It was great Çeviri İspanyolca
7,234 parallel translation
It was great.
Nos reímos. Nos pusimos al día.
Whatever happens in there, Jules, I just want to say that it was awesome being partners again. It was great, wasn't it?
Lo que sea que pase allí, Jules, solo quiero decir fue genial haber sido compañeros de nuevo, fue genial, ¿ cierto?
No, it was... it was great.
¡ Claro! fué... fué genial.
It was great.
Fue genial.
I won it all by dancing. It was great.
¿ Quién diría que bailarías con un cartero?
See, I told you it was great.
Ves, te dije que era genial.
No, no, it was great.
No, no, fue genial.
Oh, it was great.
Fue genial.
It was great, and, um...
Estaba genial, y...
Yeah, I thought it was great they reconnected.
Sí, pensé que era genial que reconectasen. Vaya.
Yeah, it was great.
Sí, fue genial.
It was great, we skied all morning and actually, we went home after lunch, because we had some kind of experience, actually.
Estuvo muy bien, esquiamos toda la mañana y luego... fuimos al cuarto después del almuerzo porque, de hecho, tuvimos cierta experiencia.
- It was great.
- Fue genial.
Michel, it was great to meet you.
Michael, fue un placer conocerte.
It was great that you had the down payment, but the cost to fix it up, make it livable, and the ongoing expenses, upkeep...
Es bueno que hayas juntado el dinero, pero el costo para ponerlo a punto, y el costo de los arreglos
It was great to get to your country, After 10 years, half out.
Era estupendo llegar a tu país, tras 10 anos y medio fuera.
Well, again, it was great knowing you.
Bueno, nuevamente, fue un placer conocerte
So it was a great gift.
Así que era un buen regalo.
It would alleviate what I knew was a great deal of pain, and it would certainly make Colum see me in a more favorable light.
Aliviaría el terrible dolor que sé que debe sentir y haría que Colum me viera de manera más favorable.
It was actually great-great-great grandfather on my mother's side.
En realidad fue mi tatara-tatara-abuelo de la familia de mi madre.
NARRATOR : Is it possible that the story of the great flood is not only true, but that it was caused by extraterrestrials to eradicate a human population that had been genetically contaminated?
¿ Es posible que la historia del gran diluvio no solo sea real, sino que haya sido causada por los extraterrestres para erradicar la población humana que había sido contaminada genéticamente?
A while ago, I was offered a job at the national parks service, and it's a great opportunity, but it means that I'll have to move... to Illinois.
Hace un tiempo, me ofrecieron un empleo en el Servicio de Parques Nacionales, y es una gran oportunidad, pero significa que tendré que mudarme... a Illinois.
Well, it got off to a great start, but when it was my turn to play Words With Friends, it really took me out of it.
¿ Qué piensas, Bill? Bueno, empezó bien pero cuando era mi turno de jugar a Palabras Con Amigos realmente no me gustó.
Susan j? It was a great woman-carrying.
Susan ya era una gran mujer portadora.
In those days the Nouvelle Vague, the? last Godard or Fassbinder It was a great event... and Susan was the first to be there? .
En aquellos días, la Nouvelle Vague, el último Godard o Fassbinder fue un gran evento... y Susan fue la primera en estar allí.
It was a great night for everybody.
Ha sido una gran noche para todo el mundo.
I'm not sure it was such a great idea to eat all this greasy pizza before we hold hands.
No sé si ha sido una gran idea comer toda esta pizza grasienta antes de cogernos de la mano.
I'm glad I ended up doing it'cause it was a great experience, and it was a great movie.
Me alegro de que terminara haciéndolo porque fue una gran experiencia, y fue una película genial.
You know, in hindsight, it was a great decision.
Viéndolo ahora, fue una gran decisión.
So, I was thinking, you know, as great as it is to have the whole gang back together again, why don't you and I have a date night?
