No and no Çeviri İspanyolca
848,740 parallel translation
When someone whose job it is to nurture you hurts you instead, it-it can't help but have a profound and-and lasting effect on your sense of who you are.
Cuando alguien cuyo trabajo es criarte te lastima en su lugar, no puede sino tener un efecto profundo y duradero en tu sentido de identidad.
And it is important for it not become a burden to us.
Y es importante que no se convierta en una carga.
Má's father passed away, so there was no other grandpa and there were eight grandmas at the table.
El padre de su madre murió y no había otro abuelo y había ocho abuelas en la mesa.
This climate was sort of evident and he didn't hide his discontentment.
Ese clima era evidente y él no escondía su desagrado.
She said : "I think I have some skirts and dresses here for you that I no longer wear."
Dijo : "Creo que tengo unas faldas y unos vestidos para ti que yo ya no me pongo".
She is not just a person I want to appease and to make sure she feels comfortable.
No es una persona a la que quiero tranquilizar y que se sienta cómoda.
The baseboard is falling to pieces and I still haven't sorted it out.
Los rodapiés se han caído y no los he arreglado.
And then, when I saw myself, I couldn't believe it.
Y cuando me vi, no me lo podía creer.
And I came to the conclusion that I don't.
Y llegué a la conclusión de que no.
When I started this transition, I knew I would not become a woman, in the sense of changing my genitals and being born again.
Cuando empecé esta transición, sabía que no me convertiría en mujer en el sentido de cambiar los genitales y volver a nacer.
So, what I felt was happiness at being able to exercise this freedom, and being able to take this journey and broaden my borders, to the point that I don't need it anymore.
Y lo que sentí fue una gran alegría por poder ejercer esa libertad y la posibilidad de hacer ese viaje y ampliar mis fronteras hasta el punto de no necesitarlo más.
I don't need to be in somebody else's country and not mine.
No necesito estar en el país de los demás.
And that's not how it goes.
Y no es así.
Specifically in the girlfriends and women that were objects of my desire, breasts were not exactly special items to me.
Específicamente, en las novias y mujeres a las que deseé, los pechos no eran precisamente algo especial.
I don't know, I might take it there and it might disappear.
No sé, quizá me lo llevo allí y desaparece.
To the point where I apologize and say, "Look, I can't do it."
Hasta el punto de pedir perdón y decir : "Mira, no puedo".
I know I don't need it, and I know that I can.
Sé que no lo necesito. Sé que puedo.
For example, the idea that there is a transvestite and transgender identity which is undeniable and verifiable by certain signals and which has the power to exclude those who do not fit.
Por ejemplo, la idea de que hay una identidad travesti y transexual innegable y verificable por determinadas señales y que tiene el poder de excluir a los que no encajan.
And the guy said, "These dresses are all one size, there aren't different sizes, they are made in China."
Y el chico dijo : "Esos vestidos son talla única, no hay diferentes tallas, está hecho en China".
I was trying to get on and I couldn't, there were too many people.
Estaba intentando entrar, pero no he podido, había mucha gente.
Because a lot of them have undertaken sex reassignment surgery and consider themselves on a higher rank than those who haven't.
Porque muchos de los que se someten a una reasignación quirúrgica se consideran superiores a los que no.
If I understand, more and more, that the gender issue is supposed to be addressed as a cultural construct, not as something created by God,
Entiendo cada vez mejor que esa cuestión de género debería tratarse como una construcción cultural. No fue creado por Dios.
Yes and no.
Sí y no.
I am not sure if I fell in love and wanted a relationship, or if the idea of having one...
No estoy segura de si me enamoré y quería una relación, o si era la idea de tener...
And sometimes you see yourself inside of it and you don't know who you're with very well.
Y a veces te ves ahí y no sabes con quién estás.
It was 2017, it was ebony, not black, and that would've been Willie Nelson, so watch your mouth.
Era modelo 2017, era ébano, no negra, y seguro era Willie Nelson, así que cuidado con lo que dice.
