Play along Çeviri İspanyolca
970 parallel translation
So you won't play along with us.
Conque no nos ayudarás.
Don't be so innocent, Lou. You're talking to a man who knows you... and is willing to protect you if you play along with him.
Estás hablando con alguien que te conoce bien... y quiere protegerte si cooperas con él.
"You play along with him and string along with me."
Haga como que parece estar de acuerdo con él.
I told'em I'd play along if they lowered prices, cut down expenses and broadcast.
Les dije que participaría si bajaban los precios, reducían los gastos y el programa.
Listen, Stooly, I had to play along with you, I had to play along with everybody trying to get one tiny little lead on where that kid is, but you can't wring any more out of me, do you understand?
Oiga, Stooley, tuve que jugar según sus normas, según las normas de todos, para encontrar una pequeña pista del paradero de esa niña, pero ya no me va a exprimir más, ¿ entendido?
No one's going to get shot for a creep like that. - He was forced to play along.
No vamos a hacernos acribillar por esa basura.
If you'll take my advice, you'll play along with things just as they are.
Si aceptas mi consejo, le seguirás la corriente.
You think the king will play along?
¿ Le seguirá el juego el rey?
We'll see whether the king will play along.
Ya veremos si el rey le sigue el juego
If you know what's good for you, you'll play along with me.
Si sabe lo que le conviene, ayúdeme.
It would pay you to play along with us.
Si colaboras, saldrás ganando.
She does. How'll we get it if I don't play along?
¿ Cómo conseguirlo si no le sigo el juego?
Play along with me, and one day I'll let you make me custom-made suits.
Acepta, enano, y pronto me harás trajes a la medida.
Until I find out what's going on, I've just gotta play along.
Hasta averiguar qué ocurre, les seguiré la corriente.
I was willing to play along with you,
¿ Estás dudando del honor familiar?
I suppose there's something there, but I'll play along.
Supongo que hay algo allí, pero te seguiré el juego.
Certainly, but we have made a commitment and if we don't play along..
Cierto, pero hemos contraído un compromiso y si no interpretamos...
And in the meantime I play along with the twins.
Mientras tanto seguiré con las gemelas.
I know a justice of the peace who will play along.
Conozco a un juez de paz que cooperará.
With you, Joe. I'll play along.
Contigo, Joe... yo voy.
I said I'd play along with you, Joe.
Ya te dije que te seguiría, Joe.
You're just going to give in, play along, just let their idiotic rules stand.
Vas a rendirte y seguirles el juego. Dejarás que subsistan reglas estúpidas.
I don't play along, but what can one person do?
No sigo ningún juego, pero ¿ qué puedo hacer?
- You're wrong. You're gonna take the rap and play along.
- Diré que eres la culpable.
I'll play along with you.
Jugaré con usted.
We'll play along.
- ¿ Qué vamos a hacer?
I'll play along with these jokers until I can grab what they owe me.
Seguiré con estos payasos hasta que me las arregle para que me paguen lo mío.
I'll play along with you.
Voy a seguirle el juego.
You're smart, you'll play along with me.
Si son listos, jugarán mi juego.
If I were you, Margaret, I'd play along with him.
En tu lugar, Margaret, yo le seguiría la corriente.
Thanks very much. I'll play along the way I am.
Muchas gracias, pero yo juego a mi manera.
You run along and play.
Vete y juega.
Run along and play now.
Ve a jugar.
Now, if you boys'll excuse us, we'll run along and play a little football.
Ahora, si nos disculpáis, vamos a jugar un partido de fútbol.
I have to run along to the meeting, but I'll be back. Will you play me some more music?
Tengo que ir para la reunión, pero volveré ¿ Tocaría más un poco de música?
Does it play or is it just along for the ride?
¿ Funciona o sólo es para navegar?
Arthur, come along. They want you to play.
Ven Arthur, quiero que juegues.
Run along home and play with your dolls... and don't follow me anymore.
Vete a casa a jugar con tus muñecas y deja de seguirme.
Well, run along and play.
Bien, vete a jugar.
- Listen, fellas you starved and robbed me, and I went along with you because I thought I owed it to the play.
- Escuchen. Me mataron de hambre, me robaron y cooperé porque se lo debía a la obra.
You'd better run along and play with Little Chief.
Ve a jugar con Jefe Pequeño.
They're going to play a schottische. Come along.
La orquesta va a tocar algo alegre.
Play-acting isn't your strong point, Octavia but whoever you may be, let's go down the slide just once, the whole life's a slide anyway, come along
¡ Claro que eres Octavia! ¡ Pero quien quiera que seas, ven conmigo al tobogán! ¡ La vida es un tobogán!
I'll bring along my guitar, play us some music.
Llevaré mi guitarra y tocaré música.
Just play along with him...
¡ Nada!
I sing and play guitar, but I'll do whatever work comes along.
Yo canto y toco la guitarra, pero haré cualquier cosa.
Farley goes along, or I don't play.
O también viene Farley o no hay trato.
Now, run along home and play somewhere else so it'll be quiet.
Vayan y jueguen en otro lugar para que no haya ruido.
We're going by to play some handball, uh, you better come along.
Vamos a jugar un partido de pelota. Venga con nosotros.
Now you run along and play in the summer house.
Ahora vete a jugar a la casa de verano.
This is it : "The rumor along Schubert alley is that Myra Hudson, the San Fransisco heiress " who needs another hit the way Rockefeller needs another million, "is rumored to have her best play yet in" Half way to Heaven ".
Escuchad : "Corre el rumor de que Myra Hudson, la rica heredera, que tiene tanta necesidad de un éxito como Rockefeller de un millón, ha escrito su mejor obra con" Destino, el séptimo cielo ".
along 146
along the way 24
along with 58
play the game 51
play with me 42
play video games 16
play nice 84
play dead 29
play it 135
play it again 120
along the way 24
along with 58
play the game 51
play with me 42
play video games 16
play nice 84
play dead 29
play it 135
play it again 120