Estaba pensando que aunque es genial... tener a todo el grupo unido de nuevo, ¿ por qué no salimos tú y yo solos esta noche?
It's just that, um, well, you see, that NYADA has been so great dealing with the Funny Girl schedule, so I was just hoping that we could maybe return the favor.
Es solo que, bueno, NYADA se ha portado tan bien, ajustándose al horario de Funny Girl, así que esperaba que tal vez podamos devolver el favor.
The apartment across the hall from nathan's was great, But he convinced me it was too expensive.
El apartamento al otro lado del pasillo del de Nathan era genial, pero él me convenció de que era demasiado caro.
I was just researching surrogacy, and they say that once you choose a great candidate, it can take up to three years before you have a baby in your arm.
Estaba investigando acerca de vientres de alquiler, y dicen que una vez que eliges una gran candidata, puede tardar hasta tres años antes de que tengas un bebé en tus brazos.
It... it was a great responsibility, which I-I took very seriously.
Fue... fue una gran responsabilidad, que yo-yo tomé muy en serio.
Well, it seems her great escape was of a more permanent nature.
Bueno, parece que su gran escapada fue una de naturaleza más permanente.
Sure, it was a great idea to open a restaurant ten years ago.
Claro, fue una gran idea abrir un restaurante hace diez años.
Yeah, it was great.
Sí, estuvo genial.
It was a really great night for the dancers.
Fue una gran noche para las bailarinas.
Yeah, it was really great.
Sí, en verdad fue genial.
Okay, it was my great-great-grandmother's, and it's the only thing that the Burkes pass down from one generation to the next.
Bueno, esto era de mi bisabuela, y es la única cosa que los Burkes pasan de una generación a otra.
It was... Pretty great once.
Fue... bastante genial en un momento.
It was the great depression that made Hitler possible.
Lo que hizo posible a Hitler fue la gran depresión.
He had no doubt that the United States would defeat Germany and Japan, but it was gonna be a long haul, and it would cost a great deal in money and lives.
No tenía la menor duda de que los Estados Unidos iría en contra de Alemania y Japón, pero que iba a ser un largo recorrido, y que le costaría mucho en dinero y vidas.
Churchill was proved right about the Nazis, and that's what transformed him to a great wartime leader, and it was in war that he proved his leadership credentials.
Churchill se dio la razón acerca de los nazis, y eso es lo que lo transforma en un gran líder en tiempos de guerra, y fue en la guerra que él demostró sus credenciales de liderazgo.
At one point, they had me tied into a chair, and it was a great opportunity to see that Ryan Hardy is not only dedicated and driven. Do it.
Ashmore : I end up in a room with Joe Carroll behind bulletproof glass, and it was a great scene because he's grilling Ryan for the details of why he puts himself in these positions, why he's always around death.
Acabo en una habitación con Joe Carroll tras un cristal a prueba de balas, y fue una escena genial porque interrogando a Ryan sobre los detalles de por qué se pone en esas situaciones, por qué siempre está rodeado de muerte.
It was a really great moment.
Es un gran momento.
She's a great lady, and I really respect her, but it was just... it was all kinds of wrong.
Es una gran mujer y la respeto mucho, pero solo fue... fue un cúmulo de errores.
And knowing that do not? my son It was a great stab...
Y saben que no es mi hijo Fue una gran puñalada...
Yeah, I told her I thought it was a great idea.
Si, le dije que creo que fue una buena idea.
It was a time of great drought in Niger, 1973.
Fue una época de gran sequía en Niger, el año 1973.
it was great to see you 35
it was great to meet you 21
it was great meeting you 22
it was great seeing you 36
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was great to meet you 21
it was great meeting you 22
it was great seeing you 36
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was a mistake 473
it was beautiful 226
it was good 635
it was a 305
it wasn't hard 37
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it wasn't fair 35
it was nice 232
it was beautiful 226
it was good 635
it was a 305
it wasn't hard 37
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it wasn't fair 35
it was nice 232