Look at that face Çeviri İspanyolca
577 parallel translation
Look at that face.
Observa ese rostro.
- Why, look at that face.
- Pero mire esa cara...
- Well, look at that face.
- Mire usted esta otra.
Look at that face. It's wonderful.
Su rostro es magnífico.
Look at that face.
Mire esa cara.
I want you to take a good look at that face.
Para que te fijes bien en esa cara.
Look at that face, ravaged, dissipated, evil.
Fíjate en esa cara, descompuesta, disipada.
Look at that face.
Mira su cara.
But one look at that face, and you just know.
- Pero al mirarlos a la cara se sabe.
Look at that face.
Mira esa cara.
Look at that face.
Mira qué cara.
No, just one look at that face, and I got out of there as fast as I could.
No, nada más ver ese rostro salí de allí tan aprisa como pude.
Just look at that face.
Fíjese en su cara.
'Course I know that would be pretty hard for you to have to look at my face that long.
Aunque sé lo duro que sería para ti ver el mío durante tanto tiempo...
- And to get a look at that snake's face then...
Te diré lo que haré.
Now ladies and gentlemen, just look at that fine young man. A boyish face for his years.
Señoras y señores, miren bien a ese joven, esa cara de niño.
- Look at that distraught face!
- ¡ Mira qué cara!
Don't look at me with that sour face, Bestujhev! But why don't you say something gay?
¡ No me mires con esa carga de amargado, Bestujhev!
Alan, you've only to Look at Kitty's face To know what you're doing To her, to know that she's -
Alan, tan sólo tienes que mirarle la cara a Kitty para saber lo que le estás haciendo, para saber...
Well, now that you've had a good look at my face, how do you like it?
Ahora que ya ha mirado bien mi cara, ¿ qué le parece?
maybe the name is false too don't look at me like that, that won't work anymore with me that innocent look the spots you have in your face one can see them clearly all the dirt, the meanness
¡ A lo mejor el nombre también es falso! No me mires así... eso ya no funciona conmigo. ¡ Esa mirada inocente!
A face that people can look at without being scared to death.
Un rostro que la gente pueda mirar sin aterrarse.
Could they fix my face so that people can look at me?
¿ Podrían arreglar mi cara para que la gente pueda mirarme?
Darling, look at that poor, sweet, tortured face.
Querido, mira ese pobre, dulce y torturado rostro.
Look at her, Mendoza! Maybe this is a face that will haunt you!
¡ Mírela, Mendoza!
He just grins at me with that silly look on his face.
Sólo me sonríe con esa expresión tonta.
I've had to look at that Chapman face all day.
He de estar mirando a Chapman a la cara todo el día.
Nay, an I tell you that, I'll never look you in the face again, but those that understood him smiled at one another and shook their heads, but for mine own part, it was Greek to me.
Si os lo dijera, no volvería a miraros a la cara. Los que lo entendieron se sonrieron y asintieron... pero yo no entiendo el griego.
Look at that little face. - Don't touch him!
- Mira qué cosita más bonita.
I know it's going to be difficult, but you know that in life you need to look at people and things in the face, you can't always run away.
Será difícil, lo sé, pero hay que enfrentarse a las cosas y a la gente, no hay que huir.
It's just that one look at your kindly face, which is so full of fun, good fellowship...
Es que sólo una mirada a tu benevolente cara... tan llena de diversión... compañerismo...
When you're 60, you'll wear a hat like that so men won't look at your face.
A los 60 llevarás un sombrero así para que los hombres no vean tu cara.
Look at that dirty, ugly face.
- Echa un vistazo a esa horrible cara. - Silencio.
Look at that loser with his alcoholic face and grey complexion.
Mira a este perdedor con su cara de alcohólico y aspecto gris.
Look at that beautiful face.
Mire qué hermosa cara.
And what shames me, is that you still look me in the face, and defend me from people like you did at the wedding.
Y lo que me avergüenza es que todavía me mires a la cara y me defiendas de la gente como hiciste en la boda.
Now that's what I mean. Look at your face, Tom.
Ahora es a eso a lo que me refiero.Mire su cara, Tom.
Why, look at that face.
Por qué? , Mire esa cara.
But I have a couple of doubles because the way I look at it is that... he is twice as hard to face as I am.
Peroyo me tomo un par de dobles, porque en mi opinión... él es el doble de dificil de encarar queyo.
Look at that honest face.
Mira esa cara sincera.
In my division it is difficult to meet a fine person like you, who doesn't have a face that hurts to look at.
¿ Qué quiere? Es tan difícil cuando uno es un simple soldado... encontrar a una persona fina como Ud., que no te muestra el desdoro que mereces...
Un rostro que si lo miro bastante me hace pensar, me hace creer que ¡ es una mentira!
- Look at that color on his face.
- Mira qué buen tono tiene la cara.
I'm going to give you that divorce, so you won't have to look at my face any longer.
Voy a concederte el divorcio para que no tengas que verme la cara nunca más.
And here's her picture. Look at that face.
Mira ese rostro.
But martyrdom implies suffering, And if you look at the face of the figure, You will see that it has an expression of deep trance.
Pero el martirio implica sufrimiento, y si te fijas en la cara de la figura, verás que tiene una expresión de profundo trance.
That daddy of mine... i can see him now, the way he used to look at me, his face all squinted up like a persimmon.
Lo estoy viendo ahora, cómo solía mirarme... con los ojos entrecerrados.
For five years you've been a big fat pain in the neck, chasing me around that island... and I told you I never wanna look at that wolfish face of yours again!
Durante cinco años fuiste un latoso, me perseguiste por toda la isla... y te dije que no quería volver a ver tu cara rapaz.
And don't look at me with that crazy face!
No me pongas cara de loco.
And look how cleverly that face is carved so that at the eye, the quartz is exposed. Now, isn't that interesting, hmm?
Y qué ingeniosamente está tallado el ojo para lucir el cuarzo, ¿ no es interesante, hmm?
Don't look at me with that serious face, Doctor.
No ponga cara seria, doctor.
look at me 7366
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look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
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look at that 4253
look at your face 75
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look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at your face 75
look at yourself 268
look at us 558