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It really isn't Çeviri İspanyolca

1,718 parallel translation
This really isn't how I planned it.
Esto realmente no es como lo había planeado.
but really, this is about money, isn't it?
Pero en serio... Esto es cuestión de dinero, ¿ No es así?
- This really isn't a vacation, is it?
En realidad, ésto no son unas vacaciones, ¿ verdad?
- That's really cute, isn't it? Yeah.
Es muy mono, verdad?
It isn't really necessary.
En realidad no es necesario
Um, it isn't really working for me as well as it used to right now.
Um, en realidad esto ahora no suena para mí tan bien como solía.
That's, uh... really selfish of us if you think about it, isn't it?
Eso es... realmente egoísta de nuestra parte si lo piensas, ¿ verdad?
That's a really treacherous run, isn't it?
Esta es una carrera peligrosa, ¿ No?
- It really isn't.
- De verdad que no lo es.
It isn't, really.
Pero realmente no lo es.
And that isn't really living at all, is it?
Y eso no es vivir, ¿ verdad?
It's really frustrating that we're paying money for something that isn't benefiting us in any way whatsoever...
FALTA ¡ Eso apesta!
Uh, well, it turns out Angus isn't really okay.
Bueno, resultó ser que Angus no está totalmente sano.
no, it's just, you know, d sex isn't really something that wives want annound to the dirty ex-mistress.
No, sólo que... ya sabes, un mal sexo no es algo que... las mujeres quieren anunciar a las ex-amantes guarras.
46 points? That's like really good, isn't it?
46 puntos, eso es muy bueno, ¿ no?
- Tell me this novel you sent me isn't really my call sheet. - It's not.
Dime que esa novela que me mandaste no es mi lista de llamadas.
That's all you really care about it, isn't it?
Es por eso que te importa, ¿ cierto?
It's really warm today, isn't it?
Hace mucho calor hoy, ¿ verdad?
So it really isn't the protective covering that everyone thinks it is.
No es un transporte protector. No sé por qué piensas así.
Now, it turns out that your name isn't really Steven. It's Towelie, correct?
Ahora resulta ser que tu nombre en realidad no es Stephen, es Towelie ¿ correcto?
I know Kappa Omega Delta isn't really considered the best house on the row, but it was either there or PED.
Sé que Kappa Omega Delta no es la mejor hermandad, pero era eso o PED.
This is really quite bizarre because all it takes is a little bit of reading of history to find out that this just isn't true.
Jerusalén Es bastante arrogante, pues sólo se necesita leer un poco de historia para descubrir que eso no es verdad.
It seems friendly, but really isn't!
Parece amistosa, pero no lo es.
- It's really bad, isn't it?
Es muy malo, ¿ verdad? No.
When I told you this isn't gonna work, I meant it, and I didn't say it lightly,'cause I really do like you.
Cuando dije que esto no iba a funcionar, lo dije en serio.
It isn't really about madness.
En realidad no es sobre la locura.
'Really, when you betray someone that badly...'.. forgiveness is too much to expect, isn't it?
Cuando se traiciona a alguien de esa manera, el perdón es lo último que hay que esperar ¿ no?
Oh, well, honey, we're late as it is, and Lucy isn't really dressed for church anyway.
Bueno, cariño, ya llegamos tarde y Lucy no está vestida para la iglesia de todos modos.
That's a technical term, by the way. And that's not wealth, it really isn't.
Una manera de decirlo, por cierto y eso no es riqueza, realmente no lo es
Isn't the best way to clear us to figure out who really did it?
¿ No sería mejor forma de limpiarnos descubrir quién lo hizo?
Ok, the night that steve died, you said that he was alone, and that's not really true.It isn't?
Bien, la noche que Steve murió, dijiste que estaba solo, y eso no es verdad... ¿ Cierto?
On the other hand, that tape really isn't worth much unless I win, is it?
Por otro lado, esa cinta no tiene ningún valor a menos que gane, ¿ no es así?
I mean, Yes, Al Qaeda, if there's nothing to hide, there is not really a problem, isn't it?
Quiero decir, sí, Al Qaeda. Si uno no tiene nada que esconder, no es realmente un problema, ¿ no?
- It isn't really a crappy guitar, pickles.
- No es una guitarra de porquería, Pickles.
Well, I'm not real good with ancient Sumerifornian Hebrewloid... but it looks like Early isn't really a big fan of Dokken.
No sé mucho de hebreoide sumeriforniano, pero parece que Early no es gran admirador de Dokken.
- He's really going for it, isn't he?
- Realmente seguirá con esto, ¿ no?
And, in some ways, it really isn't.
Pero, en otro sentido, no lo es.
It's hard to accept that he's really gone, isn't it?
Es difícil aceptar que se fue de verdad, ¿ no es así?
Because that's all women really are to you, isn't it?
Porque eso es todo lo que las mujeres son para ti, ¿ verdad?
Oh, God, this is really happening, isn't it?
¿ Oh, Dios, esto de verdad esta pasando, cierto?
He's really going to do it, isn't he?
En verdad va a hacerlo, ¿ no?
- Yeah, just... it's really loud in here, isn't it?
- Si, solo... Está realmente ruidoso aquí, ¿ no es así?
It's just the State feels that a jury isn't really going to respond well to a... to a three-time lifer.
Es sólo que el Estado cree que un jurado no va a aceptar el testimonio de un condenado 3 veces.
The exam is really difficult, isn't it?
El examen es super difícil, ¿ no?
Sometimes I deliberately took risks because it gave me a buzz. With hindsight that sounds really stupid, but sex is irrational, isn't it?
Lo sé de otras situaciones donde he aceptado riesgos conscientemente porque en ese momento me apetecía, aunque parezca una estupidez.
isn't it really a curse?
¿ No es una maldición realmente?
It really is nice, isn't it?
Es muy bonito, ¿ cierto?
It's just... this isn't really how I imagined my first time.
Es que... así no me imaginé mi primera vez.
Look, karen, it isn't really my job to tell your fiance he can't be in some photo shoot for a fashion magazine.
Mira Karen, no es mi trabajo decirle a tu prometido... que no estará en una sesión de fotos para una revista de moda.
It's really nice out here, isn't it?
Qué bonito está aquí, ¿ no?
It's a bit doggie-like, isn't it? And is it really necessary?
Eso de andar escurriéndose en la oscuridad es cosa de perros, ¿ no es así?

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