
Maybe her boyfriend is really ugly, and... that's him?
Quizás su novia está de verdad feo y... ¿ ese es él?
This is Camden, New Jersey, the number one murder capital of the US so you can leave that take me to him bullshit back at your castle, okay?
Esto es Camden, Nueva Jersey, Capital asesina número uno de los EE.UU... por lo que puedes regresar a tu maldito castillo, ¿ de acuerdo?
It is fitting that we do so here surrounded by all those who loved and admired him.
Es apropiado que lo hagamos aquí rodeados por todos aquellos que lo amamos y admiramos.
Tell the gentleman that one of the mysteries of the Far East is how a fat bastard like him got the name "Skinny Crane."
Dile al caballero que es un misterio del Lejano Oriente que un desgraciado gordo como él se llame Grulla Flaca.
The only Kurultai that should be called is the one to condemn him to death.
Si se convocara un kurultai, debería ser para sentenciarlo a muerte.
You tell Mr. Fontaine that Marty is waiting for him.
Dígale al Sr. Fontaine que Marty lo espera.
I want him to acknowledge that his anger is un-fucking-justified!
¡ Quiero que reconozca que su ira está jodidamente injustificada!

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