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It really sucks Çeviri İspanyolca

164 parallel translation
It really sucks.
Apesta de verdad.
I got a new vacuum cleaner, it really sucks.
¿ El colmo de un jardinero? Que Io dejen plantado.
It really sucks.
Es una porquería.
It really sucks.
Es realmente feo.
- Yeah, it really sucks.
- Sí, apesta en serio.
Sometimes working with kids is great, but sometimes it really sucks.
A veces trabajar con niños es genial, pero a veces es una mierda.
" sounds like it really sucks the big one.
Siéntese, por favor.
I want you to remember that what we do here is serious because it really sucks for me always having to be the spoilsport.
Sólo recuerda que nuestro trabajo es serio. No me gusta tener que ser siempre el aguafiestas.
- No, it really sucks, but thanks.
- No, es terrible, pero gracias.
Vaughn, it really sucks. - Well put.
Vaya mierda, Vaughn.
It really sucks.
Eso está horrible.
Because it really sucks.
Porque es una porquería.
It really sucks about your nose.
Realmente él chupo en su nariz.
Yeah, well, it really sucks that you keep things from me.
Si, bueno, es una mierda que me ocultes cosas.
It really sucks here.
Realmente apesta aquí.
It really sucks about'Rage', doesn't it? It really sucks about'Rage', doesn't it?
Apesta lo de Rage, eh
It really sucks. I swear there's not an ounce of artistic integrity I swear there's not an ounce of artistic integrity in this fucking town.
Juro que no queda ni un pedazo de integridad artística en esta jodida ciudad.
It really sucks.
Es una mierda, de verdad.
It really sucks. I had a face-to-face with Paula tomorrow.
Y me jode, mañana tenía un bis a bis con Paula.
It really sucks.
Realmente es un espanto.
This sucks, man. - It really sucks.
Yeah, I gotta imagine it really sucks growing up rich like that.
Sí, imagino que apesta crecer así de rico.
Hey, It really sucks.
Esto es una mierda.
Guys, it really sucks.
Chicos, vaya mierda.
It just goes to show that when the chips are down It just goes to show that when the chips are down and life looks like it really sucks... Xanax!
Eso demuestra que cuando estás deprimido y la vida parece que apesta ¡ Xanax!
It sucks, really.
Es un asco, de verdad.
Sometimes life really sucks, doesn't it?
A veces la vida realmente apesta, ¿ no?
You know, I really hate being underage. It sucks.
Los camiones vienen en la mañana.
It all sucks, really.
La verdad es que es una puta mierda.
Water sucks It really, really sucks
El agua es fea Realmente fea.
Getting surprised really sucks, doesn't it, Jack?
Las sorpresas son pésimas, ¿ verdad, Jack?
I mean, it sucks, you know, living this lie... pretending to be a year younger than I really am.
Es horrible, saben. Viviendo esta mentira, simulando ser un año menor de lo que realmente soy.
And it really sucks going to school.
... ser adolescente apesta y la escuela también.
And I guess that if it's true, then it probably really sucks to be you, because no matter how together you think you are if your fondest desire is to start hanging out with Audrey then chances are, it's not gonna stay that way.
Si todo eso es verdad, no quisiera estar en tu lugar. No importa lo centrado que creas que eres si lo que más deseas es estar con Audrey lo más probable es que eso no suceda.
Pero, es una mierda, no te dan nada.
And the thing that sucks about it is I read those stories, and they're really good and he's never gonna do anything with them.
Se dio por vencido. Lo peor de todo es que leí esos cuentos y son muy buenos y nunca va a hacer nada con ellos.
Which really sucks, by the way but it's true.
Lo cual apesta....pero es verdad.
It rears up and pulls back and sucks up and you really have to find your niche where you can be under that.
aspira... y tienes que encontrar tu lugar para quedar abajo.
look, I've seen Peyton really try to make an effort to turn things around and it just sucks that she got bit the first time she reached out to somebody, you know?
Es una pena que le hicieran daño la primera vez que se acercó a alguien.
Yeah, and it's getting hit on by idiots like you that really sucks.
Sí. Lo malo es que se nos acerquen idiotas como tú.
"Boy, that sucks. " And I'm really sorry it happened to you. "
"Caray, eso es terrible y lamento muchísimo que te pasara a ti".
It really... "sucks".
Realmente es... "una mamada".
It just really sucks.
Pero es penoso.
Yeah. It really sucks. Yeah.
Realmente apesta.
- Yeah. It sucks. - You know, Jerome's is really...
Sí, es pésima.
It just really sucks'cause now I have to get back up on stage and sing for this benefit.
Es terrible porque ahora debo cantar para el beneficio.
I felt that especially speed, which I took rather often then, I have the feeling it really fucks you up. It sucks all the strength out of your body.
Tenía Ia sensación de que, por Io menos el speed, sobre todo, que por entonces consumía mucho, de que te destrozaba y de que te absorbía toda Ia energía del cuerpo.
Really, it's not like this sucks.
En serio, no es que esto apeste.
I Mean, I Did Do This Sketch, Which Is Why It... Really Sucks, But...
Digo, sí hice ese bosquejo, Es por eso que... de verdad apesta, pero...
And the thing that really sucks here, it wasn't like somebody beat us, we beat ourselves.
Lo que apesta es que nadie nos venció, nosotros nos vencimos.
Now if it totally sucks, you can tell me I really didn't write for 5 seconds anyway
Ahora dime que soy una completa cursi

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