Older brother Çeviri İspanyolca
1,410 parallel translation
Older brother, I have brought you back your son.
Hermano mayor, te he traído a tu hijo de vuelta.
Perhaps my older brother sees the wisdom of this new hunting ground.
Quizá mi hermano mayor vea la sabiduría de estas nuevas tierras de caza.
He's my older brother.
Es mi hermano mayor.
Couple of opportunists, looking after his older brother.
Un par de oportunistas que cuidan a su hermano mayor.
Almost two years ago now, Junior's older brother, Anton, was killed, and it's been confusing and hard for me and for Junior.
Hace casi dos años el hermano mayor de Junior, Anton, fue asesinado, y ha sido confuso y difícil para mí y para Junior.
Well, why don't you ask Tom about his older brother Richie?
Pregúntale a Tom de su hermano mayor Richie.
This he is my older brother, KC.
Este es mi hermano mayor, KC.
That's why I can't be no older brother, man. Just too much stress.
Por eso no puedo ser hermano mayor, es demasiado estrés.
whatever comes to my older brother I don't want a mild sentence from your angle, I am just guilty as he is is there anything more that you wish to add?
lo mismo que a mi hermano, no quiero una sentencia blanda para usted, soy tan culpable como él. quiere añadir algo más?
the chairman of the people's court will arrive here from Berlin tomorrow he will make you forget about this non-sense you just said, young lady he will make you and your older brother feel sorry for what you did
el Jefe del Tribunal vendrá mañana desde Berlín. le hará olvidar esa tontería jovencita hará que usted y su hermano se arrepientan de lo que han hecho.
my older brother once said that we need to be tough and yet compassionate
mi hermano dijo una vez que debemos ser fuertes y compasivos.
He just needs an older brother.
Solo necesita un hermano mayor.
Older brother of Mel.
Hermano mayor de Mel.
- My older brother.
- Mi hermano mayor.
He admires his older brother very much.
Admira a su hermano mayor mucho.
The boy's older brother and his mom were raped before they, too, were shot.
El hermano mayor del niño y se violó a su mamá antes de que ellos también fueron fusilados.
This belonged to my older brother.
Este pertenecía a mi hermano mayor.
My older brother was in that group.
Mi hermano mayor estuvo en ese grupo.
Your older brother... is enjoying life over there.
Tu hermano mayor... esta allá gozando de vida.
"Gerald finally sent the constrictor packing, then turned to his older brother, " who was whimpering with fear, cornered by the jaguar. "
Gerald envió a la constrictor a paseo y fue junto a su hermano, que sollozaba de miedo acorralado por el jaguar. "
Like I won't compete with my older brother anymore, despite the way Father raised me.
Así como no voy a pelearme mas con mi hermano mayor, a pesar de como mi padre me crió.
Older brother jumps in to save her.
El hermano mayor saltó para salvarla.
Not being somebody's older brother anymore.
No siendo el hermano mayor de alguien nunca más.
Any word on the older brother?
¿ Algo sobre el hermano mayor?
Well, uh, my older brother lives here. He's got this great apartment in the Village.
Bueno, mi hermano vive aquí tiene un apartamento en el Village
Looks like the older brother came home, found the little brother kissing his woman and slapped the black off him.
Parece como si el hermano mayor llegase a casa, encontrara al menor besando a su mujer y le quitara la negrura de golpe.
I had an older brother who gave his life in Vietnam.
Yo tuve un hermano mayor que perdió la vida en Vietnam.
Henry Yellen is Darrell Yellen's older brother.
Henry Yellen es el hermano mayor de Darrell Yellen.
I was his brother, his older brother.
Yo era su hermano, su hermano mayor.
Who still seeks the approval of his older brother, whether his older brother likes it or not.
Que aún busca la aprobación de su hermano mayor ya sea que a su hermano le guste o no.
What about his older brother?
¿ Y su hermano mayor?
Older brother. - Hi.
Dean, el hermano mayor.
Older brother of our prime suspect, karen reynolds.
Hermano mayor de nuestra sospechosa principal, Karen Reynolds.
Have you considered the possibility that since you're the older brother you harbor resentment towards him for usurping Mommy's love and attention?
Ya pensaste en la posibilidad de, por ser el mas grande tu rencor hacia el.. ... puede ser porque el te robo la atención de tu madre?
The older brother drowns, dumbass.
El hermano mayor se ahoga, estúpido.
Older brother's doing time for manslaughter.
El hermano mayor está en la cárcel por asesinato.
George is the older brother, and they thought he'd be a better guardian, in case anything happened.
George es el hermano mayor, y pensaron que sería un tutor mejor, si algo ocurría.
That he gave bad advice to his older brother?
¿ Que diera un mal consejo a su hermano mayor?
Thanks to you, our older brother ended up like this.
Por tu culpa, mi hermano ha quedado así.
I guess the older brother can handle this the best.
Supongo que su hermano mayor es el que mejor maneja estas situaciones.
So they dragged me and my... They dragged me and my older brother...
Así que me trajeron a mí y a mi hermano mayor...
Well, I mean, my older brother Randy has got the high score but I'm good.
Mi hermano mayor Randy tiene el récord, pero yo soy bueno.
The kid's older brother owes Truelove money and Johnny's holding him like a marker or something, until he gets paid.
El hermano mayor del chico le debe dinero a Truelove... y Johnny lo tiene secuestrado hasta que le pague.
[Scoffs] Well, we could hardly be expected to take on his older brother as well.
No podian esperar que tambien nos quedaramos con su hermano mayor.
Your own older brother?
¿ Tu propio hermano mayor?
No, that was his older brother.
No, ese era su hermano el que iba dos cursos por encima nuestro.
And they see us very much as like a father figure... or maybe an older-brother figure.
Y ellos nos ven tanto como como una figura paterna... O quizá una figura de un hermano mayor.
I'm Ricky's older brother. And I'm watchin'that shit-face asshole... because I know he's- - he's molestin'Ricky the same way he molested me. - Yeah.
- Soy el hermano mayor de Ricky.
Even if your brother is still young, one day he will be older...
Tu hermano todavía es joven, pero un día será...
It's his older brother.
Es su hermano mayor.
Larry, my brother... only two years older than me, was a boy with a mission.
Larry, mi hermano, sólo dos años mayor que yo, era un chico con una misión.
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brotherhood 38
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