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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ K ] / Knew him

Knew him Çeviri İspanyolca

8,915 parallel translation
~ I really knew him.
- Realmente lo conocía.
He knew him from the old neighborhood.
Lo conocía del antiguo vecindario.
You knew him better than anyone else.
Tu lo conocías mejor que nadie
So they knew him.
Así que lo conocían.
W... y-you knew him?
¿ Lo conociste?
I believe you knew him.
Creo que le conocía.
I knew him really \ / \ / ell.
Lo conocía muy bien.
- Ibrahim Khayed, you knew him.
- Ibrahim Khayed, ¿ lo conocía?
None of us knew him, Maureen.
Ninguno le conocíamos, Maureen.
I only knew him as'Denizci'- -'sailor'in Turkish'.
Sólo lo conocía como'Denizci','marinero'en turco.
So you knew him, and yet I don't detect the slightest bit of remorse.
Lo conocías, y aún así no detecto... el más mínimo remordimiento.
She barely knew him.
Ella apenas lo conocía.
You knew him before this?
¿ Lo conocía antes de esto?
Did it seem like she knew him?
¿ Parecía que le conocía?
- Yes, but you knew him.
- Sí, pero lo conocías.
I never really knew him before.
La verdad nunca lo conocí bien.
Everything I thought I knew about him is fake.
Todo lo que pensaba sobre el es falso
He hopped in his car, and... and sped off, and I got in my rental and I followed him,'cause I knew. I knew what he was...
El subió a su coche y salió a toda velocidad, y me metí en el coche de alquiler y lo seguí porque yo sabía, sabía lo que iba..
If I knew he was heir to the throne of Urkesh, you think I would have poisoned him, like a woman?
Si sabía que era heredero al trono de Urkesh, ¿ cree que lo habría envenenado, como una mujer?
He had gone to his Father's house, and he knew and expected me to find him there. Listen.
Se habia marchado a la casa de su Padre, y sabia, esperaba que lo encontrara alli.
Notre Dame stadium holds 80,000 people, so tl'/ at's times two, 160,000 people knew Where this guy was before the Notre Dame Security Police could find him.
El estadio de Notre Dame tiene un aforo de 80.000 personas, multiplicado por dos, significa que 160.000 personas sabían dónde estaba antes de que la policía de Notre Dame pudiera hallarlo.
I knew we should have told him right when I told you guys.
Sabía que debimos decírselo cuando se los conté.
Even if he knew, I doubt torture would get it out of him.
Incluso si lo sabe, dudo que la tortura lo haga hablar.
If he knew that I watched the show without him, it would break his heart.
Si él sabía que yo observé el show sin él, le rompería el corazón.
And it's especially disconcerting, because I knew that he had this in him.
Y es especialmente desconcertante, porque sabía lo que tenía.
And Sean was a mess, and I didn't know what would happen to him if I left him, and I knew that if I stayed with him, that we would both drown.
Y Sean era un desastre, y no sabía que le pasaría si le dejaba, y sabía que si me quedaba con él ambos nos íbamos a ahogar.
He knew that you were lying to the judge when you asked to go and live with him.
Sabía que estabas mintiendo al juez cuando le pediste irte y vivir con él.
Because there's no way you would have let your daughter marry him once you knew what he was up to, right?
Porque no había manera de permitir que su hija se casara con él una vez que supo en qué estaba metido, ¿ verdad?
When I saw him coming down the stairs, I knew it wasn't over.
Cuando vi que bajaba, sabía que no había acabado.
I knew the case for murder was never gonna make, but I'd be damn sure he went down for something, so I dumped everything I had on him.
Sabía que no tendríamos un caso por asesinato... pero estoy seguro que por algo caería... entonces tiré todo lo que tenía sobre él.
Forsberg knew that I spied on him.
Forsberg sabía que yo miraba detenidamente.
Probably happened so damn fast, he never knew what hit him.
Probablemente sucedió tan rápido que no pudo enterarse de nada.
She thought the world of him, but she wouldn't have done if she had known the things I knew about him.
Bebía los vientos por él, pero no lo hubiera hecho si hubiera sabido lo que supe de él.
You knew she was seeing him?
¿ Lo sabías?
When the Wi-Fi intrusion on the planes connected to the credit cards, I knew it was him.
Cuando la intrusión Wi-Fi de los aviones... se conectó con las tarjetas de crédito, supe que era él.
I was pretty sure he knew I knew. But I decided one time to just confront him.
Creo que él sabía que yo sabía pero un día decidí enfrentarme
He'd only feel confident if he'd knew he'd weakened him.
Solo siente confianza sabiendo que le ha debilitado.
But he came back home, so who knew that, and who would want him dead?
Pero volvió a casa así que, ¿ quién sabía eso y quién le querría muerto?
I know I'm not being very rational, and I know I haven't seen him in a really long time, but... I think about him all the time, and... I knew he was always out there, and now it just feels... empty.
Sé que no estoy siendo muy racional y sé que hacía mucho que no le veía pero... pienso en él continuamente y siempre sabía que estaba ahí y ahora me siento...
I knew it, and I hired him anyway.
Lo sabía y aun así lo contraté.
Like I said I knew I liked him.
Como dije, sabía que me gustaría.
He knew his drinking would get the best of him, which is I think he left me the money.
Sabía que cuando bebía cambiaba por completo por lo que creo que me dejó a mí el dinero.
Something was up with my cousin, but whatever it was, I knew what would snap him out of it.
Algo le pasaba a mi primo, pero sabía que fuera lo que fuera, lo podía despertar de eso.
And he was bearded, but I-I-I knew it was him.
Y se había dejado barba, pero sabía que era él.
Then his body was found, and I knew his past had caught up with him.
Entonces se descubrió su cadáver y supe que su pasado le había alcanzado.
Then his body was found, and I knew his past had caught up with him.
Cuando se encontró su cadáver supe que su pasado le había alcanzado.
We knew we'd be seeing him soon.
Sabíamos que íbamos a él viendo pronto.
[Sighs] Because I knew I could stop him without killing him.
Porque sabía que podía detenerlo sin matarlo.
If you grew up with him, then you knew his name was Mikhail.
Si creciste con él, entonces sabías que su nombre era Mikhail.
- Well, I thought if... if he knew, then he'd realize how much I l-loved him.
- Bueno, pensé que si lo sabía... entonces se daría cuenta de lo mucho que le quería.
He knew we were on to him.
Sabía que íbamos tras él.

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