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It really does Çeviri İspanyolca

1,983 parallel translation
It really does. Can I go to Brad's instead?
La verdad es que sí. ¿ En lugar de eso puedo ir a casa de Brad?
It does. it really does.
Lo hace, en serio lo hace.
It really does ride beautifully,
Te lleva con verdadera elegancia.
It really does seem like you have no fear.
Parece que su miedo realmente se ha ido.
Ooh! It really does stink in here.
En serio apesta aquí dentro.
And much as it pains me to say this, and it really does, I gotta take you to jail.
Y aunque me duele mucho decirlo, y me duele tengo que llevarte a chirona.
It really does.
De verdad.
It really does seem time to call in Sir Jack.
Es el momento de llamar a Sir Jack.
- Every time we're talking, you know what it really does?
- Cada vez que estamos hablando, ya sabes lo que realmente hace?
Ah it really does say that...
Ah, ahí lo que realmente dice es que...
But this game, it really does mean something to me.
Pero este juego, realmente significa algo para mi.
It really does. But only if you're ready.
Pero solo si estas preparada.
It really does make your nose tingle.
Realmente te hace estremecer la nariz.
Does it really matter?
Ve a un taller.
- It really does.
Does it really matter?
¿ Importa eso?
Think about it. Does our marriage really make sense to you?
Piénsalo. ¿ Realmente nuestro matrimonio tiene sentido para ti?
I hope it does because my body is really deprived.
Espero que lo tenga porque mi cuerpo lo necesita.
Is it just me, or does this look really suspicious?
Soy solo yo, ¿ o de verdad esto parece sospechoso?
The thing is, what it does, and I've really got a lot of it now, is it's one of those smells that makes you think it's covering up other smells,
La cosa es que lo que hace, y ya llevo un montón, es uno de esos olores que te hacen pensar que están tapando a otros olores.
When you see how hard it is to reproduce what Mother Nature does every day for all of us, you begin to really appreciate the world that you have.
Cuando vea que tan difícil es de reproducir lo que hace la Madre Naturaleza por todos nosotros cada día...
Yeah, but whether she's dog meat or in someone else's barn doesn't really matter much, does it?
Sí, pero si ella es carne de perro o está en la Granja de alguien más en realidad no importa mucho, ¿ verdad?
Doesn't really matter now, does it?
Realmente no importa ahora, ¿ no?
Doesn't really matter now anyway, does it?
Realmente no importa ahora de todos modos, ¿ no?
When two people are in love, does it really matter?
Cuando dos personas están enamoradas, ¿ realmente importa?
- lt doesn't really matter, does it?
- No importa ahora, ¿ no?
I think it's possible someone does something... really terrible to you -
Creo que es posible que alguien te haga algo realmente espantoso...
Does he really think getting it one day early is gonna give LSU a leg up?
¿ De verdad cree que recibirla anticipadamente le dará ventaja a LSU?
- Does it really matter?
- ¿ Qué importancia tiene?
Well, does he really think we can pull it off?
¿ Piensa que puede lograrlo?
Charles, it is really not my duty to speculate on the mind of God, but it does seem to me that nature is at peace.
Charles, de verdad que no es mi deber especular en nombre de Dios, pero a mí me parece que la naturaleza está en paz.
It doesn't really matter, does it?
No importa.
'Cause it does a really good job of spelling out how these hospital-borne infections have just exploded in the last few years.
Porque explican muy claramente la explosión de los últimos años de estas infecciones hospitalarias.
- Doesn't really work like that, does it? - No, it doesn't.
- en realidad no funciona así, ¿ verdad?
Really? How does it feel to get a "C" in that class?
¿ Y qué sentiste cuando te dieron baja calificación?
I mean, does it really make any difference?
¿ Cuál es la diferencia?
Does it really matter?
¿ Realmente importa?
Why does everybody have a comment? ! It's really ridiculous!
¡ ¿ Todos tienen algo que decir?
I was just offering you something. I think the word'threatened actually applies to you more than it does to me, really.
Creo que la amenaza de más le convenga más a ti que a mí.
- Does it really matter?
-? Realmente importa?
Does it really matter? Huh?
¿ Importa en realidad?
If it gets the job done, does it really matter?
Si logra su objetivo... ¿ importa realmente?
Really? Yes it does
¿ En serio?
And I asked myself, I don't know whether I'm dreaming, but if it wasn't a dream, that means God really does exist, right?
Y todavía me pregunto, no sé si estoy soñando, pero si esto no es un sueño, Dios existe de hecho, ¿ no?
Does it really matter?
¿ Eso de verdad importa?
Does it really matter?
¿ De veras importa?
Except that nothing quite happens by chance, does it? Not really.
¿ Me preguntaba qué tan ocupados estaban en la primavera?
ARTIE : Does it really matter, Mr. Shue?
¿ Es realmente importante, Sr. Shue?
No, it doesn't really sound like a good idea, does it?
No, no suena como una buena idea, ¿ verdad?
Does it really make a difference?
¿ Realmente marca una diferencia?
- Does it really matter? - Yeah.
- ¿ Realmente importa?

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