And it'll show Wynonna that we're here for her, right?
Y le mostrará a Wynonna que nosotras estamos para ayudarla, ¿ no?
And it's only going to get worse for you if you don't decide to help me.
Y solo se pondrá peor para ti si no decides ayudarme.
And... I wasn't sleeping with Wynonna's baby daddy, so...
Y yo no estaba durmiendo con el padre del hijo de Wynonna, así que...
We can't turn traitor and blow the whole thing to shit?
¿ No podremos traicionarnos y arruinarlo todo?
Yeah, and you're not entirely human.
Y no eres del todo humano.
Not you and me.
Tú y yo no.
It also appears she often wore a shoulder holster, and note her hairstyle- - it's off the neck, and she's not wearing any earrings.
También parece que a menudo usa una funda de hombro, miren su peinado, sujeto arriba del cuello, y no usa pendientes.
I got a whole lot of evidence against SBK's rank and file. But nothing on the leadership, the big rollers,'cause I have no access.
Tengo muchísima evidencia contra los miembros de los ASB, pero nada contra los líderes, los peces gordos, porque no tengo acceso.
I heard a guy had him strangle his ex-wife, and another guy had him run over his business partner, and the police didn't look at him in either case.
Oí que estranguló a la exesposa de un tipo y otro tipo le pidió atropellar a su socio de negocios, y la policía no lo investigó en ninguno de los casos.
Dr. Eriyo is not answering the phone given to him by the producers of the show that he and Chief Vlasik were participating in.
El Dr. Eriyo no responde el teléfono que le dieron los productores del programa en el que él y la jefa Vlasik estaban participando.
Not just gameplay, but also video from a meet and greet, where the players went over the rules, got to meet one another.
No solo del juego, sino también un video de un evento de bienvenida donde los jugadores repasaron las reglas, se conocieron entre ellos.
So as far as they're concerned, he's free and clear, and they don't want him back.
Por lo que a ellos concierne, está libre de culpa y no lo quieren de regreso.
And he wasn't a match for the trace DNA evidence we found under Veah's fingernails.
Y no coincidió con el rastro de evidencia de ADN que encontramos debajo de las uñas de Veah.
I was told if I did not follow orders, my father would be killed, and my mother and sister suffer even worse fates.
Me dijeron que si no seguía las órdenes, matarían a mi padre, y mi madre y mi hermana sufrirían destinos incluso peores.
Theoretically, by a rival, and no one was ever arrested.
En teoría, un rival, y nadie fue arrestado jamás.
Not dissimilar to what happened between Vlasik and Righetti, but on a massive scale.
No muy distinto de lo que pasaba entre Vlasik y Righetti, pero a escala masiva.
And, even if she had, it wouldn't have mattered.
Y, aunque lo hubiera hecho, no habría importado.
The final details are almost done, I agreed to a... $ 10 million fine, no jail time, I step down as CEO of Alpha Hawk and start my retirement.
Los últimos detalles están casi listos, accedí a... una multa de diez millones de dólares, sin pena de cárcel, renuncio como director ejecutivo de Alpha Hawk y comienzo mi jubilación.
No, looks like they wanted to secure Washburn's cooperation first, and kept everything under wraps.
No, parece que querían asegurarse primero la cooperación de Washburn y mantener todo en secreto.
and now 4728
and now you know 21
and now look at you 30
and now you 88
and now you're here 41
and now i know 37
and now i do 31
and now we're here 21
and now it's your turn 20
and now they're gone 21
and now you know 21
and now look at you 30
and now you 88
and now you're here 41
and now i know 37
and now i do 31
and now we're here 21
and now it's your turn 20
and now they're gone 21
and now it's over 33
and now i have 21
and now he's dead 107
and now here you are 25
and now you're back 23
and now this 217
and now what 91
and now he's gone 75
and now it's too late 24
and now here i am 28
and now i have 21
and now he's dead 107
and now here you are 25
and now you're back 23
and now this 217
and now what 91
and now he's gone 75
and now it's too late 24
and now here i am 28